
السبت، 17 فبراير 2018

كهربة الريف بمركز المنصورة - محافظة الدقهلية: دراسة في الجغرافية الاقتصادية باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) ...

كهربة الريف بمركز المنصورة - محافظة الدقهلية 

دراسة في الجغرافية الاقتصادية

باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS)

رسالة مقدمة لنيل درجة دكتوراه الفلسفة في الآداب (جغرافيا)

من قسم الجغرافيا ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية

بكلية الآداب - جامعة كفر الشيخ


محمد عزت محمد الشيخ


الأستاذ الدكتور الراحل

محمد أحمد محمود مرعي رحمة الله عليه

أستاذ الجغرافيا الاقتصادية 

كلية الآداب - جامعة كفر الشيخ

الأستاذ الدكتور

محمد زكي حامد السديمي 

أستاذ الجغرافيا الاقتصادية ورئيس قسم الجغرافيا

بكلية الآداب - جامعة طنطا

1420هـ - 2009م

Summary of the study 

  The subject matter of the study undergoes the geography of power which is one of the branches of the economic geography and proportionally the modern one . It deals with Rural Electricity in Mansoura District – Dakahllia Governorate. The importance of this subject matter is that electricity has become the main pivot on which, housing, services, agricultural and industrial projects and the different aspects of society are held. 

  The importance of this study in El-Mansoura District Rural Electricity has many aspects the importance of which are the increase in demand of electricity and the increase of problems related to it especially the Net.

- The little amount of electricity used up in the rural community. Most subscribers undergo the first and the second bracket (strip) of the domestic uses the matter which in creases the financial onus resulting from the custody offered by the government to the strips of the little uses. 

The dwindle of burdens in the countryside the most of which happens at the early hours of night because of the illuminating houses the matter which does not economically go with the high cost of erecting a covered aerial net or territorial cables .

- The difficulty of extending territorial cables because of the rural population nature where there are the narrow streets the low floors and the rise of water level in the soil . 

- The shortage of the default age of the components of the distributing net if compared with the likes of the rest of the components of the electric system. The government bears the cost of replacement and renewing the net without the participation of the consumers in this process. 

- The study in the Mansoura District as it is the second district in area in the governorate and the first in population and the centers of population,the matter which means the increase in burden and demand of electricity, consequently it necessitated the raising the efficiency of the net and burdens needed for that

- The district came to be the first in the southern Egypt concerning the installation of electricity the matter that refers that it was the most influenced by electricity both economically and socially.  

- The change of the soil and water level in both the south and the north of Egypt in proportion to the distance from the Damietta towards the east, the matter which affects the way the net is extended . 

- The adjacency of the student of the study field,the matter which made it easy for him to do a field study. 

   The thesisis divided into six chapters preceded by a preface and followed by a conclusion. 

The preface: The managerial development and its effect on the components change of the electric system in the study field "area" has been demonstrated through the preface. 

Chapter One : The electric installation in the study areas and the features of the system in each period have been demonstrated, especially illuminating the districts as the branches,and the change of the types and the volumes and components of the net of transporting and distributing electricity in the district. 

Chapter Two: It dealt with both of the components of the transporting and distributing electricity in the district and the cost of the K/W/h in both transport and distribution in the area of study, then geographical distribution of the transport and distribution in the study are and the study of the geographical factors affecting the extension "natural and human" then the development of the losing rate and consequently the effect of that on the economic changes of transporting and distributing the electricity in the net. 

Chapter Three: It extended to explain the development of consumption of electricity in the study area; The examining it from all aspects " geographical –Sectarian, Sectarian –geographical "then the study of the monthly consumption in the district and connecting that to the development of the number of the subscribers and distributing them geographically and –sectarian and vice versa; Then the study of the monthly losing rate in the study field. In addition to the study in all the district to figure out the areas of most suffering in this problem and vice versa .Then the average share of the losing study has examined as an indicator (gauge)of the standard of living in comparison with its likes in the city and the governorate . The chapter ends with the study of the development of electricity prices and its causes and its effect on the transport and the distribution of electricity in the network. 

Chapter Four: This chapter has examined seven villages as sample of study in the district concerning the general geographical features to find out the effect of the development of the population volume of the of populated areas in the seven villages and their effect on the distributing company components. Also a minute study of the electric consumption in the village as for geographical and sectarian distribution and vice versa through its built sides and figuring out the influencing factors in that. Then I studied the distribution of the subscriber share rate of the electricity the built blocks of the sample villages then the study of the losing rate, its volume. The chapter concluded illustrating the economic futility of selling electricity in these villages to know the profit and loss resulting from that. 

Chapter Five: It aimed at determining the bulk of the social and economic effect resulting from the installation of electricity in the countryside of the district through analyzing the results of questionnaire samples that were collected through field study in certain villages and determining which of then are more affected by electricity installation in the countryside. Moreover, it studied the variation of the degree of the effect between the economic sectors in depending on electricity as well as the difference of the effect degrees between the social aspects, the matter which illustrates the aims of installing electricity in the countryside.

Chapter Six: It has been concerned with the study of the two periods of the second and the third electric system. It imposes some suggestible solutions . It also dealt with the future of the rural electricity ( the network , the consumption) and the alternate sources in the district as well as its use .

Finally ,The conclusion included some of the results" findings " and recommendations in the spotlight of the thesis followed by the indexes and finally the sources and references.


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للقراءة والتحميل 

المصدر: الجغرافيون العرب 

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