
آخر المواضيع

الجمعة، 1 ديسمبر 2017

التمثيل الكارتوجرافي (الخرائطي) للظواهر الجغرافية البشرية في محافظة القادسية ج1 - أطلس الظواهر الجغرافية البشرية في محافظة القادسية ج 2 ...

التمثيل الكارتوجرافي (الخرائطي) للظواهر الجغرافية البشرية 

في محافظة القادسية

الجزء الأول

رسالة قدمها

أركان مظهر راضي الفرحاني

إلى مجلس كلية الآداب في جامعة القادسية وهي جزء من 

متطلبات نيل درجة الماجستير آداب في الجغرافيا - خرائط


الأستاذ المساعد الدكتور

مصطفي عبد الله السويدي

1433 هـ - 2012 م


   One of the most important points to be taken care by the cartographic in his preparation of any map is to choose the method of appropriate cartographic representation in its means and methods of multiple display. A map is a means and an important tool for geographic to be able to deliver information and data that are represented on it in faster ,clearer and easier way to understand and perception than absolute figures and extended tables to the recipient of this map (the reader) . GIS(Geographic Information System ) becomes an important means in the preparation of maps , it helps on the ease of application and use of the appropriate method of representation in the preparation of any map.

    The study confirmes that user of GIS needs for knowledge in basics of cartography and methods of representation cartographic in its means and methods multiple to keep them in the representation of cartographic for every phenomenon of human phenomena, including help to complete the maps of the high precision in the delivery of information and data on the phenomena of study.

  The study is based on the objective approach in determining the methods of cartographic representation of any human phenomena of study, and the methodology of cartographic analysis by following the methods of descriptive and quantitative for Human Geography Phenomena in order to determine their geographical distribution at the level of administrative units in the study area.

   The survey work begins from the premise that the maps of human phenomena are of great importance in clarifying the quantitative and quality changes of the population , their geographical distribution and composition, which helps to develop population policies, in addition to its ability to provide basic and important information related to those interested in the science of agriculture and those interested in industrial activity and transportation routes, and the possibility of creating a digital database private human phenomena in the study area . The choose of appropriate way to represent human phenomena on the maps helps to understand and recognize the information contained in these maps, which facilitates the analysis of maps and Show the spatial variations between the administrative units of the study area . The technology of geographic information systems help to demarcate the maps of the human phenomena with high accuracy

   In this study it is relied on a program (ARC GIS 9.3) for the preparation , the demarcation and complete maps of the human phenomena in AL Qadisiyah province as well as take advantage from the program (Erdas Imagine 8.4) in the truncated parts of the visualization space for each administrative unit and the classification of these visualization depending on the directed classification to determine the cultivated areas in the administrative units of the study area. 

   The study is in three stages The first stage is collection of maps ,data and information published and unpublished from the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation and government departments which related to the human phenomena , as well as to see what has been written about maps in general, maps of human and modalities of cartographic representation in particular. The second Phase is correction of two maps of base together for province and for Iraq and draw shapefile for them , then create a database of human phenomena. The third phase is the completion and demarcation of the study maps and their analysis and then access to the results of them. 

   The study is divided into two parts the first aspect represents the theoretical ,it is consist of three chapters in addition to the introduction. The first chapter deals with maps of human (concept ,development, classification and importance) and methods of cartographic representation , its means and its methods as well as scale and limitations adopted by the study . The second chapter represents the modalities for the representation of people of AL Qadisiyah province . The third chapter was dedicated to methods of representation of economic phenomena in AL Qadisiyah province, which included agriculture , large industries and transportation routes in the province. 

   The second part of the study was allocated to Atlas of human geographic phenomena in AL Qadisiyah province, which included 122 maps and one diagrammatic figure.

   The most important findings of the study is the need to rely on a high accuracy satellite image in the representation of the actual distribution of population and cultivated areas for the signing of the points representing the population numbers and the planted areas in their physical location . The method of collected cubes is the best method of presentation in the representation of numerical distribution of population and quantities of production . The adoption of gradient colors is the best practice in the representation of population density, whether overall intensity or rural or real in addition to its superiority in the representation of the productivity of agricultural crops . It prefers to rely on the style of double columns as the best method in the representation of the environmental distribution of the population, as The study confirmed the need for the user of GIS technology that is harnessed in his service to the basic rules of the maps science . 

الجزء الأول : حمله             من هنا 

قراء مباشرة                      من هنا

للقراءة والتحميل             اضغط هنا   

الجزء الثاني 

أطلس الظواهر البشرية في محافظة القادسية

الجزء الثاني    حمله                         من هنا

                   قراء مباشرة                 من هنا

                 للقراءة والتحميل         اضغط هنا 

تحميل الجزء الأول والثاني :     من هنا    أو    من هنا

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