
آخر المواضيع

الأربعاء، 6 ديسمبر 2017

التوزيع المكاني لاستعمالات الأرض الحضرية في مدينة المدحتية في محافظة بابل ...

التوزيع المكاني لاستعمالات الأرض الحضرية

في مدينة المدحتية في محافظة بابل

رسالة تقدمت بھا

إفراح إبراھیم شمخي الأسدي

إلى مجلس كلیة التربیة جامعة بابل وھي جزء من متطلبات نیل

درجة الماجستير في الجغرافيا البشریة 


الدكتورالأستاذ المساعد

صفاء عبد الكریم أحمد الأسدي

1430 هـ - 2009 م

Placement Distribution of Urban Land Uses in Town of Madhatiya –Babil governorate

A letter offering by 

Afrah Ibraheem Shamkhi Al_asadi 

To the Council of the College of Education - University of Babil, and is part of getting requirements
Master's Degree in Human Geography
University of Babylon Education College Safiy Al_Deen Al_Hally 

The supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. 
Safaa Abd Al- kareem Ahmed Al_asadi

1430 - 2009


  Madhatiya is one of the ways districts followed to province of Hashemyae in Babil governorate,its area is (584-723) hectares and its population is(45316)consist of(5 ) living quarters( Al imam Hussein, Ameer, Zahra, Hor hajab) . The letter is aimed for studying the uses of urban land within the municipal boundaries to Madhatiya and to know the nature and the geographical distribution of those uses, and the factors are responsible for this distribution, this letter also aims to know the important problems suffered by urban land uses for the purpose and place appropriate solutions to these problems till the year (2027). there isn’t avail able enough information on the uses of urban land in the town the researcher designed a form of questionnaire (303)special form to for population and housing, and (200)special form to commercial and industrial shops for purpose for stepping the reality of the different land uses in Madhatiya Found through the study that the religious factor played an important role in the emergence and development of Al-madhatiay district in addition to the growth of the other land,uses where residential use occupy (441.429) per hectare (75.5%) of the total use and commercial use occupy (0,584) per hectare (0.09 %) and the industrial use occupy (0,125) per hectare (0.02%) and the educational use occupy (3.5) per hectare (0.6%), while the healthy use occupy(0.2) per hectare (0.03%) also take administrative use occupy(2.18) per hectare ( 0.4%), while the religious use occpy an (0.74) per hectare (0.12%), while the entertainment (26.6) and per hectare (4.54%), and a transport occupy (109.365) per hectare (18.7%) of the total land use. As the study in chapter four that city needs all uses in the various uses of the land in accordance with dependant planning standards and finally the letter was concluded a number of conclusions and recommendations. 

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