
السبت، 7 أكتوبر 2017

معايير شروط الموضوعية والصدق والثبات في البحث الكيفي دراسة نظرية - د. خالد أحمد مصطفى حجر ...

معايير شروط الموضوعية والصدق والثبات في البحث الكيفي 

دراسة نظرية
د. خالد أحمد مصطفى حجر

كلية العلوم الاجتماعية - جامعة أم القرى

مجلة جامعة أم القرى - للعلوم التربوية والاجتماعية والإنسانية - المجلد 15 - العدد 2 - جمادى الأولى 1424هـ - يوليو 2003 - ص ص 131 - 154 :

Measures of the Conditions of Objectivity, Validity and Reliability in Qualitative Research: A Theoretical Analysis


Dr. Khalid Ahmed Mustafa Hagar


  This article argues that the characteristic nature of social reality and the unique relationship between the researcher and the subject call for an alternative interpretation of the requirements of rigor and trustworthiness that are put forward by the positivist paradigm. These requirements include objectivity, reliability and validity. 

  The positivist paradigm argues that the degree of rigor of a scientific inquiry is determined by the extent to which it adheres to the standards of natural science methodology. Rigor is therefore achieved as the researcher moves from an attitude of subjectivity to an attitude of objectivity in relation to the phenomena and material being studied, and fulfills the conditions of validity and reliability as they are stated by the quantitative methodology. The characteristic features of social reality and the distinguished relationship between the researcher and his subject in the social world make it impossible to apply the notion of objectivity as positivism puts it. While the positivist paradigm seeks trustworthiness through the means of quantitative analysis such as parametric statistics and random sampling and fixed rules for achieving objectivity, reliability and validity, the naturalistic paradigm on which the qualitative methodology rests, seeks basically the same end but through different methods which are better suited for the understanding of social phenomena.

 This article also explains how trustworthiness in qualitative research is achieved by various methodological procedures such as triangulation, detailed description and reflexivity, and how reliability and validity are achieved in qualitative research according to the distinguishing features that characterize social reality throughout the phases of qualitative inquiry.

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