
آخر المواضيع

الخميس، 6 يوليو 2023

Evaluation Of the Main Transportation Between Routes Between Hospitals in The City of Khartoum Using Geographic Information Systems (A Study in Transportation Geography)

 Evaluation Of the Main Transportation Between Routes Between Hospitals in The City of Khartoum Using Geographic Information Systems (A Study in Transportation Geography) 

Helen Mohamed Abdul Hussein 

Dhilal Jawad Kadhim Yassin 

University of Kufa / Facolty of Education for Girls 

 RIGEO Review of International Geographical Education 11(12), SPRING, 2021, PP 1270-1282



The work of this research to evaluate the existing state of Khartoum hospitals distribution, so it has been necessary data collection to look like roads, hospitals, land use and population density in the region and analyzed using arc map10.2 gis -geographic information systems- to gain access to a number of results that the distance between hospitals and main roads less than the distance standard also confined to hospitals in convergent spaces It is also standard distances do not agree and for the population, according to an analysis of the intensity Kernel said the results far from health facilities are basically designed to serve the opulation. By observing the distribution of residential areas, demographic, commercial and other uses of land in the map also shows that this distribution _distribution hospitals Khartoum_ existing scattered and without the approval of the standards as required and not serve the population. . 

Keywords: Data collection, geographic information systems, health facilities 


Back Ground the Topic

Geographical Information System (GIS from now on) is able to bridge the gap between curiosity-driven science and practical problem solving. This is already done for several areas of societal issues and of scientific fields like, for instance archaeology, geology, topography, demographics, development and landscape architecture etc. In those fields GIS plays a very important role either directly or as an aid instrument for mapping and analyzing data and revealing new patterns that could lead to better understanding of knowledge that might already exist or generate new knowledge that needs further consideration GIS, analytical hierarchy process, and multiattribute assessment and evaluation techniques were used to examine attributes describing primary care need and identify areas that would benefit from increased access to primary care services. Attributes were identified by a collaborative partnership working within a practice-based research network using tenets of community-based participatory research. Maps were created based on socioeconomic status, population density, insurance status, and emergency department and primary care safety-net utilization. Individual and composite maps identified areas in our community with the greatest need for increased access to primary care services. Hospitals are one of the most important infrastructural objects. The increasing population, especially in developing countries, amplifies the demand for new hospitals. Hospitals are usually funded by the public sectors, by profit or nonprofit health organizations, charities, insurance companies or even religious orders. No matter who provides the answer, where to locate a new hospital is an important question to ask. Hospital site selection plays a vital role in the hospital construction and management. From aspect of the government, appropriate hospital site selection will help optimize the allocation of medical resources, matching the provision of health care with the social and economic demands, coordinating the urban and rural health service development, and easing social contradictions. From aspect of the citizen, proper hospital site selection will improve access to the health care, reduce the time of rescue, satisfy people’s medical needs as well as enhance the quality of life. From the aspect of the investors and operators of the hospital, optimum hospital site selection will definitely be cost saving on capital strategy. It is an inevitable trend for hospitals to adopt cost accounting in order to adapt to the development of the market economy. Besides, better hospital site selection will promote the strategy of brand, marketing, differentiation and human resource, and enhance the competitiveness. 

Problem of the Research

I.inadequacy of the hospital sites with the number of people in the region

II.Noise Pollution

III.disabling of traffic from hospitals pedestrians on a main road

IV.Bad choice of hospitals, site of the facility near the airport

Objectives of the Research   

The overall aim of this study intends to evaluate for existing hospitals by using arc GIS software:


I.Distribution of hospital in Khartoum city

II.To assessment the health care services already existing in the city of KHARTUOM

III.Health care environment and utilization

IV.The effects of hospitals in there’s area

Justification for choosing the topic

Find out the distribution of hospitals in the state of Khartoum, the pattern was necessary to conduct the research and many of the analytical processes for hospitals located and their population distribution based on measurements of global and local. 

Justification for choosing the area of study

Sudan is a big country and a great and has a large number of hospitals, but Khartoum state has the largest number of residents Because health is the population chose the state of Khartoum to study the distribution of these Aiskiet in the state and the extent of its proximity to the population to an end required   

To cite this article: Hussein H, M, A, and Yassin D, J, K. (2021). Evaluation of the main transportation between routes between hospitals in the city of Khartoum using geographic information systems (a study in transportation geography). Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(12), 1270-1282. Doi: 10.48047/rigeo.11.12.117    









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