
آخر المواضيع

الأربعاء، 6 يناير 2021

التوسع الحضري وأثره في إنتاج المياه الصالحة للشرب واستهلاكها في مدينة الديوانية - هيلين جابر شلال الزبيدي - رسالة ماجستير 2017م

التوسع الحضري وأثره في إنتاج المياه الصالحة للشرب

 واستهلاكها في مدينة الديوانية

رسالة تقدمت بها الطالبة

هيلين جابر شلال الزبيدي

إلى مجلس كلية الآداب / جامعة القادسية 

وهي جزء من متطلبات  نيل درجة الماجستير

آداب في الجغرافية


الأستاذ الدكتور

صفاء جاسم محمد الدليمي

1438هـ - 2017م

Urban Expansion and its impact on the

production and consumption for the drinking

water in AL- Diwaniyah city

AThesis Submitted by:

Helen jabber shalal AL-Zubaidy

To The Council OF the college OF Arts University OF ALQADISSIYA in partial Ful Fillment OF the requirements For the master Degree in Geography

Supervised by

Prof . Dr .Safaa .J . AL Duleemy

2017 A.D 1438 A.H


  The production and consumption of drink able water are one of the most important applied topics ,which have been directed in the field of the geographical studies. this is due to the increasing demand consumption for drinking water and its many other uses. The importance of clean and drink able is clearly crucial and not debatable because it is the fundamental requirement for all human life as well as it is one of the main criteria for measuring the development of countries in the world .for these reasons , this subject has been investigated and detailed in a comprehensive manner . 

   This study has been shown the reality of the drink able water projects in ALDiwaniyah city and the average consumption and evaluation efficiency with its quality and quantity of production Moreover , the capacity of the project and its ability to cover all the different needs of people to water in this project according to their quality , quantity ,capacity and amount of water supplied to the people . the types of the consumption of the water in in AL- Diwaniyah city have been classified as home , industrial ,commercial and government and finally the illegal consumption of the water (overtaking) and have been studied in details .

  In addition to that ,the case study on the network transportation lines of drinking water in the city of AL- Diwaniyah and the authorized distribution system of water , which has a number of challenges and limitation such as the direct pumping without any storage system in addition ,it is contained an analytical testing of the physical , chemical and biological characteristics of the drinking water in the production areas .These tests have been done by taking Samples of water in the different stage of production Such as raw water before and after the treatment process .These tests have been done for two season periods (January and July) to determine the validity of treated water for human use .

   It is found that the supplied water is excessed by(071.57 liter , person ,Day) over the standard average ,which is about (450 liter ,person ,Day) . The Housing consumption for the supplied water reached to (67%) from the whole amount of supplied water . 

    There fore , to find the problems and the weakness in the whole of the process of the drinking water production process in different stages including the treatment , transportation and the consumption and find the Suitable Solutions for them ,this thesis has been introduced .The thesis consisting of an introduction and four chapters .The first chapter has been included the theoretical framework two has been studied the natural and human factors that effect the drinking water production in addition of the extension stage of the city . chapter three has been spatial distribution of the water production project depending on their location in the AL- Diwaniyah city and their effects .chapter four has show some of the future forecasting and consumption for the drinking water production in the AL- Diwaniyah city until 2025 .

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