
آخر المواضيع

الأحد، 22 سبتمبر 2019

مناهج تخطيط المدن الذكية: حالة دراسية - دمشق

مناهج تخطيط المدن الذكية

"حالة دراسية - دمشق" 

رسالة مقدمة لنيل درجة الماجستير في التخطيط والبيئة

قسم التخطيط والبيئة - كلية الهندسة المعمارية 

جامعة دمشق


خلود رياض صادق 


د.م. محمد حيَان سفور

المدرس في قسم التخطيط والبيئة جامعة دمشق



  يتناول البحث دراسة وتحليل المدن الذكية ومتطلبات إنشائها، في كل من الدراسة النظرية والتطبيقية، حيث يتطلب إنشاء المدن الذكية وتحويل المدن القائمة إلى مدن ذات تقنيات ذكية، دراسة مستفيضة وتحليل دقيق للواقع الراهن والمستقبلي وتحديد للاستراتيجيات والأهداف والخطط التنفيذية للوصول إلى النتائج المرجوة، وقد هدف البحث إلى وضع استراتيجية لتحويل مدينة دمشق إلى مدينة ذات تقنيات ذكية، وتحديد الأدوات اللازمة لتحقيق ذلك، من خلال الإجراءات التنفيذية وأولويات العمل.

   تناول البحث في قسمه النظري دور التطور التقني في تخطيط المدن، وظهور المدن المعتمدة على التقنيات، وصولاً إلى مفهوم المدينة الذكية، وذلك من خلال المقارنة بين هذه المفاهيم وتوضيح المعنى اللغوي والاصطلاحي للذكاء، كما بين مستويات المدينة الذكية وأبعادها ومكوناتها، بالإضافة إلى التعرف إلى متطلباتها وتطبيقاتها، ودراسة مجموعة من المعايير العالمية التي وُضعت لتقييم أداء المدن الذكية، واستعراض التجارب العربية والعالمية لإنشاء مدن ذكية وتحويل المدن القائمة إلى مدن ذات تقنيات ذكية.

  تم تحليل الواقع التقني في الجمهورية العربية السورية، من خلال دراسة وتحليل المبادرات الذكية في الاستراتيجيات والدراسات السابقة، بالإضافة إلى المبادرات الذكية المحلية، وتوصل من خلال ما سبق إلى تحديد متطلبات لإضفاء الذكاء إلى المدن مصنفة في محورين، العناصر الأساسية والداعمة، كما بين الاستراتيجيات المستخدمة في إنشاء المدن الذكية وتحويل المدن القائمة إلى مدن ذات تقنيات ذكية.

  تناول البحث في الجزء التطبيقي صياغة استراتيجية لتحويل مدينة دمشق إلى مدينة ذات تقنيات ذكية من خلال إسقاط وتطبيق لكل ما ورد في الدراسة النظرية، من تحديد للعناصر الأساسية للاستراتيجية، والأدوات الأساسية التي تحقق أهدافها واقتراح أولويات العمل التي توضح الخطوات التنفيذية التي يمكن من خلالها تحويل مدينة دمشق إلى مدينة ذات تقنيات ذكية.

  أظهرت الدراسة النظرية والعملية ضرورة صياغة استراتيجية للاستفادة من التقنيات الحديثة في تخطيط المدن من خلال تبني مفهوم المدينة الذكية، كما تبين من خلال البحث إمكانية اعتماد بعض التطبيقات بما يتلاءم مع المتطلبات والاحتياجات لكل مدينة، على أن تزداد هذه التطبيقات مع الزمن، باعتبار تحويل أي مدينة إلى مدينة ذات تقنيات ذكية هو عملية مستمرة، بالإضافة الى ضرورة إعداد خطط تنفيذية وتحديد أولويات العمل بما يتلاءم مع واقع مدينة دمشق في إطار تحويلها إلى مدينة ذات تقنيات ذكية.

  لذا يُعدّ هذا البحث مساهمة علمية للاستفادة من التقنيات الذكية في تخطيط المدن، من خلال صياغة استراتيجية لتحويل المدن القائمة إلى مدن ذات تقنيات ذكية، وذلك بالاستفادة من الدراسات النظرية والمبادرات العربية والعالمية في إطار إنشاء مدن ذكية وتحويل المدن القائمة إلى مدن ذات تقنيات ذكية، واقتراح رؤية مستقبلية للاستفادة من التقنيات الذكية في مدينة دمشق، من خلال تحديد الاستراتيجية والخطط التنفيذية وتحديد الأولويات.

الكلمات المفتاحية: مدن ذكية، مدن ذات تقنيات ذكية، الذكاء الاصطناعي، التطور التقني، المدن المعتمدة على التقنيات.

Methods Of Planning Smart Cities
/Case Study: Damascus/

A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master Degree in planning and environment

Prepared by:

A. Khuloud Ryad Sadek

Supervised by:

Dr. Mohamad Hayan Saffour



  The research study and analyze smart cities and the requirements of its inception, in both theoretical and practical study, as the establishment of smart cities and transform existing cities to cities with smart technologies require extensive study and the thorough analysis of the current and future realities, and identify the strategies, objectives and operational plans to reach the desired results. The objective of this research is to develop a strategy to transform the city of Damascus to the city with smart technologies, and identify the tools needed to achieve this, through the operational procedures and action priorities.

  The theoretical part of The research study the role of technical development in urban planning, and the emergence of cities based technologies, leading to the concept of smart city, through comparison between these concepts and clarify the meaning of linguistic and terminological of intelligence, and study the levels of smart city and its dimensions and components. In addition, it identify the requirements and applications of smart cities, and study a range of international standards that have been developed to assess the performance of the smart city, and review the experiences of Arab and world to create smart cities and transform existing cities to cities with smart technologies.

   Also analyzed technical realities in the Syrian Arab Republic, through the study and analysis of smart strategies and previous studies, in addition to smart local initiatives, and reached through the above to determine the requirements to give intelligence to the cities classified in two axes, the basic elements and supportive, and the strategies used to create smart cities and transform existing cities to cities with smart technologies.

  The applied part formulate a strategy to transform the city of Damascus to the city with smart techniques by applying everything studied in the theoretical study, through the identification of key elements of the strategy of transforming the city of Damascus to a city with smart techniques, and basic tools that achieve strategic objectives and propose priorities for action that describes the implementation steps to transform the city of Damascus to the city with smart technologies.

  In the overall search, the theoretical and practical study showed the need to formulate a strategy to take advantage of technologies in urban planning through the adoption of the concept of smart city, the research also show the possibility of adopting some applications in line with the requirements and the needs of each city, provided adopting more application in the future, as conversion any city to city with smart technologies is an ongoing process.

  The results of the applied study showed the need to prepare operational plans and identify priorities for action, taking in consideration the state of the city of Damascus, while transforming it into a city with smart technologies.

  So this research is considered as scientific contribution to take advantage of smart technologies in urban planning, through the formulation of a strategy to transform the existing cities to cities with smart technologies, and taking advantage of theoretical studies, Arab and global initiatives about creating smart cities and transforming existing cities to cities with smart technologies, and propose vision for the future to take advantage of smart technologies in the city of Damascus, through the identification of a strategy, operational plans, and setting priorities.

Research Summary
Since their inception, cities are considered as centers which combine activities and individuals. They are also the place where people are used to live in and conduct various activities. And the follower to the lives of citizens can find that the majority of their activities are relying on information and communication technologies, as in the last decade of the twentieth century, a range of electronic activities such as e-commerce, education and telemedicine are spread, and that wasn’t limited on services, but it extended to include work activities as well. Since the city is the entity that contains all of these activities, significant changes began to occur in its physical, social and economic structure as a response to the requirements of these new electronic activities. So several labels have appeared for cities which are dependent on technologies, including smart cities. According to this, the study posed a question about Methods Of Planning Smart Cities.
To provide a scientific answer to this question, the research sets a range of problems:
 The delay of having a clear definition of smart cities, and its application in the developing countries.
 Lack of clear urban policy to take advantage of modern technologies in the urban planning of existing and future cities.
A set of questions are asked in this field:
 What is the concept of smart city, and what distinguishes it from other cities based on technologies?
 What are the most important challenges facing the establishment of new smart cities and transforming existing cities to cities with smart technologies?
 Many cities used smart applications in different ways, so can these applications be used in ways that fit the city of Damascus?
 What are the practical applications, tools and strategies needed to transform the city of Damascus to the city with smart technologies?
The primary objective of the research is the formulation of a strategy to transform the city of Damascus to the city with smart technologies and to achieve that search depends on achieving a set of sub-goals that serve as the steps needed to achieve the main goal. These goals are as follows:
 Clarify the concept of smart city and its components.
 Study and analysis of applications and the requirements of the smart city, and the criteria for evaluating the performance of these cities.
 Study and analysis of a group of Arab and international experiences to get benefits from them in the case study.
 Formulate a methodology to build smart cities, and convert existing cities to cities with smart technologies.
The importance of the research comes from its dealing with technical development, which is a sophisticated high-speed one, as the world produces a new technology every day and every hour, which significantly affected human thought as well as the daily lives of individuals. Consequently, it affected the spatial relationship of urban elements, and the need to get benefits from the positive effects of this development in the field of existing urban planning, and work to develop a future vision for the city of Damascus in this technical development.
Research components are divided into three parts, each of them reaches a set of results that relate to the subject matter as follows: 1. Introductory section: displays the search problem and objectives, in addition to the questions, and the methodology used in the preparation of the search. 2. Part I - theoretical analytical framework: consists of four chapters dealt with the concept of smart city and its requirements and applications, as well as the criteria for evaluating the performance of these cities and analytical study of a group of experiments about creating smart cities and transforming existing cities to cities with smart technologies, and they are as follows:
2.1. Chapter I - the concept of the smart city: This chapter contains the role of technical development in urban planning, and the emergence of cities based on the techniques, and then defined these cities like electronic, informational, virtual cities and their components, in order to clarify the differences between smart cities and other cities based on techniques, by comparing these cities in terms of the availability of infrastructure, provide interactive services, provide virtual space, the economy, the participation of individuals, and sustainability. The comparison shows that these cities in general based on the techniques, also digital, electronic, virtual and smart city provide interactive services to individuals and virtual spaces, while informational cities only benefit from information and communication technologies to enhance the knowledge and thus develop the economy and achieve competitive, and therefore what distinguishes smart cities are social, economic and environmental dimensions (the concept of sustainable development). Then the chapter discussed the concept of intelligence, both linguistic and terminological, through clarification of the concept of artificial intelligence, and discussed the different definitions which dealt with the term of smart city, in order to clarify the concept of smart city, leading to the definition that was adopted in the search, so Smart Cities are " urban areas supported with networks and digital technologies, offering electronic interactive services in various fields, and has the ability to solve problems by investing individuals, institutions and technologies intelligence, as characterized by social and environmental sustainability, and its dependence on knowledge-based economy to create competition, and they are a model for the development of cities and regions, based on the infrastructure of information and communication technologies to achieve sustainable economic growth, and better quality of life where services are available electronically."
The research pointed to the levels of the Smart City, which are artificial, collective and human intelligence, as well as the dimensions of the Smart City, which are associated with traditional theories of urban development and growth, namely: smart economy, smart life, smart environment, smart people, smart mobility and smart government. 2.2. Chapter II - Requirements and applications of smart cities: This chapter included the requirements needed to build smart cities, which are a group of elements connected by networks. These elements are sensors used to meet the required level of control, while networks involve a variety of communication links, fiber optic, radio packet and satellites. These networks deal with monitoring programs and sensors which are distributed in large geographical areas, and through these technologies and networks, the data is collected and processed through a combination of software. The technical components also are linked to smart city type, and differ between new smart cities and transform existing cities to cities with smart techniques. And addressing the challenges facing the implementation of smart cities, including: technical challenges represented by weak infrastructure of information and communications technology, which constitute an obstacle to the application of smart city, especially the high cost of these technologies and tools, in addition to inadequate technical skills of personnel to deal with this application, and the lack of legal and legislative framework to contribute in adjusting the smart city applications.
The research also pointed to the Smart City applications, namely: e-government, e-commerce, e-tourism, telemedicine, technology zones, e-learning, intelligent transportation systems, smart buildings, security and safety system, and environmental monitoring. It explained that the choice of smart city applications related to the basic objectives of the city planned to be created or converted into a city with smart technologies, and by their ability of implementation, as well as to increase by the time, because Smart Cities must be able to integrate new services and technologies, as well as existing services, which supports the continued development .
2.3. Chapter III – The criteria for evaluating the performance of smart cities:
Evaluating the performance of smart cities is considered as an effective tool in the future development. Through this assessment, strengths and weaknesses can be identified, and thus formulate the objectives and development strategies. So this chapter provided detailed study of the various global criteria that dealt with evaluating the performance of smart cities, which are "Nicos Komninos" criteria, that include forty indicators within four axes (education and skills of individuals, creativity and knowledge institutions, digital infrastructure and e-services, creative performance), and standards of intelligent communities forum (ICF), which includes five dimensions (communication networks, the development of the capacities of individuals, participatory, support new institutions, economic development), as well as the Regional Science Centre at the Technical
University of Vienna criteria, which includes 31 factors within the dimensions of the Smart City and each factor includes 2-3 indicators, as the number of indicators comes 74.
And to adopt criteria to evaluate the performance of smart cities, a comparison between these standards was conducted in terms of the database, the use of indicators, spatial dimension, and the final results. The comparison showed that the standards of the Regional Sciences Center are characterized by their spatial dimension. They also included criteria for the selection of cities to be studied, and used standard values in order to avoid errors caused by the absence of some data, and it was based on recent data, while the most important thing was the detailed results. The results were shown on the dimensions level, giving applicable results, while "Nicos Komninos" standards and intelligent community forum standards did not include methodology for the selection of cities to be studied. They also did not explain the method of calculating, and the detailed results are not available.
Therefore, the criteria for Regional Science Centre at the Technical University of Vienna can be considered as the most comprehensive and detailed, and was adopted in the conversion of the city of Damascus to a city with smart technologies through the application of the six dimensions.
2.4. Chapter IV - International Experiences:
This chapter contained a set of global experiences of Arab and foreign cities, about creating new smart cities and transforming existing cities to cities with smart technologies, in order to benefit from the successful experiences of a group of developed countries and countries which have similar economic and social structure to the case study, and worth mentioning that the number of smart cities that began to be created in the world has exceeded the 2000 city, of which 1500 until 2010, and the population of these cities is growing on average of 20% annually, so experiments were selected to cover various strategies about the establishment of smart cities. This chapter analyzes these experiences through the study of smart applications and techniques used in each experiment and determines the pros and cons of each experiment, and compares them to conclude a set of results, and the experience of the holy city of Mecca is studied in details, because it has the closest properties to the case study.
 The first axis - create new smart cities:
The research included the study of three new smart cities, which are: Cyberjaya in Malaysia, Songdo in Korea, Neapolis in Cyprus, These experiences were compared in terms of the goal of the city, its components, in addition to smart applications and construction phases.
The comparison and analysis of these cities components shows that those components associated with the city goals and the duration of the implementation associated with the number of smart applications.
 The second axis - convert existing cities to cities with smart technologies:
This axis included three experiences. They are: Groningen in the Netherlands and the cities of Mecca and Dubai, a comparison between these cities was conducted in terms of smart applications and techniques used.
The comparison showed that smart applications in every city started from the local needs, while «Groningen» focused on education, the holy city of Mecca and due to its religious specificity focused on e-tourism, and the city of Dubai focused on e-commerce. These applications have been strengthened with another group of applications.
These cities used the same content management tools, and required techniques, while the city of Mecca included RFID technology, and in the field of networking, Mecca and Dubai have been relying on wired networks which existed in the city, and providing wireless networks, while «Groningen» city does not include wire networks, so data transfer mechanism was limited on wireless networks.
Through analysis of Arab and foreign experiments, this chapter reached to the requirements of giving intelligence to existing cities or creating new smart cities through providing a range of elements that can be grouped into two main axis: essential elements which include information and communication technologies infrastructure, building skills and smart applications, and supportive elements which include legal and legislative environment, and cooperation between the public and private sectors.
This chapter also presented strategies to create new smart cities and transform existing cities to cities with smart technologies, namely:
o Focus on infrastructure and services.
o Strategies at the level of technical complexes.
o Strategies at sector level.
o Create large-scale smart cities (multi-center and sectors).
3. Part II - applied framework: everything studied in the theoretical study is applied in this part, through the identification of key elements of the strategy of transforming the city of Damascus to a city with smart techniques, and basic tools that achieve strategic objectives and propose priorities for action that describes the implementation steps to transform the city of Damascus to the city with smart technologies:
3.1. Chapter V - a strategy to convert the city of Damascus to the city with clever techniques:
This Chapter began by studying smart initiatives at Syrian Arab Republic, to determine the smart applications required to be provided in the city, which are:
o Electronic health system.
o E-commerce.
o Intelligent transportation systems.
o E-tourism.
o Smart buildings.
o Environmental monitoring systems.
Then the strategy at sector level was adopted to formulate the city of Damascus to a city with smart technologies, providing infrastructure as an essential part of the development of smart cities. This strategy was selected because it is the most available for the city of Damascus, through the adoption of a single application or more depending on the city implementation ability. The methodology of the strategy depends on a series of successive steps that can be summarized as follows:
 Preparing long-term vision.
 Setting sub-goals.
 Identify strategic axes of the application by identifying the opportunities, problems and analyze them.
 Set Priorities by the possibility of the application.
 Develop a proposed implementation mechanism with time plan in the form of programs, each of which contributes to the achievement of a set of strategic objectives for each axis.
 Periodic review of strategy.
Taking into account the historical significance of the city of Damascus and its economic and political importance, basic vision strategy was formulated, which aimed primarily to improve the quality of life in the city of Damascus through harnessing technology and the provision of services and the right content, in the context of sustainable, long-term vision, and based on these vision a set of sub-goals were defined:
o Providing high quality electronic services with premium standards in several areas.
o Provide quality infrastructure.
o Promotion of cultural heritage, and provide the ability to increase the number of tourists.
o Create a green and sustainable environment.
By linking the main objectives with smart applications, it appeared that the achievement of these goals requires the adoption of all smart applications, and certainly this is not possible at the same time, for many reasons, including, high cost technologies, and taking into account the priorities in previous studies and the time needed for implementation.
So priorities for the adoption of some applications were identified based on its importance, so focusing on the application of Intelligent Transportation System was done, which contributes to solve traffic problems experienced by the city, in order to enhance the operational efficiency of the transportation system, which in turn
leads to improve environmental conditions, in addition to the application of e-tourism, because of the historical importance of Damascus.
To achieve the objectives of the strategy, working on the application of Intelligent Transportation System was done, which aims primarily to improve the quality of life and reduce pollution levels in the framework of sustainable, long-term vision, and based on the primary objective, a set of sub- goals were defined:
o Enhance the efficiency of the transport system.
o Create safe transport system.
o Energy conservation and environmental protection.
After applying Intelligent Transportation structure on the city of Damascus, this application showed that most Intelligent Transportation applications must be applied, due to traffic problems in the city, and certainly this is not possible at the same time, so priorities were identified for the adoption of some applications, based on their importance. The highest priority was given for applications that contribute to solving the fundamental problems related to congestion, parking, and the level of pollution. The central priority has included applications on resolving the immediate problems, such as automatic close roads and provide information about the weather, while applications that partially contribute to solve the problems such as the automated check for vehicles, the automatic collection of fees has been given the least priority (long term).
This chapter concluded that the adoption of high-priority applications contribute to raising the efficiency of the existing transport system in the city of Damascus.
Also this chapter has identified a set of goals for the application of e-tourism, namely:
 Promote tourist sites, and develop tourist perception of historical areas.
 Provide data on tourist sites for individuals before visiting.
 Provide alternative to realistic visit in risky sites, non-accessible, or that no longer exist.
 Provide tourists with digital tourist guide.
While application was through two phases, the first is preparatory and the second is executive including two-dimensional maps, three-dimensional, and the final product, and determined technical requirements for each level.
This chapter explains the activation levels of e-tourism, which are the provision of information level, that includes two-dimension maps of services sites, cultural and tourism routes, and show level includes historical simulation and virtual tours through the website, which was created to view this data, while the interaction level includes virtual tours.
Thus this chapter contained the strategy of transforming the city of Damascus to a city with smart technologies through the development of smart applications in various sectors in the city, and starts with applying e-tourism and Intelligent
Transportation systems application, as more application should be applied in the future according to their importance, as the formulation of existing cities into smart cities is considered as continuous development process, so at a later stage, a strategy of creating technology zones belonging to the city of Damascus can be adopted which in turn contributes to enhance knowledge-based economy.
Down to the conclusion, findings and recommendations:
This research explained the concept of smart city, its dimensions, requirements and applications. It also addressed the criteria for evaluating the performance and problems facing the adoption of applications, and presented a strategy to transform the existing cities to cities with smart techniques according to scientific standards derived from the theoretical study. It also treated research problem from all aspects through analysis and extrapolation, and reached a methodology to create smart cities through a review of international and local experience, so the search has reached its objectives, answered its problem, and concluded a set of findings and recommendations.
The research concluded the following results:
 There are many factors that helped the emergence of smart cities. They include the dependence of the society and contemporary economy on knowledge and innovation, as the main engine for the development of cities, in addition to the emergence of new spaces that rely on techniques and digital representation.
 Agreement between the concepts that dealt with cities based on techniques is in the technical component, while digital, electronic and virtual and smart cities offer interactive services to individuals and virtual space, informational cities benefit from information and communication technologies to enhance the knowledge and thus develop the economy and achieve competitiveness.
 Problems facing the application of smart cities are theoretical and practical which confused between terms mentioned above, so clear concept that includes application mechanisms must be identified.
 Varied concepts dealt with the term smart city, but on the whole, all of them emphasize that creativity and problem-solving are the most important features of intelligence, and what distinguishes smart cities is using digital tools as a tool for investment intelligence in solving problems, in addition to focusing on the social, environmental dimension, and adoption of the concept of sustainability and participatory.
 Smart City is a multilevel regional innovation system, which combines knowledge-based activities, solving problems institutions, communications infrastructure and digital tools to increase the ability to solve problems.
 Smart city dimensions are linked to traditional development theories and urban growth, such as transport, economy, natural resources, quality of life and participatory.
 Creating smart cities requires offering a range of technical components, associated with city type, which also differs between new smart cities and transforming existing cities to cities with smart technologies.
 Smart City applications can be selected according to the fundamental objectives of the city to be created or converted into a city with smart technologies, and by their ability to implementation, as to increase these applications with time. Smart Cities must be able to integrate new services and technologies, as well as existing services, which support continued development.
 The lack of expansion in the adoption of smart city applications at the present due to many reasons, including the lack of legal and legislative appropriate environment, and the lack of adequate funding sources, in addition to the lack of the necessary skills to deal with these applications.
 The criteria for evaluating the performance of smart cities is considered as an effective tool in the future development of the cities, because it contributes to determine the comparative advantages of each city, the weaknesses and potential development opportunities.
 Making cities intelligent requires the availability of a range of elements, including information and communication technologies infrastructure, building skills, smart applications, legal and legislative environment, as well as cooperation between the public and private sectors.
 four types of creating smart cities and transforming existing cities to cities with smart technologies strategies can be identified, namely:
o Focus on infrastructure and services.
o Strategies at the level of technical complexes.
o Strategies at the sector level.
o Creating large-scale smart cities (multi-center and sectors).
o Transforming cities into cities with smart techniques associated with range of changes in physical infrastructure, including:
o Changes in activities spatial location: techniques separate activities from spatial determinants.
o Decentralization in jobs and services: techniques have changed the importance of distance and its role in the organization of the place, and the selection of sites and relationship between them.
About case study:
 Transforming the city of Damascus to the city with smart technologies requires developing infrastructure, in addition to the adoption of a range of applications according to their importance, as these applications can be increased by the time.
 The application of e-tourism in the city of Damascus requires activating a range of levels, the information level; apply level, and the level of interaction.
 The application of e-tourism in the city of Damascus facing several challenges, including the effort required to prepare content that offers to individuals, in addition to the high cost needed to apply the interaction level as a result of its technical requirements cost.
 The application of intelligent transportation systems in the city of Damascus facing a series of challenges, including: economic challenges which are the high cost of installing the necessary technical equipment, technical challenges as the difficulties facing immediate data exchange, social challenges related to the inability of all users of the transport systems to deal with the techniques.
 The city of Damascus can be converted into a city with smart technologies through adoption of the strategy of creating technology zones belonging to it, which in turn contribute to enhance knowledge-based economy.
The research recommends the following matters:
 Do not import ready-made templates for smart cities and its application, but appropriate studies must be conducted, which makes smart cities compatible with local needs.
 Develop a national strategy for the use of smart technologies in city planning, seeking to implement a range of smart cities as a key engine for economic and social development, taking into account the global effects, and international trends which link development movement with the use of new technologies, and the need to determine the basic vision and objectives for each city in the light of the overall strategy objectives, which considered smart cities as a part of the overall national strategy.
 Develop the communications infrastructure and build high reliability advanced network to provide continuous, effective and affordable services, and to develop this structure, the study must rely on numerical indicators, which show the extent of these technologies, and what ought to be within the time points of specific construction phases, which helps in monitoring and evaluation, taking into account the rapid development of Information and Communication Technologies.
 Provide legal, legislative and investment environment to attract international, regional and local investment, which contributes to the development of smart technologies.
 Develop human resources through training professionals, forming skilled labor force, and preparing graduates for the development and use of the latest technologies.
 Smart city applications must be compatible with local needs, and accessible, as it should be easy to use.
 Taking into account gradual implementation of the smart city applications, and select the services most likely to implement to begin with, with trial applying for some applications before dissemination to ensure their effectiveness, in addition to the need for continuous development and add new applications.
 Adopt partial time plan because it allows greater flexibility in implementation and allows realigning the strategic path in the light of the results being obtained through application, and clear strategy objectives must be set so that they can be measured and followed.
 Referring to implementation mechanisms is important when building smart cities, because the operational phase are considered the most important stage, in which vision and goals converted into reality, and this implementation phase requires setting the actions which should be taken to achieve the objectives, so it is the phase in which ideas are converted into practical steps, and it is noteworthy that the periodic review of strategy is necessary to fit with new technological developments.
 The need for cooperation and coordination between various entities, and partnerships between the public and private sectors.
 Smart cities must be built using correct methodology, taking into account the requirements of these cities of networks and technologies, and this methodology must include awareness plans and training programs to use techniques, in addition to the need to have legal and legislative structure needed to create these cities.
As for the case study:
 Taking into account gradual strategy adoption to convert the city of Damascus to the city with smart techniques, through the selection of high-priority applications.
 Adopt a strategy based on the development of various sectors of the city because it is inclusive and more applicable.
 Supporting e-tourism applications and help tourists to identify the most prominent and archaeological sites, and the most important services and how to access them all virtually via the Internet, and provide details of tourist sites to promote visiting the original site and increasing tourist demand.
 Develop three-dimensional maps for cities that attract tourist, and create virtual museums sites.
We conclude from the foregoing, that smart cities are complicated and interrelated, and need to in-depth and aware studies of its elements before starting a new smart city or transforming existing cities to cities with smart technologies, and this study included overall strategy and guidelines in the context of smart city planning. This subject is characterized by its modernity, so we recommend to constantly doing researches about using smart technologies in urban planning, and in particular smart cities.

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