
الخميس، 20 نوفمبر 2014

أثر المستوطنات الصناعية في التنمية الإقليمية : دراسة تطبيقية على مستوطنة النهروان الصناعية في العراق ...

أثر المستوطنات الصناعية في التنمية الإقليمية

دراسة تطبيقية على مستوطنة النهروان الصناعية في العراق

رسالة تقدمت بها

مي ثامر رجب عبود العزاوي

إلى كلية التربية للبنات جامعة بغداد جزء من متطلبات 

نيل درجة ماجستير آداب في الجغرافية

بإشراف الأستاذ المساعد

د. سميرة كظم الشماع

1423هـ - 2002 م


 This research aims to present a scientific practical real study about Industrial estate’s experiment in Al-Nahrawan estate at Iraq, the only industrial estate in the country. 

   The hypothesis of the research based upon that Al-Nahrawan Industrial estate has special locationing,developing and planning dimensions at the same time. 

  The research approach has theoretical and practicalsides. Chapters 1 and 2 are the theoretical side. The researcher discusses the idea of an industrial estate, its planning and targets in Chapter 1, then shows the experience of the industrial estates at India as a model for very successful experiments according to United Nations experts. 

  The practical side is in Chapters 3 and 4. The historical background of Al-Nahrawan Industrial estate has been discussed with the reasons and plans behind its establishment in Chapter 3. The researcher evaluates the scene and object factors to all industries at Al-Nahrawan Industrial estate, which depend on the practical study survey for 43% of total industrial projects in the estate, using random practical sampling due to the different sizes of these industries in Chapter 4. 

  The researcher reached the following theoretical results: 

1) Industrial estate is an important tool in industrial development as well as in urban and regional development in the World, so their numbers reach 21000 industrial estates in 2001 in the whole World. 

2) Elasticity was shown during choosing a location forestablishing an Industrial estate in it. The choice can be urban, semi-urban or rural locations. 

3) Industrial estates have been classified upon its industrial activities to Nursery, functional, ancillary, mixed and research estates. 

4) The size of industrial estates varies around the World depending upon the reason behind the establishment as well as the industrial activity in each. 

5) The main reason for establishing the industrial estates in India has been to develop the small industries, so their sizes have been kept small. 

6) India controls about 27.4% of total Industrial estates in the World, with annual average development as 24% between 1956-1990. 

7) India builds its Industrial estates in the 1950s near large cities, but this policy were changed in 1980-1990s and Industrial estates were established in small cities and rural areas. 

8) Indian government supervises all Industrial estates, which financed by governmental, private or private-assisted sectors. 

  The practical study about Al-Nahrawan Industrial estate shows the following results: 

1) The aim behind establishing Al-Nahrawan Industrial estate has been to move the industries of bricks and tanning from around the capital Baghdad in order to decrease the pollution caused by these twoindustries. 

2) Al-Nahrawan Industrial, estate’s establishment has economical, architectural and social effects. 76% of people living in Al-Nahrawan location are working in the estate with 69% of total wages paid. 24% of workers in the estate live at Baghdad City with 31% of total wages paid. 

 Al-Nahrawan Industrial estate’s establishment has architectural effects. A new city has been built (Saddamiat Al-Nahrawan) for the workers, which is 9Km distance from the Industrial estate. The lack of general services and infrastructures lead to the decrease in population from 75000 people in 1992 to40000 people in 2001, which means a defect in development average equal 7.22% yearly.

3) Al-Nahrawan Industrial estate’s important problem is the lack of pure water. The researcher suggests the necessity for a National plan to build industrial estates cover the whole of the country, and plans to establish several low-costs nursery industrial estates in the country in order to develop small industries in the country.

النص الكامل 



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