
الاثنين، 30 يناير 2017

التربة: خصائصها وعلاقاتها المكانية بالاستثمار الزراعي بمنطقة (زليتن - الخمس) ...


خصائصها وعلاقاتها المكانية بالاستثمار الزراعي

بمنطقة زليتن - الخمس

رسلة مقدمة استكمالاً لمتطلبات الإجازة العالية (ماجستير)

في الجغرافيا

قسم الجغرافيا - كلية الآداب

جامعة السابع من أبريل (الزاوية)

إعداد الطالب

أبوبكر عبدالله الحبتي


أ.د. عبد الرزاق محمد البطيجي 

 أ.د. خالد رمضان بن محمود

2003 م 


  This study is entitled as (Soil: Its Properties and Spatial Relations with the Agricultural Investment in the Area of AlKhums – Zliten) as the problem of the study is represented in the contrast of the agricultural investment in the area of the study. The hypothesis of the study was to interpret the local contrast of the agricultural investment in the light of its correlation with the local contrast in the soil properties in the area of the study Al-Khums – Zliten, between the longitudes 14° 5` and 14° 45` to east and between the latitudes 32° 15` and 32° 45` approximately to north.

  The study employed a quantitative descriptive method into steps, supposing the problem of the research and a hypothesis to solve the problem using the analysis in a way that the correctness of the hypothesis through using cartographic and quantitative techniques is verified. Some of which belong to the soil for which the two maps : soil classification and land capability classification , of a scale 1:200000. They were prepared in 1980 by Selkhoz Prom Export - USSR as a base to produce our maps that were prepared relying on Geographical Information System (GIS) and a scanner for obtaining information. Through the use of the scanner, it was possible to store the data of the soil in the database, which helped to get all that relating to the study area after the geo referencing. That made it possible to use Arc Info software for digitalising the map. The UTM System was used on the prepared maps. After that, the symbols and signs were put in the program of mapping. All that helped producing the final digitalised form of the maps.

  Following to that comes the stage of producing the interpretive maps for which the digitalised map of soil classification were used to. The latter were employed in the determination of the classifying units of the soil in the area of the study. The soil properties data were extracted from the soil survey report attached to the original maps of soil classification which facilitated the conversion of the classifying unit of the soil on these maps into interpreting units. For the purpose of producing the interpretive maps we depended on the software of the geographical information (Arc View and Arc Info) and the criteria showed in Appendix (3). The maps are : soil salinity, sodium contents, Texture of surface layers, calcium carbonates content, and the content of the total nitrogen. 

   Other techniques used were devoted for producing the maps of agricultural investment of the land, represented by quantitative and cartographic techniques. For producing these maps, it was depended on the official administrative maps of quarters for which the computer program Corel Draw was used. This program determines the boundaries of each quarter in responding to the commands of colouring used in representing the sets grading that is required for the choropheth maps. This representation employed quantitative techniques in classifying data into sets. The following quantitative model was employed in determining the maximum number of sets, i.e. : (5 * log No. of values in the distribution), provided that it must not be less than three. It was shown that the suitable number of the variables data of the study area is five sets. This has its own significance in making it possible to visual comparing of the maps, on the base of the grading of the sets in the order but not of its own single values. 

  The classification of the data into sets took the nature of the distribution of the data into consideration. It was clear that variables mostly have a positive-skewed distribution which forced us to the use of the logarithmic conversion technique. If the distribution of some data have a negative-skewed distribution, then use the technique of the median. 

  The properties of the soil of the study-area were investigated depending upon the study of Selkhoz Prom Export - USSR in 1980. Eight kinds of soil, different in their properties and distribution were obtained. The first was named as the Reddish Brown Arid Differentiated Soils at abundance of 22.76%, the second the Reddish Brown Arid Differentiated Crust Soils at abundance of 0.58%, the third the Reddish Brown Arid Slightly Differentiated Soils at abundance of 28.39%, the fourth the Reddish Brown Arid Slightly Differentiated Crust Soils at abundance of 5.11%, the fifth the Reddish Brown Arid non-Differentiated Soils at abundance of 1.75%, the sixth the Reddish Brown Lithosols at abundance of 33.37%, the seventh Non-Monolithic Crusts at abundance of 7.76% , and the eighth Hydromorphic Solonchacks at abundance of 0.28%.

   The study showed that all mentioned kinds of soil are non-saline except in a very small area of 0.28%, yet they are non-sodic. The study also showed that all the soils of the study area suffer from poverty in organic materials, nitrogen and phosphorus which could be related to both the dry climate factor and the poverty in vegetation cover . Also the area is poor in the Micronutrients as iron and zinc. Manganese is available in good abundance in some kinds of the soil of the study area. 

    The study showed that the land copability classes of the area is limited to the areas of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th classes . It is to be noted that the areas of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th classes are the best in the sense of the agricultural utilization. The area of the 2nd class is the most excellent while those of the 5th, 6th, and 7th classes are not arable in their present situation. Absolutely there is no existence of the 1st class of the land in of the study-area. 

   The visual comparison between the agricultural maps and the soil maps shows the following: 

1. Significance of the slightly differentiated soil and differentiated soils for all agricultural variables. 

2. The appearance of some forms of the spatial relations of the variables of other kinds of the soil. 

3. The appearance of different kinds of the soil which degrades the relative significance of the agricultural variables. 

  This shows the reality of the role of the soil in the local contrast in the agricultural properties in the area of the study. 

  In this way, the hypothesis that the soil and its properties play a role in interpreting the local contrast of the agricultural investment in the area of the study is becoming true. This consolidates the recommendations of the study in that due to the relation with the agricultural investment, the detailed properties of the soil and local nature should be taken into consideration when exerting any effort aiming at putting plans for the agricultural investment in order to develop the area of the study.



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جيومورفولوجية سهل السندي - رقية أحمد محمد أمين العاني

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