
الثلاثاء، 8 أغسطس 2017

تغير النمو والتوزع السكاني في محافظة الزرقاء 1961 - 2004 م ...

تغير النمو والتوزع السكاني في محافظة الزرقاء

1961 - 2004 م


شريف عيسى درويش المجالي


أ.د. موسى عبدة سمحه

قدمت هذه الرسالة استكمالاً لمتطلبات الحصول على درجة

الماجستير في الجغرافيا بكلية الدراسات العليا 

الجامعة الأردنية

حزيران 2005

Changing Population Growth and Distribution in Zarqa Governorate 


Sharif Issa Darwish Al-Majali

Prof. Musa Abboudeh Samha 


  This study deals with population changes in Zarqa Governorate in terms of population size, density, growth in the urban areas of the governorate, and to the changing distribution. The study attempted to highlight the relationship between population distribution and distribution of the economic activities and the public services in the governorate. 

  This study also explains the elements of growth, including natural increase and migration. In addition, it studies the attitudes of the growth and its projections until 2030, besides defining the areas of fast growth in the urban areas. 

 This study also deals with the aspects and effects of the growth exemplified in urban primacy and its qualities. It also discusses the concept of "Primate City" and the "rank – size" rule and the application of this rule on the governorate cities during different periods. 

  The study uses the census data from in order to identify the population growth and distribution variations. Several methods were used to identify these variations such as calculating growth rates, drawing the maps of population density, besides locating the center point, and All Rights Reserved - Library of University of Jordan - Center of Thesis Deposit determining the ratio of the population potential. In addition, the simpleregression model was used to measure the influence of some variables on the population density in the governorate. 

  The study concluded the following : the most important reasons for growth were 

1- Migration waves, which affected Zarqa governorate in 1948, 1967 and 1990, and internal migration; 

2- the unequal population distribution due to physical and human factors. The effect of natural increase was clear during 1961-1979; 

3- The rate of natural increase amounted to 3.3% in this period, but its effects have declined during the following periods as a result of the decrease in fertility rates due to the improvement in health care and to the socio-economic changes in Jordan.

 The most significant recommendations stated by this study were the necessity of taking the growth rate and the factors affecting it into consideration by the planners when implementing the infrastructure projects and the socio-economic projects.

  This matter has great importance in connecting the needs of the local society with these projects. In addition, the variables which affected the variation of the population density between the urban areas must be taken into consideration because of their importance in the re-distribution of the services and productive projects. This re-distribution leads to achieving stability and creating an adjustment of the population movement. 

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