
الأربعاء، 17 مايو 2023

الأبعاد المكانية للإفرازات الصلبة الحضرية في مدينة إب: دراسة في البيئة الحضرية - عائشة عبود محمد الأسد - رسالة ماجستير 2016م

الأبعاد المكانية للإفرازات الصلبة الحضرية

في مدينة إب

 دراسة في البيئة الحضرية


مقدمة إلى مجلس قسم الجغرافيا بكلية الآداب في جامعة عدن كجزء من متطلبات الحصول على درجة الماجستير في الجغرافيا


إعداد الطالبة

عائشة عبود محمد الأسد



أستاذ مشارك الدكتور

أمين علي محمد حسن




Spatial Dimensions of Urban Solid Secretions

In The City of Ibb

(A Study In Urban Environment )


A thesis submitted to the Department of Higher Studies, Faculty of Arts, Aden University, in Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Master in Arts, Geography



Aisha Aboud Mohammed Hassan Al assd


Supervisor: By

Associate. Prof

Dr. Amin Ali Mohammed Hasson





  This study "Spatial Dimensions of Urban Solid Secretions in the City of Ibb: A Study In Urban Environment" is divided into four chapters. The first chapter tackles the demographic and constructional urban changes, and their impact on the solid wastes. This chapter also discusses the most important factors affecting them in terms of quantity and quality that included human factors related to the increase of population income, roads, behavioral and social factors, and natural factors related to the region's topography and climate.

   The second chapter aims at introducing the solid wastes, reality and concept, their components and sources, and the evaluation of their management process, which has been managed by Cleanliness and Improvement Fund in Ibb city. The management process of solid wastes has three stages: i) collecting wastes from various waste places, whether direct manual collecting or by garbage trucks or chopping trucks, ii) transporting the wastes through specific paths, and iii) discharging the wastes to the landfill.

   The third chapter addresses the geographic distribution of garbage containers starting with a geographical and administrative specification of the areas under study, the amount of urban secretion for each region, and the geographical distribution of sweeping workers, and the geographical analysis of the containers to identify their efficiency. Through the geographical and spatial analysis to the garbage containers, the study has shown a big deficit in the preparation and poor distribution: there are areas in the city without containers. The results of the analysis show that container distribution takes a pervasive pattern, which increases the process of effort, time and cost, the main reason of which is lack of planning and distribution. 

  The forth chapter discusses the environmental effects and damages caused by the accumulation of the solid wastes in some of the areas under study. In this chapter, it is shown that the accumulation of wastes more than 48 hours causes nuisance to residents due to the spread of unpleasant odors, harmful insects, and distortion of the urban view of the surface of water (ground water), soil and air. Moreover, this chapter presents the types of landfills: randomized or open landfills, in Ibb city and the availability of the conditions and standards for establishing a sanitary landfills in the main landfill of the city. 

  The study shows that all standers are not applied. This chapter concludes with the impact of landfill on water, air and soil. This study is based on several research methods such as inductive and descriptive analytical methods, synchronized with quantitative methods to detect the spatial dimensions to the study variables. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) is also employed to unload and analyze the questionnaire items. Other techniques that have been made use of include satellite photo through the technology of GIS (General Information System), employing the Arc Map software for spatial analysis of the study variables and providing maps which serve the study.

   In conclusion, this study has come up with several results, the most important of which is that there is a strong relationship between the increase of population and the amount of secretions generated. It also deals with the waste as one unit without divisions of hazardous waste. About 39% of the population centers and about 62% of the area of Ibb city are not covered by the cleanliness service, in addition to the unsystetmatized distribution of containers. 

  Therefore, the study recommends that the authority of Ibb city, represented by Cleanliness and Improvement Fund, should do: first, spreading 932 awareness among residents and encouraging them to sort waste, and redistributing containers in a way that fits the distribution of population. Second, spreading awareness among cleanliness workers of being punctual, not leaving waste to remain in the containers or points of waste gathering for a long time. Third, spreading awareness among workers of the solid waste landfill to cover the landfill with soil to prevent the spread of odors, fire and volatizing waste to neighboring areas. Finally, spreading awareness among residents of how to deal with solid wastes in a proper way.

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