Evaluation of Rock Fall Risk in Kilis
(Turkey) City
by Using GIS and Remote Sensing
Mehmet Ali ÇELİK
Kilis 7 Aralık University , Science and Arts Faculty, Geography Department, 79000, Kilis-Turkey
Dokuz Eylül University , Buca Faculty of Education, Social Studies Department , 35150, İzmir -Turkey
Rapid increase in population results in rapid but not planned growth of residential areas and subsequently residential areas shift from their initial position to various risk including regions. Natural disasters are inevitable once the cities are not properly planned in countries like Turkey characterized with geological, geomorphological and climatological diversity. It is worthy to note that disaster risk profile in Turkey is very high according to the natural disasters historical data. Of the natural disasters, rock fall is one of threats for Turkey. The definition of rock fall may be simplified as quantities of rock falling freely from a cliff face. In order to monitor the possible and potential rock fall risks, base maps of the study area (Kilis, Turkey) was obtained using geographical information system (GIS) techniques and remote sensing data. The base maps were produced considering the parameters affecting the rock fall. Finally, rock fall risk map for the region was obtained by overlapping the maps using GIS techniques. The results exhibit that 3.22 % of the regions has high potential risk of rock fall. Based on the results, local decision makers concerned with urbanization plans should consider the regions with high rock fall risks. Otherwise, the loss of life and property is inevitable as consequences of natural disasters.
Keywords : GIS Natural disaster planning Rock fall Kilis Remote sensing
1. Introduction
The rapid increase in World population in rapid growth of residential areas and subsequently residential areas shift from their initial position to various risk including regions (Değerliyurt, 2014: 656). Natural disasters are inevitable once the cities are not properly planned in countries like Turkey characterized with geological, geomorphological and climatological diversity. It is worthy to note that disaster risk profile in Turkey is very high according to the natural disasters historical data. Of the natural disasters, rock fall is one of threats for Turkey. The definition of rock fall may be simplified as quantities of rock falling freely from a cliff face. Between1950-2005, 899 residential areas were exposed to rock fall (Polat and Güney, 2013: 208).
In the recent technological and scientific advances, the evaluation and map productions with respect to the rock fall are performed using GIS techniques. This technique provides great conveniences in relation to the saving data in digital media, map production and presentation of data to the users (AFAD, 2015: 7). In this context, the most preferred method is to produce sensitivity maps. Herein, it is targetted to monitor the dangerous and risky areas with the maps and then make predictions concerned with reduction of rock fall in the present and possible future rock fall risk evaluation are interests of the current study. In order to monitor the possible and potential rock fall risks, base maps of the study area (Kilis, Turkey) was obtained using geographical information system (GIS) techniques and remote sensing data. Finally, rock fall risk map for the region was obtained by overlapping the maps using GIS techniques. The created risk map of rock-fall would function effectively in decision-making mechanisms for many state institutions in Kilis city.
Thus, the possible rock fall would be prevented and it should be highlighted that the potential risk of rock fall is the consequence and dependent on the unplanned establishment of residential areas.
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, it can be deduced – but for the present study and examined areas- the areas characterized with mountainous above 750 m in general, slope between 6- 9° and the areas including wear resistant rocks and volcanits but having south-facing and relatively north-facing aspects possess high and very high rock fall risk potential. The precipitation is between 500-600 mm and vegetation cover is bare regarding with degree of closures and is characterized with medium-dense. The results exhibit that 3.22 % of the regions has high potential risk of rock fall. Based on the results, local decision makers concerned with urbanization plans should consider the regions with high rock fall risks. Otherwise, the loss of life and property is inevitable as consequences of natural disasters.
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