
آخر المواضيع

الأحد، 6 مايو 2018

مركز إدكو: دراسة في جغرافية السكان ...

مركز إدكو

دراسة في جغرافية السكان

رسالة مقدمة لنيل درجة الماجستير من قسم الجغرافيا 

بكلية الآدابجامعة دمنهور


سلامة مخيمر السيد على عروس


أ.د. عبد العظيم أحمد عبد العظيم

أستاذ الجغرافيا البشرية

جامعة دمنهور 


فهرس الموضوعات


الفصل الأول: تغير الحجم السكاني  
أولاً: تغير حجم السكان 
ثانياً: معدلات نمو السكان 
ثالثاً: الزمن المتوقع لتضاعف حجم السكان  

الفصل الثاني: مكونات النمو الطبيعي للسكان 
أولاً: الخصوبة  
ثانياً: الوفيات  
ثالثاً: الزيادة الطبيعية  
رابعاً: الدليل الحيوي للسكان  

الفصل الثالث: الهجرة والحركة اليومية للسكان
أولاً: صافي الهجرة الداخلية  
ثانياً: الهجرة الوافدة إلى مركز إدكو عام  2006
ثالثاً: أسباب الهجرة الوافدة إلى مركز إدكو عام 2006
رابعاً: الحركة اليومية للسكان  

الفصل الرابع: توزيع السكان وكثافتهم  
أولاً: توزيع السكان  
ثانياً: كثافة السكان 
ثالثاً: قياس العالقات السكانية- المكانية 
رابعاً: درجة التزاحم السكاني  
خامساً: العوامل الجغرافية المؤثرة في توزيع السكان  

الفصل الخامس: التركيب العمري والنوعي للسكان 
أولاً: التركيب العمرى 
1- تقييم بيانات التركيب العمري والنوعي لسكان مركز إدكو  
2- خصائص سكان مركز إدكو وفقاً لفئات السن العريضة  
3- دراسة بعض المؤشرات الديموغرافية المرتبطة بالتركيب العمري  
ثانياً: التركيب النوعي 
ثالثاً: الأهرام السكانية لمركز إدكو 
الفصل السادس: الحالة التعليمية والزواجية للسكان 
أولاً: الحالة التعليمية للسكان  
ثانياً: الحالة الزواجية للسكان 

الفصل السابع: الخصائص الاقتصادية للسكان  
أولاً: تطور قوة العمل ومعدلات النمو السنوي  
ثانيا: معدل النشاط الاقتصادي الخام والمنقح  
ثالثاً: القوى العاملة حسب أقسام النشاط الاقتصادي 
رابعاً: تركيب السكان حسب الحالة المهنية  
خامساً: تركيب الداخلين في قوة العمل حسب الحالة العملية  
سادساً: نسبة الإعالة الاقتصادية  

الفصل الثامن: مستقبل سكان مركز إدكو  
أولاً: الإسقاطات المستقبلية لأعداد السكان المتوقع حتى عام 2032
ثانياً: كثافة السكان المتوقعة خلال الفترة التخطيطية  
ثالثاً: تركيب السكان المستقبلي وفقاً لفئات السن والنوع حتى عام 2032
رابعاً: إسقاطات التعليم ما قبل الجامعي خلال الفترة التخطيطية 
خامساً: إسقاطات الخدمات الصحية المستقبلية حتى عام 2032

المراجع والمصادر  
الملخص باللغة العربية  
الملخص باللغة الإنجليزية  

Edkou District 

Study in Population Geography

Submitted to obtain Master of Arts in  Geography
Department of Geography - faculty of Arts 
Damanhur University 

Prepared By

Salama Mekhemer El Sayed Ali Arous

Supervised by

Prof. Abd Elazim Ahmed Abd Elazim

Professor of Human Geography Faculty of arts
Damanhur University



  Edkou is one of the modern districts after it Separated from Rosetta district in , It is situated between the latitudes of 31ْ 11′ and 31ْ 22′ East, and longitudes of 30ْ 3′ and 30ْ 25′ North Edkou has human and natural Constituents which helped to Diversification of economic activities in it, As the population are the axis which a lot of studies in various fields go around, we must follow the changing in population size in Egyptian censuses Period to know population growth trends and it's distribution , and what it would be like in the future to be able to take the necessary measures to that of the provision of health, educational and social services, and through the work of the projections of the population of the district, and geographic population dealt with spatial differences of population characteristics in the district and The moratorium on the reasons why every aspect of its aspects vary from the other, and includes the study of eight unprecedented chapters with an introduction and followed by a conclusion, in addition to the list of sources and references (Arabic-English), has recorded study in (294) page include (69) tables, (128) figures and (2) Appendixes, The following is what was included in the study chapters: -

chapter 1: 

 This chapter explains the evolution of the size of the population of the district during the period (1897 - 2006) and by following the population change rate, and the differences annual population growth rates of the same period, as well as to show the contrast between urban and rural areas to those rates, and to predict the number of the years which are needed to double the population of the district , as well as the doubling of the population time, It turns out that the size of the population has increased 144 130 people during the study period, the rate of change stood at  1775.5%. 

Chapter 2: 

  In this chapter we study the natural growth components of the population such as (births, deaths, natural increase), as well as levels of fertility, and the use of the most important metrics, such as the crude birth rate, General Fertility Rate, Age-Sex Specific Fertility Rate, Total Fertility Rate, Child-Woman Ratio, as well as a questionnaire was made on factors that affecting on fertility levels to deal with the lack of data, most notably age at marriage and educational level of the mother, as this chapter also shows deaths and rates trends, such as crude death rate, and Age Specific Death Rate, infant mortality rate, as well as rates of natural increase and Vital Index of the population in the period (2006 - 2013). 

Chapter 3: 

  This chapter deals with the study of abnormal increase of the population of Immigration, was estimated net internal migration in the period (1986 - 2006) as well as net migration rate account in that period , and the emphasis was placed on the causes of immigration to the district in , and a questionnaire was made on the daily movement of the population to find out the movements of population trends as well as the study of urban -rural daily movement. 

Chapter 4: 

  This chapter deals with the distribution of the population in Edkou district and its development in the period (1976 - 2006) and the relative distribution of the population to urban and rural level, also it is interested in studying the general density and physiological in the same period, where I took up from census to another, and the use of some measures and statistical methods and quantitative determine the space relationship of the population, in addition to knowing the degree of overcrowding, and show the most important factors that influenced the geographical distribution of the population in the district. 

Chapter 5: 

  It includes the population structure according to the categories of age, gender, and evaluation of such data by (Un Age-Sex Accuracy Index), age groups were divided into a five categories in order to avoid errors ratio, and to clarify Sex Ratio of the population, as well as the review of the most important indicators and benchmarks description of the population according to age groups and gender (median age of the population Dependency Ratio, Index of Aging) and by following the shape of the population pyramid during the period (1976 - 2006) it is noticed shrinking the base of the population pyramid from Census to another, and the breadth of the middle of the population pyramid area.

Chapter 6: 

  This chapter focuses on the study of the properties acquired of educational status and Marital of the population, and study resulted in lower illiteracy rate, the higher the proportion of university graduates and higher in Edkou district during the period (1976 - 2006), and the evolution of the proportion of the population in the age of marriage and under the age of marriage in the same period, and the chapter touches the study of the population in the age of marriage and the division of the population into marital categories. 

Chapter 7: 

  This chapter deals with the economic characteristics of the population in the district, and study the aspects of the prevailing economic activities, and the evolution of Crude Activity Rate and Refined in the period (1976 - 2006), as well as the evolution of the labor force ratio, and the study of the prevailing Occupation structure of the population, in addition to the situation of the population process and calculate the proportion of study unemployment, and the rate of economic dependency. 

Chapter 8: 

  In this chapter there are projections for the number of future population until 2023 depending on the three hypotheses for the growth of the population (high-medium-low) with preferring imposition average, and expecting the size of the population and density in the future, and predicted Labor force size, as well as prospective study services education and health and what is required to keep pace with population growth. 

  The study ended with a conclusion includes the results, and what recommended by the study to resolve problems that represent an obstacle to development of population in the district . 

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المصدر : الجغرافيون العرب

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