
الأحد، 18 مارس 2018

آليات النمو الحضري لمدينة مكة المكرمة - د. نزهه يقظان الجابري ...

آليات النمو الحضري لمدينة مكة المكرمة

نزهة يقظان الجابري

أستاذ مشارك - قسم الجغرافيا - جامعة أم القرى

منشور ضمن كتاب المؤتمر الجغرافي الدولي المنعقد بالمدينة المنورة بعنوان الجغرافية والتغيرات العالمية المعاصر - 2013 - الصفحات: 235 - 283 :

إضافة شرح

Mechanisms of Urban Growth of
Makah Al-Mukarramah
Dr. Nuzha Yaqzan Al-Jabri


  The city of Makkah has witnessed an urban growth throughout time, which pace has accelerated with the beginning of the Saudi era. , and the flow of oil profits and its great effects on the social and economical activities, on census and the demographic structure of the city. Therefore, the city expanded and its inhabitandness prospered, its districts multiplied and spread to the outskirts. 

   This study aims at shedding the light on the unique urban personality of the Holy city of Makkah, and to pursue the stages of the urban growth which the city has undergone throughout history, in addition to the accompanying changes to that growth and the effects that influenced it and the problems resulting from such growth. 
The study draws its data from reports of the ministry of municipal and rural affairs, Holy Makkah Municipality, High Commission of Development of Makkah and the Holy Sites, along with many books, studies and theoretical researches which dealt with the subjects of urbanization. 

  The study adopted the historical approach and the analytical method using of a number of statistical ways such as tabulation, percentages and cluster analysis. To show data on maps and illustrations, the researcher sought the help of cartographic analysis and systems of geographical data. Thus, the study produced a map which shows the borders of the urbanization expansion of the city by the end of 2010. Also, the study found that Makkah is now witnessing a stage of urbanization balance, where the stage of quantity organizational leap ended and the inclination is aimed now at improving the urbanization environment in quality by completing the expansion of urbanization of the previous stages. In the meanwhile, the city witnesses the eruption of big developmental projects which will have a deep impact in changing the social map of the city.

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