
الخميس، 3 أغسطس 2017

المناخ وآثاره البيئية في جنوبي سيناء: دراسة في جغرافية المناخ التطبيقي - زينب حسانين رزق محمد سلامة - رسالة ماجستير 2016م

المناخ وآثاره البيئية في جنوبي سيناء

دراسة في جغرافية المناخ التطبيقي

رسالة مقدمة لنيل درجة الماجستير في (الآداب)

من قسم الجغرافيا - كلية الآداب

جامعة القاهرة

إعداد الطالبة

زينب حسانين رزق محمد سلامة

المعيدة بالقسم


أ.د. شحاتة سيد أحمد طلبة

أستاذ الجغرافيا المناخية 
و رئيس قسم الجغرافيا
 كلية الآداب - جامعة القاهرة

1437 هـ - 2016 م

‘The Climate And Environmental impacts
in Southern Sinai
"A Study tn Apelied Climatology”

Prepared by
Zeinab Hassanien Rezk Mohammed

An instructor in Cairo University, Faculty of Arts Department of Geography

SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS, Department of Geography - Faculty of Arts - Cairo University

Supervised by

Prof, Dr.: Shehata Sayed Toba

Professor of Physical Geography
Chairman of Geography Deparment
Faculty of Arts - Cairo University.



  Intervention study within Applied climatic geographic area are a single folder, including tables, figures and photographs, where bother studying the impact of climate elements on the environment characteristics, whether natural or vital environment or human environment, has divided the letter into six chapters preceded by an introduction and followed by a Conclusion and supplements and the list of Arab and foreign references, and The following simplified presentation of the contents of the chapters of the letter: 

Chapter One: Regard to this chapter studying the geographical and climatic factors affecting the climate of southern Sinai, was a student he studied the geographical and astronomical site and the nature of the surface and the distribution of dry, water, soil, vegetation, as he studied the depressions air and air masses air Mass, whether tropical or polar jet streams jet streams. 

Chapter Two: Cares of this chapter examining the two elements of solar radiation and temperatures in study - detailed study, where he was studying rates of the number of hours the brightness of the actual sun and increase the number of brightness could be hours and rates of the amount of solar kidney radiation brightness, daily temperature and maximum temperature, temperature Minor and extreme temperatures and absolute minimum and long thermal: (Yearly- season- absolute) and so on throughout the four seasons year average, as might clarify the correlation between temperature and relative humidity to clarify drought and continental degrees. 

Chapter III: This chapter devoted to the study of atmospheric pressure and wind, both terms have been studied distributions atmospheric pressure associated with the rain and its relationship with other climate elements, and the distribution of the annual and quarterly rates of pressure air, as has the study of trends and the speed of the wind spread over the seasons year average, then the student studied the wind The storm and dust storms and sand and the phenomenon of Ajaj. 

Chapter IV: Familiarize the water features in the study area and the most important of evaporation and its relationship with varying maximum temperature, relative humidity, and then we examined the annual rates, quarterly relative humidity, and studied some pictures of condensation in the region forest and clouds, then we studied the precipitation of the most important rain, which show the nature of the rain south Sinai and public distribution of the rains, and the distribution of quarterly rainfall and distribution of number of days of rain occurrence of (rainy days) and focuses rain (the largest amount of rain fell during the day). 

CHAPTER V : Care of this chapter study of climate elements and its impacts on the natural environment characteristics, and was the climate study and some operations geomorphological weathering, landslides and sculpture by the wind and the waves and the phenomenon of the floods, then the study of the relationship of reciprocity between climate characteristics of the vital and the environment in the region, coral reefs and how to choose the places of natural reserves, with the presentation of the most important environmental problems that have climate-entered in the occurrence problem floods and air pollution, water and others. 

Chapter VI: It has been the study of climate relationship and its impact on some human activities in South Sinai, and was the study of climate agricultural activity and craft grazing relationship, as well as the study of its impact on the distribution of construction and knowledge of patterns and used in the planning of buildings The study dealt with so implementing it on the Sharm el-Sheikh, and then paid attention the study to clarify the effect of climate change on industry and resources of mining this besides a demonstration of how the climate impact on roads and transportation in the region, then the student to clarify the correlation between climate and tourism development in South Sinai. 

Conclusion: Comes conclusion to summarize the main points of the search of the scientific results reached by the student with some of the recommendations and suggestions circulating in the scope of the study.

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