
آخر المواضيع

السبت، 4 أغسطس 2018

مشروع تنمية القطاع التنموي البرلس في ضوء المحددات البيئية ...

مشروع تنمية القطاع التنموي البرلس

في ضوء المحددات البيئية

جامعة القاهرة

كلية التخطيط الحضري والاقليمي

قسم التنمية الإقليمية

مشروع تنمية القطاع التنموي البرلس

في ضوء المحددات البيئية

مقدم من: محمد سالم


Cairo University

Faculty of Urban and Regional Planning

Department of Regional Development

The development of "Burllus Region" in the

light of environmental constrains

Submitted by: Muhammad Salem



  The Nile Delta in Egypt is home to more than 30 million people (over 25,000 person/ kilometers). In addition to it is considered the major area for agricultural production in Egypt. Burullus region is considered northern coastal zone of nile delta.

   This coastal area is witnessed several changes during the last decades due to climate change and its coastal location. Coastal erosion, saltwater infiltration, and effects of rising sea levels are the most threats which facing that region

   The dominant feature of Burullus region is the low lying land of the River Nile, with its large cities, agriculture and tourism. Furthermore, Burullus region is a promising area for extracting oil and industrial activities. Moreover, It is one of an important wetland ecosystems. 

   There are a lot of studies refer to sinking of Burullus region partially or totally as a result of climate changes, which will influence of 3 to 5 million inhabitant in that region. The concept of this project research is finding the best ways for dealing with "Burllus Region" , through discussing different scenarios of that area, and various techniques for dealing with the environmental issues which faced Burullus region. 

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