أثر المتغيرات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية
في سلامة الممارسات البيئية للمرأة الريفية
في محافظة ريف دمشق
كنان فواز كمال الدين
إدارة بحوث الدراسات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية
الهيئة العامة للبحوث العلمية الزراعية، دمشق، سورية
Effect of Socio- Economic Variables on the Safety Environmental Practices of the Rural Woman in Damascus Countryside Governorate
Kenan Fawazkamal Aldeen
Socio-Economic Research Administration, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR),
Syrian Journal of Agricultural Research. Volume 2 , Number 2, Dec 2015, P P 40 - 54
Abstract: This research aimed to identify the environmental practices of rural women farmers, and to determine the impact of the socio- economic variables on the safety environmental practices in of Damascus countryside, Syria (Douma, Al Qtaifa, Al Tal, Yabroud, Al Nabk, Al Zbadani, Qatana, and Darya). To fulfill the objectives of the research, an analytical field study for the environmental practices of the rural women was conducted. A stratified sample size of 159 rural women was selected, on the basis of a questionnaire, which was filled by personal interview during 2011. The results showed that 57.2 % of the researchable were doing incorrect environmental practices. The results also showed a significant correlation between all of the independent variables i.e. researchable age, educational level, role in plant and animal production activities, the educational level of the husband, the hours number of housekeeping and agricultural work, social and health awareness, other tasks, and the dependent variable i.e. the safety environmental practices. Using the binary logistic regression analysis to determine the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable represented by the safety environmental practices of the rural women, the results exhibited the contribution percentage of the independent variables was (76.6%) of the dependent variable.
Key words: Environmental practices, Rural woman, Socio- economic variables
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