
آخر المواضيع

الأحد، 14 أبريل 2019

دور الأمواج في تشكيل خط الساحل فيما بين رأسي الضبعة والحكمة بالساحل الشمالي الغربي لمصر: دراسة جيومورفولوجية

دور الأمواج في تشكيل خط الساحل

فيما بين رأسي الضبعة والحكمة

بالساحل الشمالى الغربي لمصر

(دراسة جيومورفولوجية)

رسالة ماجستير في الآداب من قسم الجغرافيا

بكلية البنات للآداب و العلوم و التربية 

جامعة عين شمس


إيناس أحمد محمود فرغلي

معيدة بقسم الجغرافيا

كلية البنات للاّداب والعلوم والتربية – جامعة عين شمس


أ.د. سهام محمد هاشم

أستاذ الجغرافيا الطبيعية قسم الجغرافيا

كلية البنات للاّداب والعلوم والتربية – جامعة عين شمس

د. نورة عبد التواب السيد

مدرس الجغرافيا الطبيعية قسم الجغرافيا

كلية البنات للاّداب والعلوم والتربية – جامعة عين شمس


1438هـ - 2017م

Waves's role in forming the coastline between

Ras El Dabaa and Ras El Hekma, 

North-western Coast of Egypt

A Geomorphological study

Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Master of 

Arts (Geography)

Prepared by

Enas Ahmed Mahmoud Farghaly

Demonstrator, Department of Geography
Faculty of Women for Arts, Science and Education – Ain Shams University

Supervised by

Professor / Seham Mohammad Hashem

Professor of Physical Geography
Faculty of Women for Arts, Science and Education – Ain Shams University

Dr / Nora Abd El Tawab El Sayed

Lecture of Physical Geography
Faculty of Women for Arts, Science and Education – Ain Shams University


2017 - 1438


Prepared by

Enas Ahmed Mahmoud Farghaly

Supervised by

Prof Dr. Seham Mohamed Hashem.

Dr. Nora Abd El Tawab Elsayed

   Under The Title of 
 Wave’s role in forming the coastline between Ras El Dabaa and Ras El Hekma, Northwestern Coast of Egypt A geomorphological study 

 (Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Master of Arts in Geography) 

     The present study deals with wave’s impact in forming the coastline and its geomorphological features in the area between Ras El Dabaa and Ras El Hekma. In addition, it aims to identify the potential natural hazards, contribute to the future planning of the study area and define the ways to manage the coastal areas and it comprises the following sections:.

 Preface: defines briefly the study area and identifies the objectives of the study. It considers the methodology of the study. In addition, it focuses on the previous studies. The preface ends with a statement of a thesis contents.

 The First Chapter: entitled "- Physical characteristics of the study area " It includes - geological settings, the climatic characteristics of the study area, the hydrological setting, the soil and vegetation in the study area. 

 The Second Chapter: entitled “Factors affecting the coastal erosion in the study area ". It deals with the direction and geology of the coastal features, the rates of coastal erosion, force and direction of the wind, sea level, and the depth of coastal waters and the nature of the wave. 

 The Third Chapter: entitled " Geomorphological phenomena resulting from the coastal erosion", It includes sea cliffs , marine notches , marine caves , natural bridges and arches and marine entrances. 

 The Fourth Chapter: entitled “Geomorphological phenomena resulting from coastal erosion in the study area ", it deals with marine bays and inlets, lagoons, coastal marshes, and coastal sand dunes. 

 The Fifth Chapter: It deals with geomorphological hazards in the study area”. It concludes that geomorphological hazard comes from sea level rise, coastal erosion and the ways to avoid them by proposing wave breakers to protect the area.

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للقراءة و التحميل اضغط      هنا

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جيومورفولوجية سهل السندي - رقية أحمد محمد أمين العاني

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