
الخميس، 27 يوليو 2017

تحليل جغرافي لعمالة الأطفال في مدينة السماوة : دراسة في الجغرافية الاجتماعية ...

تحليل جغرافي لعمالة الأطفال في مدينة السماوة

دراسة في الجغرافية الاجتماعية

أ.م.د. حسين علوي ناصر الزيادي

جامعة ذي قار - كلية الآداب - قسم الجغرافية 

م.م. شاكر عواد ضاحي البركي

المديرية العامة لتربية المثنى

Geographical analysis of the phenomenon of child labor in the city of Samawah 

(A study in social geography) 


  The definition of child labor as all physical effort by the child and affect the physical, psychological and mental health and contrary to basic education and benefit from the weakness promised his ability to defend his rights as exploited as cheap labor alternative for adult work which hinders a child's education and training and change his life and his future does not contribute to their development. Aim of the research is to study the size of the child labor in the city of Samawah, then release them in the demographic characteristics, as well as to identify the social and economic characteristics for workers in the city of Samawah for children It was relying on geographical analytical approach in the study of many of the developments and changes that accompanied the geographical analysis of child labor, as well as quantitative aspects of statistical interest in measuring the level of child labor. 

  The research shows that child labor is concentrated in the central region by sector (36.5%) and less in small greenhouses sector by (7.8%), while labor markets are spread by (40.9%) and less than workers at other areas by ( 14.8%) are frequent in males by up to (90.4%), and goes down when the female to reach (9.6%), it showed the study issued reason of poverty and help the family financially by (53.9%), for the causes of child labor Aldrash.kma in the study area showed that most child labor from the owners of random housing because of the low level of income for them. 

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