
آخر المواضيع

الاثنين، 7 أكتوبر 2019

التباین المكاني لخصائص المیاه الجوفیة في محافظة كربلاء وعلاقتھا بالاستخدامات البشریة

التباین المكاني لخصائص المیاه الجوفیة في محافظة كربلاء

وعلاقتھا بالاستخدامات البشریة

رسالة قدّمتھا

مروه وسام عبد العالم

إلى مجلس كلیة الآداب في جامعة الكوفة
وھي جزء من متطلبات نیل درجة الماجستیر
في الجغرافیا الطبیعیة


الأستاذ الدكتور

عبد الحسن مدفون أبو رحیل

١٤٣٥ ھ -٢٠١٣ م

Spatial variation of the characteristics 
of the groundwater in the province 
of Karbala and its 
relationship to human  uses

A Thesis
Submitted to the Council of the Faculty of Arts /University of Kufa
As Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master
Degree in Geography


Marwa Wisam Abdul Alem

Supervised by

Prof. Dr. Abdul-Hasan Madfun Abu Riheel

2013A.D. 1435A.H.


   The study area is located between latitudes (50 - 32) and (9-32) in the north and longitudes (10 - 43) and (18 - 44) to the east and thus fall within the desert climate and also characterized by lack of surface water resourcesmaking them rely heavily on groundwater In various human uses, so it was necessary to study their physical properties, chemical and impact of the natural characteristics of the study area on groundwater . The study showed a significant impact of the characteristics of natural study area on groundwater in terms of chemical reactions and physical that occur inside the geological formations as and influenced the direction of movement groundwater Within the aquifer type rocks and degree into force of within aquifers, as and to the surface and the soil a major impact on the amount of leaking from surface water to subcontract the ground during the process of groundwater recharge, either type of groundwater prevailing in the province of Karbala I study showed that the watercontinental origin are prevalent in the study area except some wells were once out of the sea And that probably affected their physical and chemical characteristics of the rock formations containing them, as the study showed a significant increase in concentrations of elements of the physical and chemical properties of groundwater where exceeded the limits proposed by international organizations, especially in the value of total dissolved solids ranged value in the groundwater zonestudy (8000 - 14000) mg / liter, while the heavy elements have been relatively low concentrations where test results showed some of the wells to be free of contamination with these elements This has great contrast to the physical characteristics and chemical and dramatic rise in the values of TDS a major role in the limited uses of groundwater within the study area where it is not suitable for drinking man does not drink some animals, such as poultry, as it is not suitable for the canning industry, but can be used in the field ofagriculture.

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