The Limits of Cultural Politics
Scott Michaelsen
and David E. Johnson, editors
University of Minnesota Press
Acknowledgments vii
Border Secrets: An Introduction
David E. Johnson and Scott Michaelsen 1
I. The Borderlands
ONE Reflections on Border Theory, Culture, and
the Nation
Alejandro Lugo 43
TWO In the Borderlands of Chicano Identity, There Are
Only Fragments
Benjamin Alire Saenz 68
THREE On the Border with The Pilgrim: Zigzags across
a Chapl(a)in's Signature
Louis Kaplan 97
FOUR The Time of Translation: The Border of
American Literature
David E. Johnson 129
II. Other Geographies
FIVE Run through the Borders: Feminism, Postmodernism,
and Runaway Subjectivity
Elaine K. Chang 169
SIX Compromised Narratives along the Border:
The Mason-Dixon Line, Resistance, and Hegemony
Russ Castronovo 195
SEVEN Resketching Anglo-Amerindian Identity Politics
Scott Michaelsen 221
Afterword: Further Perspectives on Culture, Limits,
and Borders
Patricia Seed 253
Contributors 257
Index 259
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