Volcaniclastic Aggradation in El Tarr Area, Southeastern
Sinai, Egypt: Petrological and Geochemical Evidence
تراكم فتات الرواسب البركانية في منطقة التار
جنوب شرق سيناء - مصر
الشواهد البترولوجية و الجيوكيميائية
عز الدين عبد الحكيم خلف
قسم الجيولوجيا - كلية العلوم - جامعة القاهرة
الجيزة - جمهورية مصر العربية
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University
JKAU: Earth Sci., Volcaniclastic Aggradation in... vol. 15, pp. 51-96 (2004 A.D. / 1425 A.H.)
Journal : Journal of King Abdulaziz University : Earth Sciences ISSN 1012-8832 Volume: 15; Issue: 1; Start page: 51; Date: 2004;
The Tarr complex forms the southernmost portion of the
Kid Group in the Southeast Sinai Peninsula. This complex consists of
diverse interstratified volcanic and volcaniclastic sedimentary strata
and cogenetic hypabyssal intrusive rocks of Late Proterozoic age. The
occurrence of slightly preserved glass shards and volcanic clasts within
volcaniclastic sediments indicate a narrow time span between eruption
and final deposition by resedimentation. The volcano-sedimentary
sequence of El Tarr area displays a low metamorphic grade and is
nearly undeformed. These volcaniclastic rocks are characterized by
rapid lateral and vertical facies and petrofacies variation. Modal analysis
of these rocks defines a source area comprising mainly volcanic
and intrusive rocks, with no indication of continental detritus or detritus
from exotic sources.
The studied sequence is divided into three stratigraphic intervals on
the basis of the predominant lithosomes in each of the intervals. The
lowermost stratigraphic interval contains metamorphosed felsic pyroclastic
rocks with marble intercalations, continues vertically to mafic
and intermediate volcanic flows, pyroclastic fall and flow deposits
and local interbeds of clast-supported conglomerates, associated with
cross-laminated sandstones with lensoidal layers of tuffaceous mudstones.
These rocks were deposited in a low relief, proximal alluvial
fan volcanic apron environment. The middle stratigraphic interval
consists of thick massive to bedded coarse to medium-grained sandstones
and interbeds of tuffaceous mud/siltstones, with lensoidal beds
of metamorphosed mafic volcanics. Rocks in the middle interval were
deposited in distal alluvial fan volcanic apron environment. The upper
stratigraphic interval contains matrix/clast-supported conglomerates
of mixed sources that were deposited in poorly confined, shallow
proximal braided river channels on a fluvial plain.
Tectonics are perceived to be a major control on the positioning
and long-term evolution of alluvial systems. By increasing slope gradients
through uplift and tilting, or by changing local base-level, incision
can be stimulated leading to a switch in the active area of sedimentation.
The switch from alluvial fan to braided river sedimentation
and the spatially variable patterns of incision into the alluvial
fan bodies can be accounted for by a phase of deformation which affected
the El Tarr volcaniclastic rocks during Late Proterozoic time. A
lack of pedogenic modification throughout most of the channelized
sediments suggests high rates of sedimentation which inhibited soil
development. The whole studied sequence is similar to rock units in
arc-flank volcanic complexes which are interpreted to have accumulated
principally on river flood plain and alluvial fan and local
aeolian environment.
Geologic research in the past decade has focused on the relationships between
volcanism and sedimentation (e.g. Fisher and Smith, 1991). These relationships
are important for better understanding for several reasons. The most significant
aspect of volcanic hazards is the catastrophic sedimentary processes accompanying
and succeeding eruptions. Such processes include debris flows, hyperconcentrated
flows, aggradation of drainage basins, and general disruption of
the hydrologic system in the region surrounding the active volcano. These
hazards may continue for decades after a large explosive eruption. A second
reason for studying sedimentation in volcanic terrains is that volcaniclastic
rocks are often important components of sedimentary basins and can provide
useful information on basin evolution (Fisher, 1984). Finallly, most subaerial
volcanoes form topographic highs that are subsequently eroded away and reworked
by normal surface processes to form volcaniclastic fluvial, lacustrine
and aeolian deposits. Even in these well-preserved young systems, where the relationships
between volcaniclastic deposits and a volcanic vent are clear, careful
documentation of facies characteristics is required to distinguish between primary
deposits and their reworked equivalents (Smith and Katzman, 1991).
Thus, much of the record of volcanism on Earth is recorded in sedimentary successions.
Volcaniclastic layers (VLs) have been extensively investigated in recent
years (Fisher and Schmincke, 1984; Cas and Wright, 1987; Cas and Busby Spera,
1991), since they are the best means available to stratigraphers for longrange
physical and geochronological correlations (Calanchi et al., 1998). Moreover,
they provide information about past volcanic activity. Most of the preserved
ancient VLs, however, were deposited in a marine environment, where
the interaction between volcanic and sedimentary processes may produce a strong convergence of lithofacies among volcanic products of distinct origin,
thus hindering their correct interpretation. For example, primary pyroclastic
products as ash falls, pyroclastic flow and surge deposits may macroscopically
resemble pyroclast-rich detrital sediments that result from epiclastic processes
involving freshly erupted pyroclasts (Cas and Wright, 1987)
The Tarr area (long. 34º21'30" - 34º18'30", and lat. 28º13'30" - 28º11'5") covers
an area of about 36 km2
, near the Gulf of Aqaba. It comprises the southernmost
portion of the Kid Group in the Southeast Sinai Peninsula. The study
area consists of a number of distinct complex tectonic blocks with rocks of different
petrologic classes. It includes all of the volcano-sedimentary units along
the Southern wadi Kid region. The geologic evolution of Kid area was previously
reviewed by many authors (Shimron, 1980, 1983; Reymer, et al., 1984;
Furnes et al., 1985; EL Gaby et al., 1991). Previous works on the stratigraphy
and composition of the volcaniclastic rocks are rather limited. So, the main purposes
of the present investigation are : (a) to document their composition, distribution
and sedimentology; (b) to distinguish between the volcanic and sedimentary
processes that gave origin to these deposits; (c) to suggest a
depositional model for volcaniclastic deposits in the study area.
Geological Background
Wadi Kid area, Southeast Sinai is largely occupied by a volcano-sedimentary
succession intruded by gabbro, granodiorite, younger granite and minor albitite
intrusions. These rocks form a part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield, which extends
over most of NE Africa and Arabia. Moreover, the investigated area is
cross-cut by swarms of mafic and felsic dykes trending in NE-SW direction.
The Kid Group forms a roughly domal structure about 30 × 30 km2 that comprises
four geotectonic formations including Umm Zariq Fm., Malhag Fm.,
Heib Fm. and Tarr Fm. (Fig. 1). The Umm Zariq Fm. is a metasedimentary
sequence, mainly formed by metapelites with some metapsammites. The schistose
metapelites consist of biotite, muscovite, retrograde chlorite and feldspar
along with porphyroblasts of garnet, andalusite, and cordierite, indicating amphibolite
facies of the low-pressure/high temperature (LP/HT) type. The Malhag
Fm. is a metavolcanic sequence (Furnes et al., 1985) containing mainly
schists and minor non-schistose massive equivalents. The schistose metavolcanics
consist of feldspar, quartz, biotite and hornblende, indicating upperamphibolite
facies. The Heib Fm. is a mixed sequence of metasediments and
metavolcanics. Rhyolitic and andesitic volcanics can be recognized. The Tarr
Fm. recorded in the southern parts of the wadi Kid, is dominantly a sedimentary
and volcanic sequence. These rocks display a lower metamorphic grade than the
Umm Zarig and Malhag Fms. and are less deformed. In spite of this, sedi-mentary and volcanic structures and textures are generally unaffected, and delicate
macro/microscopic features such as glass shards, porphyritic fabric, crosslamination
and fining-upward sequence are excellently preserved.
FIG. 1. Generalized geology of the Kid Group (after Shimron, 1980)
Metamorphic grades of the El Kid area range from lower-greenschist to amphibolite
facies with a general trend of increase towards the central and northern
parts of the area. Lower-greenschist facies rocks dominate the southern areas.
Reymer et al.,(1984) calculated a temperature of 700ºC and a pressure of 3 to 4
kbar for the Malhag and Umm Zariq Fms. in the central wadi Kid. Temperatures
of 300ºC and pressures of 2.0 kbar have been deduced for the lowergreenschist
facies rocks in the southeastern part of the complex.
Geochronologically, it can be concluded that deposition of sediments and
volcanics took place between 770 Ma and 650 Ma ago (Priem et al., 1984),
when the metamorphism started. The main amphibolite phase of metamorphism
started at about 620 Ma ago. Pulses of metamorphism and the intrusion of granites
continued till the early Cambrian and were accompanied by the intrusion of
dykes (Ayalon et al., 1987).
Facies Stratigraphy
Lower Interval
The lower interval, which ranges in thickness from 50 to 100 m, is composed
in stratigraphic upward order of metamorphosed pyroclastic rocks with marble
intercalations, volcanic and pyroclastic rocks (~ 70%), conglomerates, sandstones
and locally interbedded tuffaceous mudstones. This interval is best exposed
around wadi Kid and at the entrance of El Tarr. Everywhere in the lower
interval, reworked deposits are subordinate to volcanics and pyroclastics.The Tarr area which occupies the southern part of wadi Kid area, is composed
of moderately indurated volcaniclastic deposits, including volcanics, pyroclastics,
epiclastics, albitite and other intrusive rocks (Fig. 2). The whole succession
is folded into a series of anticlines and synclines trending ENE-WSW.
It was also subjected to low-pressure metamorphism in several aureoles (Reymer
et al., 1984) reaching up to the development of diatexites in some aureoles.
The investigated rock units have been divided into three stratigraphic intervals
on the basis of the colour, sedimentology and predominant lithosomes in each
of the intervals. The stratigraphic boundary among the three intervals can be
either a marked disconformity or an intercalated contact. All three intervals display
moderate to substantial lateral changes in the relative abundances and vertical
arrangement of their constituent lithosomes (Figs. 3A/B), a characteristic
common to subaerial volcanic arcs (cf. Cas and Wright, 1987).
FIG. 2. Geological map of the El Tarr area.
FIG. 3A. Stratigraphic sections and depositional environments for the volcaniclastic rocks exposed at the study area. See Fig. (2 ) for location and Fig. (3B) for legend.
FIG. 3B. Symbols used in the measured stratigraphic sections (Fig. 3A).
Metamorphosed Felsic Rocks
These rocks are well exposed at the entrance of El Tarr area. In the field, they
can be recognized by their fine grain size and strongly developed, usually regular
and planar foliation. The predominant constituent minerals are biotite, muscovite,
chlorite and quartz with feldspar porphyroclasts. The feldspar porphyroclasts
suffer slight alteration to kaolinite and exhibit undulose extinction
and granulation especially along grain boundaries (Fig. 4A). The foliation in the
quartz-mica-rich matrix wraps around feldspar porphyroclasts. The constituents
of the matrix are thought to be derived from coarse-grained parent rocks, by intracrystalline
deformation and recrystallization. The variety of grain size, undulose
extinction and granulation of strained porphyroclasts prove that these
rocks have undergone dynamic metamorphism and were derived from felsic py roclastic predecessor. These rocks have been classified as phyllonite based on
the fabric and matrix-porphyroclast ratio. Some authors use the term phyllonite
as a synonym for ultramylonite (e.g. Passchier and Trouw, 1996).
FIG. 4.A. Strained feldspar porphyroclast (F) with undulose extinction and fragmentation along
crystal borders set in mica-rich planar foliated matrix.
4B. Thinly-bedded calcite with siliceous argillite intercalation.
4C. Oscillatory-zoned plagioclase phenocryst (P) embedded in fine-grained groundmass with
pilotaxitic and trachytic texture.
4D. Plagioclase phenocryst (P) set in a matrix composed of abundant welded sinuously
curved glass shards forming fiamme.
4E. Thinly- bedded fine-grained fallout tuff with scouring upper surface (Sc).
4F. Oligomict conglomerate exhibit graded bedding and imbrication.
4G. Photomicrograph shows framework-supported that is mainly composed of volcanic
clasts {basaltic (B), andesitic (A) and ignimbritic (I) rock types}.
Metamorphosed pelitic sediments including garnet, staurolite, andalusite and
coridierite in schists and gneisses appear only in the central wadi Kid area,
where the metamorphic grade reaches the amphibolite facies. Near the contact
with granodiorites-granites, these pelitic rocks contain randomly oriented, euhedral
staurolite, and (or) andalusite crystals.
Marble units, are thinly and uniformly bedded (Fig. 4B) and have siliceous
argillite intercalations. Based on its uniformity and fabric, these units are considered
as metamorphosed calcareous rocks.
Volcanic Lava Flows
These rocks unconformably overlie the metamorphosed and ignimbritic
rocks. They occur as individual massive sheets 3 to 8 m thick, more commonly
as sequences of sheets up to 25 m thick. Both are broadly lensoidal, and typically
extend laterally. The volcanic rocks range in composition from basic and
intermediate to felsic rocks, with epiclastic sediment intercalations.
Petrographically, the basic rocks are medium-grained, nonporphyritic and
greenish grey in colour. They encompass tabular altered plagioclase and ferromagnesian
minerals which are completely replaced by anhedral clots of chlorite,
epidote, ziosite, calcite and opaques. The intermediate rocks are porphyritic,
fine-medium grained and essentially composed of zoned plagioclase and green
hornblende embedded in pilotaxitic and trachyritic matrix composed of plagioclase
laths, actinolite, opaques, epidote and occasionally quartz microporphyritic
crystals (Fig. 4C). The felsic rocks are fine-grained and composed
of plagioclase (An15) and resorbed quartz phenocrysts dispersed in a felsitic
groundmass of feldspar microlaths, quartz, biotite and opaques.
Pyroclastic Rocks
These rocks include both welded ignimbrites and thinly bedded tuffs. Ignimbrites,
which underlie the volcanics comprise monotonous massive, densely
welded eutaxitic tuffs. They are fine-grained, light grey in colour and composed
of quartz, plagioclase, rare rock fragments and abundant welded sinuously
curved glass shards or fiamme showing preferred orientation (Fig. 4D). The
glass shards exhibit partial devitrification to quartz, sericite and clay minerals.
Eutaxitic fibrics show pronounced flattening and pinching and molding around lithic and crystal fragments. These stratified lithofacies were dominantly produced
by coalesced non-particulate (rheomorphic) flow (Branney and Kokelaar,
1992), and the sheets closely resemble lava.The general absence of vesicles and
lithophysal cavities in these deposits indicate substantial degassing before emplacement,
although the stratification itself probably reflects segregation of remaining
volatiles. So, these ignimbritic sheets are interpreted as lava-like ignimbrites
that were deposited rapidly from a large-volume pyroclastic density
current directed laterally from a fountain during catastrophic venting from fissures.
The bedded tuffs which overlie the volcanics, range in size from dust to lapilli;
agglomerates are rare. They comprise crystal and lithic tuffs with crystal
ashes. The rock fragments are dominantly of andesite and dacite and rare basaltic
fragments. The upper part of these tuffs is cut by low-angle scour surface
(Fig. 4E) that is draped by steeply dipping laminated tuffs, which locally show
evidence of slumping. These structures are interpreted as up-current facing
scours that were eroded by pyroclastic currents and plastered with damp ash
(Moore and Kokelaar, 1998). These tuff successions accumulated from distal
low-concentration pyroclastic density current and by pyroclastic fallout during a
phreatomagmatic eruption. The phreatomagmatism inferred from the abundance
of fine-grained tuffs, and the occurrence of steep stratification indicative of
plastering of wet ash, is considered to have been caused by the interaction of
magma with groundwater. Its pyroclastic eruption origin is indicated by its apparently
degassed state on emplacement, the absence of brecciated lateral margins
(Bonnichsen and Kauffman, 1987), and the presence of stratified eutaxitic
Crudely Stratified Conglomerates
This facies is dominated by crudely horizontally stratified beds which occur
as thin discontinuous beds or as stacked lenses. It is composed of clastsupported
pebbly conglomerates displaying moderate to poorly sorting and disorganized
fabric. Horizontal stratification is distinguished by fine sandstone
layers or by zones with developed imbrications of pebbles (Fig. 4F). Their contacts
are planar or slightly irregular. The clasts are mostly volcanic in composition
embedded in sandy to sandy-muddy matrix (Fig. 4G).
The deposition of crude conglomerate layers resulted from poorly confined
sheet flows where normal grain-by-grain tractional bed load sedimentation predominated
and a traction carpet was not developed (Hartley, 1993). These thin
conglomerate layers were formed during discharge fluctuations.They were interpreted
in terms of longitudinal gravel bars associated with fluvial channels
collectivetly forming broad, low relief bar complex (Olson and Larsen, 1993)
Cross-Laminated Sandstones
This facies is composed of yellowish-reddish brown, medium-grained moderately
to poorly sorted sandstones, with lensoidal clay intercalations (Fig. 5A).
They reveal small-scale cross-laminating sets. Horizontal and inclined laminations
are present. They are basically composed of subrounded, monocrystalline
quartz grains which range in size between medium silt and medium sand
(~ 20%, by volume), dominant feldspar (30-50%) and lithic fragments (~ 30%).
Feldspar grains are almost all plagioclase (albite/oligoclase) and rounded to subrounded
(Fig. 5B). Lithic fragments are mainly volcanic with subordinate argillaceous
and siliceous (chert) rock fragments. These volcanic grains exhibit
trachytic and often hyalopilitic, pilotaxitic and vitric textures, which now are
slightly to completely replaced by aggregates of fine granular epidote. All the
constituents are embedded in sand-rich matrix composed of fine-grained quartz,
mica flakes, opaques, epidote and clay.
The planer cross-laminated sands are formed on higher topographic elevations
as bar-top sheets, or deposited as wedges at bar margins by surface runoff
(Miall, 1996). An alternative origin for these deposits as wind blown sand cannot
be ruled out. The presence of such sands on these gravel sheets, in this
facies points to their deposition during waning flood flows as a result of direct
fall out sedimentation (Jo et al., 1997).
Interpretation: the lower interval accumulated during a time of abundant volcanic
activity interspersed with episodes of erosion and sedimentary deposition
by fluvial, less-common debris-flows and rare eolian processes. These rocks in
the lower interval were deposited in a low relief, proximal volcanic fan apron
Middle Interval
The middle interval which ranges in thickness from 100 to 150 m, is composed
predominantly of epiclastic rocks (~ 90% of interval) including medium
to fine-grained sandstones (MSS/FSS) and silt/mudstones (M) with basic volcanics
(V) intercalations locally (Figs. 3 & 5C). This interval is recorded in El
Tarr area itself.
Sandstone Facies Associations
Massive Sandstones
This facies forms the basal part of the interval. It is characterized by massive,
blackish grey, fine to coarse-grained sandstones which occur as 2.0-3.0 m thick
beds and lack internal stratification. These rocks are poorly sorted, quartz-poor
and are dominantly composed of feldspar and rock fragments. Quartz grains
form less than 10%, and are always monocrystalline, anhedral, angular and has uniform sharp extinction (non-undulose), some of which exhibit bibyramidal
crystal forms diagnostic of volcanic origin. Polycrystalline quartz grains are
mainly chert. Feldspar grains are almost all plagioclase which exhibit albitic
twinning (Fig. 5D) and occasionally oscillatory zoning. The lithic fragments are
mainly volcanic clasts which constitute 50 to 70% of the whole rocks and contain
plagioclase and altered mafic phases set in a matrix of fine quartz, chlorite
and epidote. These lithic clasts exhibit mainly lathwork and often microlitic and
felsitic textures (Figs. 5E/F). Detrital mica flakes are common and diagenetically
altered to hairy illite (Fig. 5G). The overall dominance of volcanic
grains of lathwork to microlitic textures, together with the common occurrence
of plagioclase and mafic grains and trace amount of quartz clearly suggest the
dominance of basaltic to andesitic rocks in the source terrain. The ratio of plagioclase
to total feldspar grains (P/F) averages 0.94 for these sandstones, reflecting
an extreme lack of K-feldspar. The detrital mode (Q<10F30L70), P/F
(0.94) and Lv/L (0.94) ratios of the sandstone suites are similar to those of most
modern and ancient volcanic arc sands (Dickinson and Suczek, 1979).
FIG. 5A. Polished slab of medium-grained sandstone (SS) showing planar/low-angle crosslamination
with lensoidal mud layers intercalations (M).
5B. Rounded to subrounded plagioclase (P) exhibit partial alteration to kaolinite (K) along
crystal margins with pore-filling fine crystalline kaolinite booklets (K).
5C. Faulting and tilting of bedded volcaniclastic sediments (middle interval) observed at the
mouth of wadi EL Tarr.
5D. Twinned plagioclase (P), hornblende grains (hbd), volcanic fragments with vitric texture
(Vv) and pore-filling coarse crystalline kaolinite booklets (K) in between feldspar grains
in poorly-sorted sandstone.
5E. Massive sandstone contains mainly volcanic fragments with lathwork (VL), microlitic
(Vm), felsitic (Vf) and vitric textures (Vv); most crystal grains are plagioclase (P).
5F. Poorly-sorted massive sandstone encompasses volcanic clasts with microlitic (Vm), vitric
(Vv) and felsitic texture (Vf), quartz (Q) and plagioclase grains (P).
5G. Plagioclase (P), volcanic clasts with microlitic (Vm), lathwork (VL), and vitric texture
(Vv) and diagenetic illite-like hair (I), most probably after mica.
Bedded Fine to Medium-grained Calcareous Sandstones
This facies is represented by apparently massive, yellowish white sandstone,
which is generally fine to medium-grained in size. It has an erosive sharp base
and internal erosional surface as well. It is interbedded with thinner silt and siltymudstone
beds (Fig. 6A). Occasionally, mudstone layers overlie fine-grained
sandstone. This facies is basically composed of quartz, feldspar, mafic clasts and
volcanic lithic clasts (Fig. 6B). All the constituents are set in calcareous cement,
which shows partial to complete replacement of quartz and feldspar grains.
The large lateral extent, little thickness variation, dominance of horizontal
laminae (stratification) together with their grain size variations suggest that the
thick sandstones represent deposition by sheet flood events under an upper flow
regime. Besides, the close association of this facies with mudstone beds and
their deposition under an upper flow regime indicate distal sheet floods at the
toes of alluvial fans in a lacustrine environment. Moreover, the interbedded
mud-rich and sand-rich units are indicative of changes of the alluvial depositional
style. The sand beds point to waning flows and deposition from density
underflow occurring during flood-related influxes and sediments (Massari et al.,
1993). The mud drapes reflect falling out of suspension during low flow periods
in the deepest parts of channels and from weak traction currents.
Calcareous Tuffaceous Silt/Mudstone Facies Association
This facies occurs either as layers intercalated with sandstones or homogeneous
stacks capping the sandstones (Fig. 6C). In outcrop, they are light yel-low to brown and occasionally red in color and moderately to poorly sorted. As
the topography is subdued upsection, the beds become thicker and more laterally
persistent. Wavey-planar to low-angle truncating lamination and convolute
structures are the dominant fabrics present in this facies (Fig. 6D). The lamination
is defined by vertical grain size changes, especially coarse-grained trains of
a few millimeters to a few centimeters in thickness within fine to mediumgrained
matrix. These coarse-grained trains generally have sharp, well-defined
margins. The occasional presence of rip-up mud clasts (RU) reflect great discharge
fluctuations and reworking of mudstone laminae (Fig. 6D).
FIG. 6A. Handspecimen shows rhythmic intercalations of fine/medium-grained sandstone
(light colour) and mudstone layers (dark colour) with parallel and wavey lamination.
6B. Framework-supported sandstone contains quartz (Q), plagioclase (P), volcanic clasts
with vitric texture (Vv) and pore-filling coarse booklets of kaolinite (K) set in calcareous
6C. Thinly-laminated mudstone (M) with wavey lamination overlains thinly-bedded finegrained
sandstone (SS).
6D. Parallel, wavey and convolute laminations in mudstone. Notice the presence of rip-up
mud clasts (RU).
6E. SEM image shows skeletal form of feldspar after near complete dissolution.
6F. Calcite nodules (Cc) with different morphology in mudstone.
6G/K. Chlorite pseudomorphs, most probably after amphibole (6G) and pyroxene (6K).
Petrographically, this facies reveals a closed to locally open framework of
quartz, feldspar, vitric lithic fragments, carbonate nodules, epidote and chlorite
pseudomorphs. Quartz grains occur as subrounded, monocrystalline grains of
medium silt to fine sand size. They are subangular and exhibit low sphericity
and poor sorting as well as open packed fabric. The feldspar are partially to
completely altered to kaolinite, sericite and minor chlorite. Selective feldspar
dissolution as evidenced by skeletal remnants of partially to completely, dissolved
feldspar grains may be related to the processes of kaolinitization (Fig.
6E). The dissolution of feldspar grains may be explained by their relative instability
in acidic conditions (Surdam et al., 1984). Carbonate nodules occur as
pore-filling and grain-replacive cement phases. They replace detrital grains
(mainly feldspar) and corrode quartz grain margins. Poikilotopic sparry calcite
grains have a patchy distribution and are either dispersed in the surrounding
matrix or as stacked grains. These calcite grains occur in different forms, as
cryptocrystals intermixed with clays, large rhombic crystals or xenotopic crystals
(Fig. 6F); that range in diameter between 1.0-3.0 cm. Chlorite occur occasionally
as euhedral pseudomorphs, most probably after pyroxene/or amphibole
(Figs. 6G/K). The fine-grained matrix appears to have been vitric, but it has
been completely replaced by a mosaic of quartz, chlorite, sericite, epidote and
disseminated iron oxides.
Interpretation: rocks in the middle interval were deposited in a low-relief distal
alluvial fan/volcanic apron environment. The facies association of this interval
is interpreted as flood plain deposits based on color, grain size, common
occurrence of carbonate nodules and the vertical fining-up texture with the increase
in distance from the channel. The flood plain development points to an
inactive period of alluvial system which received sediments during over-bank
flooding that have been subjected to pedogenic processes (Jo et al., 1997). The
sheet-like geometry of the over-bank fines with lenses of fine sand indicates
their origin by vertical aggradation (Miall, 1985).
In summary, low-gradient flood plain environments, represented by laterally
extensive intervals of sandstones and mudstones, prevailed across much of the region when the middle interval began to accumulate and continued to exist
throughout deposition of most of the El Tarr exposure. Local, low-volume eruptions
of lava flows occurred episodically during renewed magmatic activity as
the middle interval was being deposited.
Upper Interval
The upper interval is dominated by heterolithic conglomerates that are interbedded
with subordinate sandstone and siltstone units. Individual conglomeratic
units can often be traced laterally over several tens of metres with a sheet-like geometry.
Two types of conglomerates are identified on the basis of their sedimentary
fabrics: (1) Matrix-supported conglomerates and (2) Clast-supported conglomerates.
Matrix-supported conglomerates typically occur as massive units 1-3 m in
thickness. They lack any internal structure and comprise very poorly sorted pebble
to cobble size clasts-supported within a muddy sand matrix (Fig. 7A). The
clasts are rounded to sub-rounded and show no preferred orientation.
Clast-supported conglomerates typically occur as crudely stratified units.
These conglomerates often display a weak horizontal fabric on a decimeter
scale and comprise poor to moderately sorted gravel to boulder size clasts (Fig.
7B). The clasts are angular to sub-rounded and show no imbrication.
The conglomerate outcrop mainly occurs around wadi Kid, and at the central
and northeast of wadi Tarr in low relief. The clast types are mainly basaltic and
andesitic porphyries, ignimbrite, tonalite, granodiorite, proper granite and epiclastic
rocks (Fig. 7C). The variation of these clast in composition is considered
to correspond to variations of the exposed rock types in the study area. Along
the central portions of wadi Tarr (wadi Hatimiya in particular), the clasts of
these conglomerates comprise gabbro and plagiogranite (albitite). Towards the
northeast (wadi Samra) increasing amounts of soda granite and granophyre are
recorded, occasionally comprising up to 30-40% of some conglomeratic beds.
So, the presence of granodioritic, granitic, gabbroic and albititic pebbles suggests
that these conglomerates represent a younger interval than that of the
rocks in the lower and middle intervals.
Matrix-supported, poorly sorted disorganized conglomerates suggest deposition
from sediment gravity processes such as cohesive debris flows. The clastsupported
conglomerates point to viscous cohesionless debris flow and usually
indicate high energy flow transporting coarse bed load. The improved sorting
and the presence of an internal structure within the clast-supported conglomerates
indicates deposition from fluid-gravity flows (Costa, 1988). The laterally
unconfined nature of these flows suggests a sheetflooding process (Blair, 1987;
Well and Harvey, 1987).
FIG. 7A. Matrix-supported conglomerate encompasses pebbles, mainly of granitic types.
7B. Crudely stratified clast-supported conglomerate contains mixed clasts of volcanic (V),
plutonic (P) and epiclastic rocks (E).
7C. Photomicrograph shows mixed clasts-supported conglomerates, composed of volcanic
(Vc), granitic (Gc) and sandstone (Sc) clasts.
7D. SEM image shows fine-grained vermicular kaolinite.
7E. SEM image shows stacked booklets of kaolinite.
7F. SEM image shows typical kaolinite booklets displaying pseudohexagonal form.
Interpretation: the upper interval is interpreted as a multiple channel conglomerate
of mixed origin. The occurrence of such multiple channel in the
upper interval suggests turbulent flood waters capable of eroding into the underlying
rock sheets (lower and middle interval). The presence of weak horizontal
stratification especially in clast-supported conglomerates implies sediment
movement as diffuse sheets of sediment (Hein and Walker, 1977) or low-relief
longitudinal bars (Smith, 1974). The poor definition of such channel probably
reflects the high mobile nature of the sediment load (Stokes and Mather, 2000).
Clay Mineralogy
The nature and distribution of the clay minerals seem to have been controlled
by provenance, tectonism, volcanic activity and physical, chemical and diagenic
parameters in the basins of deposition. Therefore, clay minerals which result
from sedimentation, become an indicator of the nature of those environments
(Keller, 1970). Examination of the identified clay minerals by SEM revealed
that they have criterial indicative of an authigenic origin such as obvious crystal
outlines and undeformed delicate morphologies. Authigenic clay minerals occur
widely throughout the studied sandstone and mudstone rocks (Fig. 8).
Kaolinite is the most abundant authigenic clay phase and common in nearly
all samples. It has different morphologic characteristics and crystal sizes ranging
from microcrystalline booklets to a coarse crystalline variety. It displays
well crystallized booklets showing fine-grained vermicular, stacked booklets
and pseudohexagonal crystal forms (Figs. 7D/E/F). These kaolinite booklets
mainly fill the pore space between the detrital grains (see Figs. 5D&6B). Kaolinite
requires environmental conditions involving precipitation exceeding evaporation,
intense leaching, an excess supply of H+ ions and removal of ions
(Ca++, Mg++, Na+ and K+ ions) from the clay-forming system (Keller, 1977).
Schwartz and Longstaffe (1988) suggested that over the PH range of 3 to 6, calcite
cement continues to dissolve, driving the solution PH to higher values. In
contrast, the activity of Al3+ drops by several orders of magnitude over the
same increase in PH, leading to supersaturation of Al3+ and precipitation of
kaolinite. Kaolinite in the studied rocks is believed to be formed by the alteration
of detrital feldspar as evidenced by: (1) occurrence of kaolinite within the
altered feldspar grains (Fig. 5B), (2) an abundance of pore- filling kaolinite nearby
the dissolved feldspar grains.
Chlorite is the second less abundant pore-filling authigenic clay mineral in
the mudstone rocks. Many of the chlorite stack morphologies have euhedral
shapes (Figs. 6G/K), reminiscent of pyroxene/amphibole phenocrysts precursors.
Direct precipitation from pore waters during burial is the favored origin
of the pore-filling chlorite. The required ions are supplied by mineral decomposition reactions involving detrital silicate minerals (e.g. feldspars).
Gradual chemical dissolution of feldspar in these rocks would have released a
plentiful supply of Al3+ and Si4+ solution (Humphreys et al., 1989). Iron and
Mg++ would have been supplied to pore waters from the breakdown of detrital
pyroxene/amphibole. Also, iron may come from river input or meteoric water
invasion during subaerial exposure.
FIG. 8. X-ray diffraction pattern of oriented clay minerals
Illite is a minor authigenic clay in the studied rocks. XRD analysis helps
greatly in the identification of this phase. Illite in some samples shows broad
peaks of XRD patterns (Fig. 8) indicating poor crystalline or degraded illite
where broad peaks may suggest a diagenetic origin through hydration of mica.
Thin sections show presence of filamentous (hairy) textured illite (Fig. 5G)
growing into pore space, most probably after mica. It also shows spiny (hairy)
illite growing along and in between kaolinite booklets.
Many authors (e.g. Huggett, 1995; Lanson et al., 1996) concluded that illitization
can be formed from the alteration of the precursor compenents (e.g. Kfeldspar,
kaolinite and mica) in alkaline pore fluid at deep burial (3-4 km) and
high temperature (100-120ºC). Authigenic illite may be formed through direct
precipitation from solution, where the pore solution reaches a relatively high
K+/H+ ratio by continuous release of K+ and consumption of H+; under such
conditions, kaolinite is not stable. Also, illitization of kaolinite, is suggested as
another possible source of illite (Lanson et al., 1996). The breakdown of detrital
K-feldspar and mica released the sufficient amount of K+ required for the kaolinite-illite
Post Depositional Modifications
The rock units exposed at EL Tarr area consist dominantly of volcanic and
associated volcaniclastic sediments. The whole succession has undergone folding
and faulting and been metamorphosed to the greenschist facies. Also,
evidence for post-depositional modification takes the form of sediment rubification,
mottling and carbonate accumulation. Carbonate development is confined
to the fine-grained sandstone and mudstone units, occurring as small, randomly
orientated nodules up to 2 cm in diameter or within a more organized
lattice type framework. Moreover, the diagenesis of the sandstone and mudstone
rocks may be summarized as follows: (1) early compaction and fracturing
of framework grains; (2) hydration of vitric volcanic rock fragments and to less
extent, detrital feldspar grains, with concomitant formation of clay minerals; (3)
precipitation of authigenic kaolinite overgrowths on detrital feldspar grains; (4)
local precipitation of grain replacive and pore-filling calcite; (5) replacement of
detrital mica by illite.
The sediment coloration and carbonate accumulations within the middle stratigraphic
interval imply post-depositional modification of primary sedimentary
units by pedogenic activity similar to that discussed by Machette (1985) and Retallack
(1990). Rubification of the sediments can be attributed to pedogenic reddening
or by the reworking of red soils from sediment source areas. Confinement
of the rubification to the middle and upper stratigraphic intervals of the
conglomerates suggests long periods of subaerial exposure following each depositional
event. Such pedogenic modification supports a relatively dry climate
with deposition by high magnitude storm events with long recurrence intervals
during which pedogenesis occurred (Stokes and Mather, 2000). A lack of well
developed pedogenic modification throughout most of the channelized sediments
of the middle interval suggests high rates of sedimentation which inhibited soil
development. Thick, laminar carbonate developments in the fine-grained sediments
of the middle interval are typical of stage IV-V calcrete formation (after
Machette, 1985) and probably correspond to a prolonged period of subaerial exposure
to arid/semiarid conditions. The term calcrete (Wright and Tucker, 1991)
is applied to describe near surface, terrestrial accumulations of predominantly
calcium carbonates. It results from cementation, displacive and replacive introduction
of calcium carbonate into the soil profile within the vadose zone (pedogenic
calcrete). Evidences of pedogenesis are documented by brecciation, mottling
and formation of cm-sized carbonate nodules. The main source of calcium
carbonate in pedogenic calcrete is wind-blown dust. The Ca-rich dust accumulates
in soil surface and is dissolved by rain water (Machette, 1985).
Nomenclature and Classification of the Volcanic Rocks
The data set (Table 1) has been subdivided into mafic (basalts/andesites) and
felsic members. The investigated volcanics exhibit a wide range of composition
spanning the entire range from high K-basalt and basaltic andesite through andesite
to dacite and rhyolite according to the classification of Peccerillo and
Taylor (1976) (Fig. 9A). On the AFM diagram, these volcanic rocks plot in the
calc-alkaline field (Fig. 9B). Concerning the paleotectonic setting, the mafic
volcanic rocks (basalts/andesites) belong to orogenic volcanics (volcanic arc environment)
according to the classification of Pearce (1980) (Fig. 9C).
The mafic rocks (basalts/andesites) range from 50 to 62.30 wt.% SiO2. They
are low in TiO2 (0.41-0.85), FeT (3.99-9.02), MgO (3.80-6.00) and show moderate
enrichment in Na2O, K2O and P2O5. These rocks show also moderate enrichment
in large ion lithophile elements (LILE: Sr =130- 893 ppm; Rb = 28-80
ppm; Ba = 373-801 ppm) compared with typical orogenic andesite (Gill, 1981).
The felsic rocks contain relatively high concentration of total alkalies (Na2O+K2O), LILE (Rb = 74-174 ppm; Ba = 692-731 ppm) and more enrichment
in high field strength elements (HFSE: Zr = 255-974 ppm; Y = 27-103
ppm; Nb = 20-77 ppm).
Major/Trace Elements Variations
The whole volcanic rock suite shows progressive decrease in TiO2, FeT,
MgO, CaO and progressive increase in total alkalies, with increasing acidity of
this suite (Table 1). It is also characterized by a wide range of trace elements; Sr
varies from 112 to 893 ppm, Rb from 28 to 174 ppm, Ba from 409 to 781 ppm,
Zr from 99 to 974 ppm, Y from 21 to 103 ppm and Nb from 11 to 76 ppm.
There is gradual decrease in Cr (143-0.0 ppm ), Ni (116-3.0 ppm) and Co (33-
12 ppm) and gradual increase in LILE and HFSE with increasing silica content.
The relatively high Cr (102-143 ppm) and Ni (54-116 ppm) for the studied basalts
readily allows for generation by partial melting of the upper mantle, followed
by limited crystal fractionation of olivine and pyroxene (compare Mg#
37-47 for basalts with Mg#
of > 70 expected for basalt in equilibrium with mantle
peridotite; BVSP, 1981). Initial 87Sr/86Sr for the mafic rocks from the arc-related
volcanics in Sinai are = 0.7030 (Halpern and Tristan, 1981) falls well within the
range expected for the Late Precambrian upper mantle (Stern and Hedge, 1985).
The fact that the Y content in these basaltic rocks is not depleted means that
either melting occurred at pressure below the stability field of garnet peridotite
(i.e., shallower than about 60-75 km; Danckwerth and Newton, 1978), or that garnet
was consumed. Concentration of Cr (av. ~ 119 ppm) and Ni (av. ~ 78 ppm)
for the studied basalts would be much lower if removal of large amounts of pyroxene
and olivine has occurred. All the basaltic samples have low Sr content (up
to 250 ppm), indicating that either plagioclase remained in the mantle after melting,
or was fractionated from the evolving melt; the petrographic observations
showed that the melts were saturated in plagioclase leads to prefer the latter interpretation.
Considering that olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase were likely nearliquidus
minerals and that relatively minor separation of the first two could have
occurred; it is suggested that separation of less than perhaps 30% solids from primary
mantle melts resulted in the basaltic rocks analyzed in Table (1).
Fractional Crystallization Model
Increasing incompatible element concentrations (LILE & HFSE) and decreasing
compatible element concentrations (V, Cr, Ni, Co) with increasing silica
content throughout the investigated lava are consistent with a model involving the crystal fractionation of the plagioclase + pyroxene + hornblende +
opaque + apatite, from a parent basaltic magma. Similarly, the constancy of the
ratios of all high incompatible trace elements Rb, Nb, Y (Table 1) from basalt to
rhyolite, is a feature diagnostic of co-magmatic volcanic series generated by
crystal fractionation process (Treuil and Varet, 1973).
TABLE 1. Chemical compositions of the volcanic and sedimentary rocks at Tarr area, SE Sinai, Egypt
TABLE 1. Continued
Code: Fe2O3: total iron as Fe2O3.
L.O.I.: wt.% loss on ignition.
Mg# : {MgO/Fe2O3 + MgO} × 100.
R1 & R2: chemical composition of sandstone rocks, wadi Kid area (EL-Gaby et al., 1991).
R3, R4, R5 & R6: Major and trace elements characteristics of greywackes from various tectonic settings (Bhatia and Crook, 1986).
R3: oceanic island arc;
R4: continental island arc; R5: active continental margin; R6: passive margin
B = basalt; A = andesite, D = dacite; R = rhyolite; SS = sandstone.
FIG. 9. Geochemical characteristics and the inferred tectonic setting of the studied volcanic rocks.
(A) SiO2 versus K2O classification binary diagram (Peccerillo and Taylor, 1976); (B)
AFM trinary diagram (Irvine and Baragar, 1971); (C) Zr versus TiO2 binary diagram
(Pearce, 1980); (D) Nb/Y versus Rb/Y diagram (Chazot and Bertrand, 1995): The upper
and lower crust compositions are from Taylor and McLennan (1981) and Weaver & Tarney,
( 1981) respectively.
Separation of an assemblage of pyroxene, plagioclase, opaque and apatite,
the dominant phases within the basalt to andesite interval, is consistent with the
observed increase in SiO2, K2O, Na2O and incompatible element contents, and
the decrease in Al2O3, MgO, CaO, Co, Cr, Ni and V content with fractionation.
The andesite to dacite/rhyolite interval reflects a pronounced change in the nature
of the separating phase assemblage. Rapid decreasing Sr in siliceous liquids
suggests that plagioclase may become more modally important within the solid
removed during this stage. These observations support a separating phase assemblage
dominated by plagioclase, hornblende, opaque and apatite. The results
of the least squares mass balance calculations (not shown in this study)
indicate that andesite may be generated by 59% crystallization of the parent
basalt on the removal of a solid assemblage dominated by Cpx (25%), plag
(54%), Op (11%) and Ap (10%). Dacite/rhyolite may be generated by ~20% of
an intermediary andesite. The solid removed is again dominated by Hb (23%),
plag (55%), Op (13%) and Ap (9.0%).
The useful index to differentiate between crystal fractionation and crustal
contamination is given in Fig. (9D) using trace element ratios such as Nb/Y versus
Rb/Y (Chazot and Bertrand, 1995). In Nb/Y versus Rb/Y diagram, all of the
investigated rock samples plot relatively close to lower and upper crustal values
(Taylor and McLennan, 1981; Weaver and Tarney, 1984) respectively. Hence,
crustal contamination may be superimposed on crystal fractionation in the
evolution of Kid volcanics.
Many lines of evidences indicate the existence of high level magma reservoir
(i.e. shallow magma chamber) within the crust beneath the Kid area. These
evidences include petrological evidences for the role of low pressure crystal fractionation
involving Cpx, Hb, plag, Op and Ap and the existence of intrusive plutonic
suites (Wilson, 1989). In general, such shallow crustal chamber (less than 20
km) is associated with ancient andesites and basalts or basaltic andesites which
evolved in magma chamber situated at the mantle (40 to 100 km, Gill, 1981).
Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanogenic Sandstones
The chemical composition of sedimentary rocks records the nature and proportions
of their detrital components from which their provenance may be postulated.
These rocks may even undergo metamorphism to greenschist-amphibolite
facies, but still retain their provenance signatures (Roser and Korsch, 1988).
The sandstone of this study has an SiO2 range of 50.5-63.57 wt.%, high to
moderate Fe2O3T +MgO values of 7.4-15.45% and Al2O3/SiO2 ratios that range
from 0.23 to 0.32 with most around 0.28. TiO2 contents are less variable, ranging
from 0.36 to 0.7%, while the ratio of K2O/Na2O is less than unity (Table1).
These rocks are characterized by a wide range of some trace elements: V = 156-
24 ppm; Cr = 154-33 ppm; Ni = 65-8.0 ppm; Rb = 35-9 ppm; Sr =330-136 ppm;
Ba = 343-106 ppm. HFSE does not show much variations (Zr = 200-155 ppm;
Y = 64-24 ppm; Nb = 31-22 ppm).
Using bulk chemistry, Roser and Ktorsch (1988) plotted Harker variation
diagrams of parameters that they thought were most discriminating to infer four
primary provenance groups namely P1, P2, P3 and P4 (Fig. 10). All the rock data
mostly fall in both P1 and P2 to varying degrees, indicating a provenance of
mafic and intermediate igneous provenances. But in K2O/Na2O and Al2O3/SiO2
versus FeT+MgO% diagrams, rock data plot in three former groups (P1/P2/P3)
and support the suggestion that a volcanic/plutonic-rich continental provenance
was dominant. This conclusion is supported by the petrographic investigations.
The presence of lathwork and vitric textures, reflect derivation from basaltic
rocks. Moreover, microlitic or felsitic textures are of intermediate to felsic volcanics.
These sandstone rocks contain small but significant biotite and oscillatory-zoned
plagioclase, suggesting derivation from arc andesite. Volcanic
and pyroclastic interbeds with epiclastic sandstone also attests to contemporaneous
explosive volcanism. This empirical test suggests that the composition of
arc-derived epiclastic sandstone may record periods of explosive arc magmatism
with little or no time lag.
Concerning the tectonic setting determinations, the studied sandstone rocks
show great discrepancies in both major/trace element compositions if compared
to those elements in greywackes from island arc and passive margin environment
(Fig. 11).
The sandstones, dominantly derived from volcanic rocks, resemble
the active continental margin in major and trace elements except high
Na2O, Nb and Y characterizing the investigated sandstone rocks. The compositional
immaturity of sandstone, is probably due to high sedimentation rates,
characteristic of tectonically active regions, coupled with the general absence of
mineralogically stable detritus supplied by the volcanic arc and reworked older
units (Lundberg, 1991).
Sedimentation patterns in modern and ancient examples of marginal basins
are complex. Resedimentation of large volumes of remnant and syn-extensional
volcanic products occurs in a variety of settings (Lonsdale, 1975). Compositional
analysis of epiclastic deposits in recently active island arc, active con-tinental margin and back arc basins (Dickinson and Valloni, 1980) has revealed
that sediment distribution is governed by a variable interplay of sediment source
(provenance), tectonic and climatic factors.
Fig. 10. Harker variation diagrams of major elements plotted against SiO2 and K2O/Na2O &
Al2O3/SiO2 ratios versus {Fe2O3 + MgO}% for sandstone. The broad fields of Roser and
Korsch (1988) are outlined: P1 = mafic igneous provenance; P2 = intermediate igneous
provenance; P3 = felsic igneous provenance and P4 = quartzose sedimentary provenance.
FIG. 11. Spider diagram shows comparison of the studied sandstone with sandstone from various
tectonic settings. The normalization value of average upper continental crust (AUC) is
taken from Taylor and McLennan (1981).
Sediment Source
The structural arrangement and variable lithology of the basement of the Kid
area allows for the main sediment source areas of the El Tarr basin to be established.
Provenance has been established through the analysis of clast assemblages
derived from sandstone and conglomeratic units within the alluvial
fan and braided river components. Clast provenance within the study area typically
comprises the Kid volcanics. These volcanics encompass subaerial volcanic
lava flows and pyroclastic deposits of calc-alkaline, high-K basalt, andesite,
dacite and rhyolite as well as hypabyssal felsic intrusive rocks. The
predominance of calc-alkaline composition, the great abundance of andesitic to
rhyolitic rock associations and their plotting in the orogenic environment favour
an active continental margin tectonic setting of Kid volcanics. The most striking
feature of these rocks is their high concentration of large ion lithophile elements
(Sr, K, Rb, Ba) and depletion in Ti, Zr and Cr characteristic of calc-alkaline
lavas. All these features are characteristic of lava erupted in anomalous volcanic
arc setting (Pearce, 1982). The anomalous volcanic arc lavas are explained by
Pearce (opt. cit.) as either derived from mantle sources that suffered at least two
episodes of enrichment, one related to the subduction and the other unrelated, or
by mixing of magmas from two distinct sources. The predominant intermediate to felsic composition and the high Zr/Y ratio (from 4.5 to 9.46) favour a continental
arc setting and suggest involvement of subcontinental lithosphere in
magma genesis of Kid volcanics. Clasts from the braided river sediments also recorded
two key clast assemblages. This suggests that the dominant sediment
source area for the braided river sediments was derived from a zone of mixed
clast assemblage composition, where sediment was derived from both volcanics
and plutonic rocks of variable lithology in a region of fan coalescence. Hence,
the Kid volcanics and their felsic derivative rocks which form the surrounding
mountain ranges and underlie the basin of the study area comprise a series of
lithologically and stratigraphically distinct units which are important in terms of
provenance for El Tarr volcaniclastic sediments examined by this study.
These volcanics bear the characteristic lithological and geochemical features
of the Dokhan volcanics, at the type locality Gabal Dokhan, northeastern
Desert, Egypt. Moreover, the chemical composition of the analysed volcanics
and their acidic differentiates are highly comparable with those of cordilleran or
Andean-type continental margin orogenic belts, a tectonic setting envisaged by
EL-Gaby et al., (1988) for the Dokhan volcanics. The same conclusion was
reached by many authors (e.g. Furnes et al., 1985; EL-Gaby et al., 1991) for the
Dokhan volcanics at Kid area.
Tectonic Control
Facies analysis provides the evidence for faulting during volcanic and volcaniclastic
development. Substantial contemporary tectonic activity is indicated
by the switches from proximal fluvial incision through alluvial or overbank deposits,
to the proximal braided sediments (lower through middle to upper stratigraphic
intervals), repetitive cycles of grain size and bed thickness variations
and apparently abrupt up-ward progradations of catastrophic avalanching of
very coarse debris (upper interval). Coarsening-upward sequence is common in
alluvial fan deposits. So, the combination of features indicative of relatively
abrupt sedimentary changes is interpreted as recording active faulting. The sedimentary
responses are similar to those of the most actively subsiding strike-slip
(pull-apart) sedimentary basins, whose time-averaged subsidence rates are 2-3
km/m.y. (Nilsen and Sylvester, 1995). In some recent studies, large strike-slip
zones are regarded as being the important tectonic features in the Arabo-Nubian
shield; they are associated with extensional structures such as sedimentary basins
and dyke swarms (Stern, 1985). Direct field evidence for deformation of alluvial
fan sediments of EL Tarr area can be observed in the cliff section at the
entrance of wadi EL Tarr. This locality covering approximately 0.5 km2
, within
which alluvial fan sediments have been tilted and faulted. Volcaniclastic sediments
(middle interval) have become tilted, with beds dipping consistently at 20º NE (Fig. 5C). The fault plane strikes NNW-SSE and is typically steep (60º-80º).
Slickenfabric demonstrates that faulting is of a normal, extensional type. Outside
this zone, the planar shear fabric foliation that is widespread in the volcanics,
gradually intensifies to mylonitic or phyllonitic foliation along the trace of the
thrust. The main units of the Kid, Malhak, Heib and Tarr Fms. are juxtaposed
along broad ductile shear zones, interpreted as thrust faults and are linked to a
conjugate set of NW and NE-trending megashear (Shimron, 1980). Structurally,
the orogenic history in Kid area started with a period of compression and crustal
thickening (D1). In this period, compression caused by subduction was responsible
for D1 deformation phase. Volcanics of the Heib and Tarr Fms were
deposited prior to 620 Ma. NE-SW directed compression related to Precambrian
accretion tectonics resulted in the formation of NW-SE trending, high to medium
temperature ductile thrusts inherited within wadi Kid (Sakran, 2000). These ductile
thrusts were reactivated later by left lateral transgression which may be
related to the Najd fault system. During the Najd system (extensional phase),
sedimentation, dyke swarms and granitic rocks were formed (Blasband et al.,
1997). Moreover, fault cliffs/scarps (Fig. 5C) are common features in Precambrian
rocks that resulted from active strike-slip faulting (Sakran, 2000).
This case study clearly demonstrates that tectonics have played an important
role during the evolution of the El Tarr alluvial system. Tectonics have (1) provided
the gross topography to facilitate fan development, (2) affected sediment
supply to the alluvial system by controlling the topographic configurations of
the catchment and thus influencing sediment transfer processes to the alluvial
system, (3) influenced local geomorphic gradients leading to changes in unit
stream power and thus erosive capability of geomorphic processes, (4) generated
significant changes in both local and regional base-level.
(1) Gross topographic configuration
Long-term records of alluvial fan sedimentation are most prolific in faultcontrolled
piedmont settings where tectonics has provided the essential topographic
configuration, i.e. an uplifted hinterland and an adjacent, subsided sedimentary
basin (Stokes and Mather, 2000). Regional tectonics within south
Sinai has created a basin and range topography.
(2) Sediment supply to the alluvial system
It is well documented that the topographic configuration of fan catchment
areas is a significant control on the processes of sediment transfer to the alluvial
fan (Kostachuk et al., 1986; Harvey, 1997). Small, steep catchment areas are
typically associated with debris flow processes. Larger and less rugged catchments
tend to be associated with more fluvial types of process. This in part re-flects the steepness of slopes required to generate sediment gravity flows (i.e.
debris flows) and the water:sediment ratio reaching the fan feeder channel. The
presence of debris flow deposits within the lower and upper stratigraphic interval
suggests that small, steep catchment areas were supplying sediment to the
alluvial fan and braided rivers. Fluvial processes (middle interval) only appear
to become dominant after significant catchment area expansion.
(3) Local geomorphic gradients
Tilting of a geomorphic surface may have one of two effects on an alluvial system:
(i) where the deformation is perpendicular to stream flow, tilting will result in
an increase in unit stream power leading to incision., (ii) where the deformation is
more oblique to stream flow, deflection of the stream may occur into the area of
maximum subsidence (Alexander and Leeder, 1987). In the case of the deformation
observed in the study area both effects can be demonstrated. Relative uplift of the
Kid volcanics in the northern part stimulated an increase in local gradients in El
Tarr area in the southern part. This stimulated a progressive headward incision
which propogated up fan from the point of deformation. This initial incision is
marked by the development of solitary channels (lower and middle stratigraphic intervals).
During the later stages of evolution, the developing braided river system
occupied the topographic low generated by the deformation. This resulted in braided
river sediments (upper stratigraphic interval) being deposited over the proximal and
distal alluvial fan volcanic environment (lower and middle stratigraphic intervals).
(4) Local and regional base-level changes
Alluvial fans, which are typically dominated by debris flow and sheetflood
processes, are insensitive to regional base-level changes until they become fully
trenched (Harvey et al., 1999). Regional base-level changes controlled incision
and catchment area expansion. This had profound implications for the volumes
of sediment and water feeding the alluvial system. Resulting increases in sediment
and water discharge are recorded by the braided river deposits of the upper
stratigraphic interval. Continued incision by the river system reflects the basinwide
incision and drainage net expansion. This incision was driven by a combination
of regional tectonics and climate (Harvey, 1987).
Climatic Control
Evidence for regional climatic conditions during the Late Proterozoic time is
sparse due to the continental nature of the sedimentary basin fills in Kid area.
Sedimentary, red colouration and calcareous paleosoil evidence from the alluvial
fan deposits, supports a climate characterized by infrequent, high magnitude storm events typical of dry conditions. Indeed, several studies of ancient and
modern fans in SE Spain, have proposed that climatic change was a possible
controlling factor for sediment supply and incision into fan surfaces (Stokes and
Mather, 2000).
The volcanic complex and associated volcaniclastic sediments are assigned to
the arc-flank province because they share several important lithostratigraphic characteristics
and suggest a common paleogeographic setting. Most important is that
all arc-flank complexes contain 30% to 70% epiclastic sandstone, conglomerate,
and mud/siltstone, all or almost all of which accumulated in non-marine environment
in which pronounced topographic relief episodically developed (Dunne et
al., 1998). Development of such relief is indicated by the abundance of conglomerates,
much of which is interpreted to have been deposited by debris flows
and debris floods on alluvial fan (Ritter et al., 1995). Rock units in arc-flank volcanic
complexes are interpreted to have accumulated principally on river flood
plains and alluvial fans and local eolian dune fields. The volcanic strata in arcflank
complexes consist of subequal amounts of lava and pyroclastic deposits.
Most lava is andesitic to felsic rocks, possibly reflecting true continental crust
(Greene et al., 1997). Volcanic vent was probably located within a few kilometers
of some present exposures of arc-flank complex, based on the presence of locally
abundant hypabyssal intrusions, some of which are lithologically similar to nearby
volcanic units, and on the presence of rhyolite lava flows in the Kid area.
Both uplift of a source area and subsidence of the basin floor seem likely to
have been involved in maintaining or episodically re-establishing the nonmarine
depositional setting of the arc-flank province. Uplifted source areas in the arccore
province could have been created by any combination of the following processes:
(1) construction of large, high standing volcanic edifices, perhaps supplemented
episodically by significant magmatic inflation; (2) isostatic response
to heating and thickening of the arc-core region by widespread magmatism; and
(3) isostatic response to crustal thickening caused by contractional deformation
(Bjerrum and Dorsey, 1995). Subsidence of the basement of the arc-flank province
almost certainly facilitated accumulation of volcanic and epiclastic strata.
Subsidence within arc may have multiple origins (Ingersoll and Busby, 1995),
but isostatic reponse to surface sediment loading is likely to have been a principal
contributer, given that the province was subjected to ongoing influx of
sediment from higher source areas.
Depositional Environment of the Volcaniclastic Rocks
High-energy alluvial systems (e.g. alluvial fans and braided rivers) are commonly
observed features within ancient and modern mountain front settings
where they typically provide a linkage between a tectonically controlled upland drainage basin and a lowland sedimentary basin. The complexities of the controls
on alluvial environments are well documented (Ritter et al., 1995; Harvey,
1997). These controls operate over a variety of spatial and temporal scales but it
is tectonics that govern the overall positioning and long term evolution of alluvial
systems. Tectonic activity, particularly through source area uplift and/or
direct deformation along fault controlled mountain front settings, can affect alluvial
system by (1) determining the spatial location of alluvial fans/rivers, (2)
uplift and tilting of geomorphic surfaces, and (3) controlling the positioning of
local and regional base-levels. The resultant sedimentary response to these controls
is complex, but is typically characterized by deflection of alluvial systems
away from the area of maximum uplift or changes in the aggradational/
dissectional behaviour of the alluvial system.
The volcaniclastic sediments in the study area have a volcanic/plutonic provenance
and lack the features considered diagnostic of base-surge deposition
(e.g. massive accretionary lapilli-rich interbeds). The predominance and nature
of the sedimentary structures present (e.g. wavy-planar to low-angle cross lamination)
are suggestive of tractional fluvial deposition (Bull, 1993). The preservation
of these types of sedimentary structures is widely considered to represent
deposition during flood events in ephemeral streams (e.g. McKee et al.,
1967; Tunbridge, 1981), because, in perennial systems, flood deposits are reworked
during periods of normal current activity, resulting in abundant crossbedded
deposits. The presence of massive sandstone rocks which grade both laterally
and vertically into the stratified fine/medium-grained sandstone and mudstone
(middle interval) is also consistent with an ephemeral stream interpretation
(Bull and Cas, 2000). Such massive deposits are common in these
systems, where they are interpreted to represent deposition from turbulent, highsediment
concentration (i.e. hyperconcentrated; Smith, 1986) flows during
periods of high discharge.
The presence of debris flow and sheet flood deposits which have been subjected
to pedogenesis imply an alluvial fan environment (Bull, 1972; Blair and
McPherson, 1994). The spatial arrangement of debris flow deposits dominating
in proximal areas and sheet flood dominating in distal areas is also considered
to be characteristic of alluvial fans (Harvey, 1997). Authors like Glass (1958)
and Pryor and Glass (1961) have generally considered kaolinite which is the
predominant authigenic clay in the studied rocks, to be dominant in fluviatile
environments. It is plausible now to suggest that the abundant kaolinite, present
in sandstone/mudstone, was formed under a continental and/or non-marine environment
ìfluvial conditionsî. The fact that kaolinite is very well crystallized
supports its formation in a continental environment and is in accord with the
view of Keller (1970). An alluvial fan environment is further supported by the preservation of several paleolake beds at different elevations in wadi Feiran system,
in the northwest of the study area (Awad, 1953). Most of the paleolakes in
Sinai Peninsula were probably ephemeral features (Issar and Eckstein, 1969).
Later, these studied volcaniclastic sediments bear the characteristic lithological
features of the Hammamat sediments, at the type locality of wadi ELHammamat,
central Eastern Desert, Egypt. The intercalations between the volcanics
and sediments, poorly-sorting of these sediments and the preservation of
the volcanic fabric in the clasts within these volcaniclastic sediments indicate
that the Dokhan volcanics and the Hammamat sediments are penecontemporaneous
and a narrow time span between eruption and sedimentation, as suggested
by El-Gaby et al., (1988). Generally, the Dokhan volcanics differ from
the ìShadliî metavolcanics in their high potash content, abundance of felsic differentiates
and common presence of ignimbrites and welded tuffs. The Hammamat
sediments differ from the island arc metasediments by the presence of
clay minerals, high potash and alumimum contents and absence of intercalation
banded iron formation (EL-Gaby et al., 1991).
Tectonostratigraphic Model
In order to account for the observed paleogeographic changes, a model is proposed
which incorporates the sedimentary, stratigraphical and tectonic evidence
recorded within the study area (Fig. 12).
(i) Early stage: alluvial fan progradation
The early stage of the EL Tarr succession reflects the development of proper
proximal alluvial fan bodies. Low-frequency, high-magnitude storm events during
a dry climate supplied sediment to the fan bodies through debris flow and
sheet flood processes, sourced from the NW part of the study area (Kid volcanics).
This initial progradation is reflected stratigraphically, by an overall, localscale
fining upwards succession (lower stratigraphic interval). Fining-upward
sequences on a scale of tens of metres suggest switching of active fan area sedimentation
during progradation.
(ii) Mid-stage: localized deformation and fan abandonment
Continued aggradation of fan sediments (distal facies) is characterized by the
stacking of sequence scale (metres to tens of metres) fining-upwards sucessions.
This stage suggests switching of the active fan area sedimentation during progradation
to inactive flood plain (middle stratigraphic interval). The transition
from lower to middle interval is depicted by a phase of extensional deformation,
which generated differential uplift and subsidence between the northwest and southern alluvial fan. Relative subsidence of the southern part (Tarr area) and
uplift of the northwestern part (Kid volcanics) stimulated incision into the
northern part. Sediments librated by this incision were transported basinwards
by isolated solitary channels.
FIG. 12. Proposed depositional and structural evolution of the volcaniclastic sediments in the El
Tarr area, southeastern Sinai, Egypt.
(iii) Late stage: fan entrenchment and braided river development
The final stage has a distinct change in depositional style and sediment routing.
The lower and middle interval became abandoned and upper interval,
sourced entirely from Kid volcanics and plutonic rocks was established. It is
characterized by continued uplift, and expansion of the catchment area in EL
Tarr area, feeding the newly formed braided river system. Uplift would lead to
catchment area expansion through headward erosion of tributary streams and
through river capture events. The resultant enlargement in catchment area
would increase the magnitude of runoff generation and sediment load during
flood events, and thus could account for a switch to a more fluvial type of deposition,
in this case by the occurrence of ill-defined, highly mobile, multiple
channels for a braided river system. The multiple channel system was bedloaddominated
and characterized by bedload movement in the form of diffuse
gravel sheets and longitudinal bars in highly mobile channels. This is typical of
sedimentation in braided river systems as described by Williams and Rust
(1969), Smith (1974), Hein and Walker (1977) and Miall (1978). The increase
in maximum clast size and percentage of conglomerates towards the top of the
upper stratigraphic interval would appear to indicate an increase in sediment
discharge and caliber associated with a multiple channel, proximal braided river
system (Stokes and Mather, 2000). Similar effects have been recorded in alluvial
river systems where changes in river platform and long profile in response to
active tectonics have been documented (Ouchi, 1985). Where tectonic activity
is of sufficient magnitude and frequency, river systems have also been shown to
have been deflected away from the area of maximum uplift (Alexander and
Leeder, 1987). Within the sedimentary record these effects are revealed by
changes in alluvial architecture, provenance and sedimentary style. Indeed, the
relative lack of well developed pedogenic modification within this interval suggests
an increase in the frequency of flood events during braided river sedimentation,
inhibiting soil development.
Summary and Conclusion
In an ancient system as the Kid area, facies relationships are commonly obscured,
and no single facies parameter in isolation is a definitive evidence of a
volcanic or sedimentary origin. Exposed on the southern Sinai Peninsula the
Tarr sequence in the southern part of the Kid area, is a thick sequence of Late Proterozoic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks. During a hiatus in the volcanic
activity, and again after volcanism ceased, the volcanic edifice was eroded/
onlapped by ephemeral fluvial processes/deposits. The volcaniclastic rocks are
characterized by rapid vertical and lateral facies and petrofacies variation. Compositional
analysis of these rocks has revealed that sediment distribution is governed
by a variable interplay of volcanic, tectonic and climatic factors.
The sequence in the Tarr area has been divided into three intervals on the
basis of the predominant lithosomes in each of the intervals. The lowest interval
contains a thick sequence of metamorphosed rocks, volcanic lava flows, pyroclastic
deposits and epiclastic rocks including debris flow deposits and sandstones.
The last two rock types (debris flow and floodsheets) reflect proximal
alluvial fan developed on thick stacking of volcanic and their derivative pyroclastics
(volcanic apron environment). The middle interval consists of vertical
and lateral stacking of sandstone facies of different grain size, and finingupwards
into mudstones. It reflects deposition of sheetflood and overbank in an
inactive flood plain environment. Base level changes became important in controlling
incision and expansion of the catchment area (Harvery et al., 1999).
The resultant changes operation in the catchment area dramatically increased
both sediment and water discharge to the alluvial system, facilitating the changes
from alluvial fan to proximal braided river environment of the upper interval.
Clast-supported conglomerates are the dominant lithotype in this reach of the
river and are abundant in the active channel tract.
The author is grateful to Profs. G. Phillips and M.El Sharkawi for their critically
reading and constructive comments on the manuscript.
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Analytical Techniques
Major oxides were analyzed using the conventional wet chemistry techniques of Shapiro and
Brannock (1962). SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3 and P2O5 were analyzed using spectrophotometric techniques.
Na2O and K2O were analyzed using the flame-photometric techniques. Fe2O3, CaO and
MgO were measured by titration. The detected trace elements were determined by X-ray fluorescene
(XRF), using Philips X/Unique II with automatic sample charge (Pw 1510). The clay
minerals were identified by X-ray diffraction (XRD), using Philips X-ray unit (Pw 3710/31), with
Generator (Pw 1830), Scintillation counter (Pw 3020), Cu-target tube (Pw 2233), Ni- filter at 40
kv and 30 mA. All the analyses have been carried out at the laboratories of Egyptian Nuclear Materials
Authority (NMA).
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