زراعة وصناعة وتسويق الورد في محافظة الطائف
دراسة تطبيقية في الجغرافيا الزراعية
رسالة مقدمة
إلى قسم الجغرافيا بكلية العلوم الاجتماعية - جامعة أم القرى
كمتطلب تكميلي لنيل درجة الماجستير في الجغرافيا
ناريمان بنت محمود إبراهيم أبو عجوة
أ.د. صالح بن علي الشمراني
الفصل الدراسي الأول
Farming , manufacturing and marketing of Rose in Taif Province : Applied Study in Agro Geography
Taif province in K.S.A is characterized by growing Taif's rose more than any region in of the Kingdom , the situation which necessitates making such types of studies so as to assess the most important geographical factors in its farming and manufacturing as well as studying the geographical distribution of the farming regions in the study area in addition to the characteristics of agricultural production of rose in terms of time of farming , harvesting , agricultural methods , marketing outlets , determining economic and relative importance , its future prospects , site the most important problems with regard to farming Taif rose and seeking the most appropriate solutions .
The chapters are set so as to address questions and hypothesis of the study . The first chapter includes introduction of the study . The second chapter focuses on previous studies . The third chapter is about the study area through reviewing natural and demographic characteristics of the study area . The fourth chapter looks at the most effective geographical factors of agricultural production , distribution of production regions in the provinces and factor analysis for the affective geographical factors . The fourth chapter includes manufacturing and trade of Taif rose as well as its future prospects in Taif province . Then results and recommendations are set in the chapter six .
The primary data are gathered from field studies in terms of designing field work card especially designed for this purpose and then its outcomes are analyzed by suitable statistical methods such as factor and mono variance analysis so as to recognize the major effective geographical factors that have the greatest impact in the geographical distribution in farming of rose in Taif province . The study concluded many important results among which is that the climate in Taif is considered as suitable for growing rose as production can be more due to high altitude . Also , the terrain location help prevent the agricultural areas from being exposed to extreme temperature , in addition to the relative distance of rose crop from other cheap agricultural crops can lead to high yield for farmers in terms of its production cost , thus encourages them to invest their funds in other productive projects .
Finally , the researcher hopes that the findings of the study being conducted shall be of vital importance and could play significant role in the field of agro geography in K.S.A .
للقراءة والتحميل
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