
آخر المواضيع

الاثنين، 11 ديسمبر 2017

دراسة الاحتياجات المهارية للمورد البشري بمجال الطرق الحديدية في ليبيا ...

دراسة الاحتياجات المهارية للمورد البشري

بمجال الطرق الحديدية في ليبيا

محمد علي الشريف

أستاذ مشارك بالأكاديمية الليبية للدراسات العليا/ طرابلس/ ليبيا 

مدحت عبد الرحمن يوسف

أستاذ مساعد بكلية الهندسة/ جامعة الجبل الغربي/ ليبيا

مجلة جامعة القدس المفتوحة للأبحاث والدراسات - العدد السابع والثلاثون (1) - تشرين الأول 2015 - ص ص 243 - 282 :

Study of Human Resource Skills Needs in Libyan Railways Field 


  Human resources are considered the main support for organization and economic development. Human resources management aims to optimal uses for each human element and raise his efficiency and abilities. Organization efficiency and successful achievement of goals depend on human element, which has to be utilized by excellent planning, selection, training, motivation and evaluation. The Researcher aims to develop these skills in the field of construction, operation and maintenance of Libyan railways projects. The descriptive method and a questionnaire were used. Data were collected data from workers inside a site in Tripoli. The questionnaire consists of consists of 5 main domains with (89) items.

  By analyzing the data, the study concludes that there is a lack of clarity in policies and plans in order to develop human recourses with a rate of 36. 60%, a weakness in implementing the plans and policies with 31. 20%, a weakness in developing and follow- up with the new policies with 44. 80%, and the inability of employees with 34. 86%. The study proved that financial resources are not used properly.


للقراءة والتحميل 

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جيومورفولوجية سهل السندي - رقية أحمد محمد أمين العاني

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