
آخر المواضيع

السبت، 7 ديسمبر 2019

إدارة الأراضي الزراعية وعلاقتها بالجدارة الإنتاجية للتربة في مراكز محافظة الدقهلية غرب فرع دمياط: دراسة في الجغرافيا الاقتصادية باستخدام الجيومعلوماتية

إدارة الأراضي الزراعية وعلاقتها بالجدارة الإنتاجية للتربة

في مراكز محافظة الدقهلية غرب فرع دمياط

"دراسة في الجغرافيا الاقتصادية باستخدام الجيومعلوماتية"

رسالة مقدمة لنيل درجة الدكتوراه في الآداب ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية

من قسم الجغرافيا ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية بكلية الآداب - جامعة المنصورة

إعداد الطالبة

أسماء نعمت الله عبد الشافي الشرباصي

مدرس مساعد بالقسم


أ.د. منير بسيوني سالم الهيتي

أستاذ الجغرافيا البشرية و رئيس قسم الجغرافيا

ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية بكلية الآداب - جامعة المنصورة

بكلية الآداب - جامعة المنصورة

د. عبد الحميد أحمد كليو

أستاذ الجغرافيا الطبيعية المساعد والمتفرغ

بكلية الآداب - جامعة المنصورة

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Agricultural land’s Management And It’s Relationship to Yield Efficiency of The Soil in Dakahlia Governorate’s Provinces in
The West of Damietta Branch
" A Study In Economic Geography Using Geoinformatics "

Thesis submitted for the degree of PhD
in Geography


Asmaa Nemat Allah Abd Al Shafy Al Shrabasy

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Geography

Faculty of Arts - Mansoura University

Supervised by

Prof. Monir Bassiouny Salem Al-Hity

Professor of Economic Geography and

The Head of The Department of Geography and GIS

Faculty of Arts - Mansoura University

D. Abd El-Hamid Ahmad Kleo

Assistant Professor of physical Geography

Ex. Head of the Geography Department

Faculty of Arts- Mansoura University



   The study is concerned with the management of agricultural land. The importance of this study is that agricultural production is based on the management of natural resources and socio-economic environmental management collectively determines the image of the agricultural systems adopted - on which the idea of sustainable development and sustainability. The study area is located west of Damietta branch. The aim of this study is to achieve several objectives, namely to clarify the interaction between the conditions of the natural environment, agricultural decision and agricultural practices. and studying of the social management of the land ( systems of ownership and tenure). then studying the water management of the land and the related technical and organizational practices of irrigation and drainage. Focusing on calculating the water budget of the crop composition in the study area for 2017, and trying to assess the efficiency of agricultural drainage in the study area. Then studying fertilizing policy and manual and mechanized soil service practices. Also the Thesis has focused on the output of the process of agricultural production in the study area through the drawing of agricultural map, Mapping the soil in the study area with a focus on all chemical and organic properties related to agricultural production. Estimating the productive merit and estimating its environmental quality through the environmental sensitivity index for desertification, and trying to map the future of productive merit in the study area. 

  Study came in seven chapters was preceded by an introduction and was followed by a conclusion, it may come as follows: 

Chapter I : it has specialized for studying of the conditions of the natural environment as inputs for agricultural production. It was concluded that the geographical location has been shown to have a significant impact on the conditions of production and management of agricultural land, represented by the fact that most of its areas fall within the ends of irrigation networks, Exposing it to a qualitative and quantitative water deficit to varying degrees, The location also deprived the region of using groundwater as a source of irrigation. The topography of the northern area of Belqas has delayed their exploitation of agricultural production. Surface sediments have affected agricultural practices and their cost. Evapo-transpiration is progressed southward in the study area. 

Chapter II: it has specialized for studying the evolution of cultivated land in terms of distribution and area, then studying the social characteristics of the land represented in the tenure systems and farm size. Most of the additions to the cultivated land were found to have occurred in Qalabshaw and Zian, The topography of the region and the cost of processing factors for aquaculture have illustrated the nature and evolution of agricultural use, Fish farms were concentrated on lowland and sabkha land. Between 1984 and 2000, Belkas acquired agricultural land that was more than half of its cultivated land at the beginning of the duration. Then, the cultivated land continued to be lost throughout the study area, but the Nile Provinces represented the largest loser of the land and lost 7% of their lands with better productivity conditions. Dwarf holdings predominate in the study area, and half of their holdings are less than optimal for intensive agriculture. 

Chapter III: it has specialized for studying Water management of agricultural lands (irrigation and drainage). It was found that July was the month of extreme water demand, and the rice crop controls the distribution of water needs in the study area, where its irrigation in 2017 required about half of the irrigation requirements. The quantity of water discharged to the Provinces does not correspond to the area of its agricultural land. It has been shown that the amount of water deficit and the number of months is increasing northward in the study area. There are complicating factors of water deficit problems, namely pollution, lack of clearance of waterways and disruption of many water barriers and lifting stations. The problem of rise of the water table appeared in more than one third of the sample holdings, and is considered one of the most serious manifestations of poor drainage. 

Chapter IV: it has specialized for studying soil nutrition and manual and automated service. The distributive map of the fertilization map in the study area is highly homogeneous in an appearance that may be explained by the homogeneity of culture and awareness in the rural environment of the area as part of the Nile Delta .As well as homogeneity in terms of abundance and scarcity in the amounts of fertilizers governed by the central factors. The scientific basis for determining the fertilizer needs of crops is not followed in the region. The region in general and the reclaimed land in particular suffer from scarcity of labor, difficulty in providing and high costs. 

Chapter V: It has specialized for studying the Evolution the development of the agricultural map of the region through the last three agricultural censuses. The winter crops composition was concentrated on wheat and alfalfa crops, but then the bean and sugar beet crops was added after reclamation operations, and the beet settles in Belkas center in factors related to soil physics and the site of Dakahlia sugar factory. Tomatoes and peas were the main winter vegetable crops in the region. Talkha and Nabarouh provinces are the poorest in the region. The summer vegetables in the region were concentrated on crops (watermelons, potatoes and tomatoes).

Chapter VI: The focus of this part of the study has been to show the geography of the most important soil characteristics which effects on agricultural production. It was found that half of the area -according to the sample- ranged from saline soils to very strong salinity soils were concentrated highest in Qalabshu, Hafir and southern Belqas due to conditions related to drainage and poor irrigation water. Alkalinity is also rising northwards in the area. The picture of soil cation exchange capacity distribution was strongly influenced by soil physics. The exchangble sodium distribution showed a gradual increase in the northward trend. Most of the study area falls within the category of high available nitrogen concentration, leaving only Qalabshu area with the excess concentration category. Much of the area is within the average available P category for surface horizon samples, and potassium availability most of the region in its high concentration category. The total nitrogen distribution is the most homogeneous of the chemical soil properties. The distribution of organic matter takes a gradient based on the Damietta branch, adjacent to the highest concentrations and less away from it. 

Chapter VII: It has aimed to estimate the productivity of soil and assessing the environmental quality of agricultural land through the index of environmental sensitivity of desertification. The study area fell into four categories: (second, third, fourth and fifth), with the second productivity in about two thirds of the area. It is clear that most of the old lands fall within the insensitive range of desertification, but it varies internally. Largest categories.

  The study recommends that is necessity to lining the irrigation network with all its grades in Qalabshaw and Zian; and protecting it from being sanded by enclosing its sides with sand barriers. It is also necessary to deepen the agricultural drainage network in the area of Qalabshaw and Zian with the necessity of lining it, in order to reduce the level of ground water. Any indiscriminate transfer of a cultivated land to a fish farm should be prohibited, without an official license granted to a field survey of the topography of the area. And It is important that the pelagic fish farms are lined with all the new lands in the region. A regular maintenance plan should be made for all the land served by the drainage covered by the study area, and the network should be replaced and developed in the areas introduced to it in the 1990s. It is proposed to establish desalination plants for agricultural wastewater, the first of which is on Nimra 2, for re-pumping it to the irrigation system at the end.

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