
آخر المواضيع

الخميس، 6 يوليو 2017

التمثيل الخرائطى لسكان العراق بحسب تعداد 1997 ...

التمثيل الخرائطى لسكان العراق

بحسب تعداد 1997

أطروحة مقدمة إلى 

مجلس كلية الآداب - جامعة بغداد

وهي جزء من متطلبات درجة الدكتوراه

فلسفة في الجغرافيا

الجزء الأول

من حسام صاحب حسون آل طعمة

بإشراف الأستاذ المساعد

مصطفى عبدالله محمد السويدي

ذو الحجة 1427 هـ - كانون الأول 2006 م




إقرار المشرف على الرسالة

إقرار لجنة المناقشة


شكر وتقدير


قائمة المحتويات

قائمة الأشكال

قائمة الجداول الملحقة

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للقراءة والتحميل اضغط   هنا

ملخص Abstract

Design of Iraqi population maps for the year 1997


  Maps’ population is considered one of the subjective maps type. This type of the maps need to be modernized continuously because of the ease to follow the changes of this kind of the maps with each statistics of the population because the computer provides the map designer the ability of saving and modernizing immediately. 

   Statistics for 1997 were used to design the maps of Iraqi population, because it was the newest statistics in Iraq till now. The design of the maps is made by computer through merging between Corel-Draw and Arc-View program. 

 The technical classification in representation of population maps of Iraq for the year 1997 has been taken to be more comprehensive and realistic in symbols representative. Thus, the first type of the symbols of this classification had been changed in name from the ( positional dots ) symbols to name it by symbols of free figures ( geometrical and not geometrical ) . The remain of the types are kept their names, i.e. the linear symbols and the symbols of the area. The researcher applied some of the most important population data to represent them by Iraqi population maps, which was exposed in Atlas. The ( relatively geometry ) symbols have been applied to free figures by adding the third : of one-dimensional represented by the types of data columns and the population pyramid. And the relative geometry symbols which have two diminution which represented by the circle and its division and its parts which is represented by half circle and third of the circle and the quarter of it which could be used for comparison the biggest circle area. Also the square and triangle are used for comparison, with entering geometrical symbols of two new dimensions in maps’ designation of Iraqi population which is achieved by the computer and its difficult to be designed in hand. The figure of five sides ( pentagonfigure ) had been applied in a map and figure of octangular had been applied in a map and the figure of eighth star. Map with geometrical symbols have been designed of three dimension (volume symbols) which are represented by ball. 

  The linear symbols which is represented by easy lines that represented the flow of the migration in Iraq is used. Also the area symbols which are represented by the graduation shadow in the maps of the relativity maps and some of the population averages are also used.

  It was clear to the researcher that the ability of using the characteristic accord of the maps, which the geography data systems provided us are not successful with all population, maps and here the accord is limited.

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الفصل الأول مبادئ تصميم الخرائط وعناصره

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الفصل الثالث خرائط السكان 

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الفصل الرابع  تصميم خرائط سكان العراق

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