
الخميس، 3 أغسطس 2017

المطر والزراعة بالسهل الساحلي بشمال سيناء : دراسة في المناخ التطبيقي (تحميل رسالة الماجستير) ...

المطر والزراعة بالسهل الساحلي بشمال سيناء

دراسة في المناخ التطبيقي

رسالة مقدمة لنيل درجة الماجستير في (الآداب) الجغرافيا

من قسم الجغرافيا - كلية الآداب

جامعة المنوفية

إعداد الطالب

حسن المرسي بهجت المرسي


أ.د. أيملي محمد حلمي حمادة

أستاذة الجغرافيا الطبيعية

 كلية الآداب - جامعة المنوفية


Minufia University 
Faculty of Arts
Geography Department

Rainfall And Agriculture In The Coastal Plain In The North of Sainai
( Astudy in the Applied Climatology )


Submitted for Requirement of The Degree of M.A in Arts ,Geography


Hassan Elmorsy Bahgat Elmorsy


Professor / Dr

Emly Mohamed Helmy Hamada

Professor of Physical Geography

Faculty of Arts

Minufia University


Rain And Agriculture In The Coastal Plain In The North of Sainai


  The Present Study investigates the relationship between precipitation andagriculture on the northern littoral plain of Sinai the study is divided intofive chapters preceded by an introduction and followed by aconclusion .

Chapter one; Examines the geographic characteristics and spatial outlinesof North Sinai , along with their impact on agriculture . these are thesurface geological formations, the geological composition , sand dunes, thesystem of valleys and dams, distribution of the arable are and urban centersand catchments of precipitation water.

Chapter Two;tomatoes [ Winter vegetable crop ] : discusses themeteorological factors influencing rain , including the astronomical andgeographical location , height . forms and directions of the shore ,distribution of air masses atmospheric fronts and depressions , distributionof annual , seasonal and monthly rates of climatological elements in NorthSinai , as represented by the distribution of the rater of temperature,winds,relative humidity and evaporation .

Chapter three; is interested in studying the characteristics and effectiveness of rain , as represented by examining the monthy propertiesof rain, seasonality of rain , peak months of rain , con cent- ration of rain ,rainy days , probability of rainy days , degree of depending on rain ,frequency of rain patterns , prospective predictions and change directionsof rain amounts the chapter also handles the effectiveness of rain byadopting the equations of Lang, Du martone , lois Ambrigie , and Jocobelon the area under study Evapotramspiration power is also studied adoptingEvamov and penman equauions.

Chapter four; handles rain and crop compounds in North Sinai . itinvestigates types of using rain water in agriculture in North Sinai , both surface and underground water . it also examines the types of agriculture based on rain and methods of irrigation , along with the types of soil in North Sinai and crop compound of rain forming . The relationship between the most important climatological factors and the yield of some selectedcrops , such as peach [ horticultural ] barley [ field crop ] , tomatoes [ Winter vegtable crop ] , melon tomatoes [ summer vegtable crop ] hasbeen studied along with the relationship between rain and the crop selected.

Chapter five; investigation rain and agrarian problems . They are divided into natural problems , such as drought, salinity of soil , marching sand dumes and chemical pollution , and human- based problems , such as problems of agricultural operations , problems of irrigation water and problems of the soil. Al-salam canal and its impact on the future of rain forming has been studied .


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