
آخر المواضيع

الجمعة، 10 نوفمبر 2017

التغطية النباتية في قطاع الهدا-الشفا كقاعدة بيانات للتنمية السياحية البيئية ...

التغطية النباتية في قطاع الهدا-الشفا

كقاعدة بيانات للتنمية السياحية البيئية 

رسالة مقدمة إلى قسم الجغرافيا كمتطلب تكميلي

لنيل درجة الماجستير في الجغرافيا

كلية العلوم الاجتماعية

جامعة أم القرى

إعداد الطالبة

فايزة بنت معيض بن عبد الله القثامي


أ.د. زين بنت مطلق الجميعي

الفصل الدراسي الأول

1433هـ - 2012 م


The study of vegetation coverage at Al-Hada and Shifa as a data base for the development of eco-tourism

Aimed researcher to study the vegetation coverage Al-Hada and Shifa as a database for the development of eco-tourism by analyzing and assessing the state vegetation coverage in the study area in terms of density, and know the effect of natural factors on the Variation of vegetation coverage, using Geographic Information Systems Technology and Remote Sensing, and to identify areas that have a high percentage of vegetation coverage, and highlighted as areas suitable for natural eco-tourism development.

The study included four chapters the first contains definition subject of the study and the theoretical framework and previous studies, also the second chapter contain thedefinition of the study area, and Chapter III is focused on the differences in distribution of vegetation coverage in the study area and highlight the more densely covered vegetation, and presenting the most important vegetation species scattered, and Chapter IV contains results and recommendations.

The study found that the area of vegetation coverage for Al-Hada and Shifa sector reached 208.71 km 2, The medium density of vegetation is covering larger area of the study area, it is covering 109.41 km 2, While also abound vegetation sparsely area, which covered 93 km 2, also the high-density vegetation is covered 7 km 2, vegetation coverage varies from one region to another of the impact of natural factors , where the highest percentage of vegetation at Al-Hada and Shifa is covered at region No. 13 by 20%, followed by the region No. 14, where it covered 18% of the area of vegetation coverage in the study area, and was the least in the region No.7, which covered 0.79 then the region No. 6, which covered 1.15% and the region No. 15, which covered 1.34% of the area of vegetation coverage . The study recommended work on the growth and development of the region No. 13 and tapped eco-tourism development projects while maintaining its natural elements that it own.

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