
الاثنين، 4 نوفمبر 2019

تأثير الحركات التركيبية والبنيوية على المكمن المائي لتكوين الرطبة الرملي

تأثير الحركات التركيبية والبنيوية

على المكمن المائي لتكوين الرطبة الرملي

أياد محي علوش        سعاد عباس رضا

مجلة الفرات للعلوم الزراعية - 4(1) - 132-147( 2012 )

. Tectonic and Structural Evolution and Its Affecton Rutba Sandston Formatio 


: Rutba formation was strongly affected by the tectonic & structural evolution of Iraqi western desert which caused wide systems of faults in addition to the surface & subsurface folds and fractures, which helped in storing and passing the ground water easily between different formations in addition to hydraulic connection between different aquifers. Rutba Sandstone is locally spread in western desert, made up of thick Sandston layer poorly cemented intercalated with Limestone & Dolomitice Limestone layers which represent Rutba Formation aquifers. Rutba formation represents a good aquifer at western desert, due to large water content in accordance with its lithologic nature. It commonly located in the North and North Eastern part of Rutba up left. The result of pumping test of many wells showed that well discharge ranges between (3-22) liter/second, while the total dissolved solids range (1300-3000) ppm

The partial exposure of Rutba formation in western desert in addition to its hydraulic connection with other aquifers helps to renew its water.

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جيومورفولوجية سهل السندي - رقية أحمد محمد أمين العاني

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