
آخر المواضيع

الأحد، 10 مايو 2015

كتاب تحليل الخرائط Map Analysis ...

Map Analysis

  Understanding Spatial Patterns and Relationships

Joseph K. Berry, University of Denver

Book Description:  The Map Analysis book is a collection of selected works from of Joseph K. Berry’s popular “Beyond Mapping” columns published in GeoWorld magazine from 1996 through 2006.  In this compilation Berry develops a structured view of the important concepts, considerations and procedures involved in grid-based map analysis.  The companion CD contains further readings and software for hands-on experience with the material presented. 

While numerous books focus on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) capabilities of computer mapping and spatial database management, few provide an understanding of its analytical potential and practical realities in a non-technical manner.  The unique character of this book draws from the author’s ability to convey seemingly complex concepts of spatial data and GIS operations in words that resonant with others less technically versed.  The result is a book that engages the reader to “think spatially” and formulate new and innovative solutions to complex spatial problems.  Key to this process is a paradigm shift that extends the traditional paper map perspective of “where is what” to the modern perspective of “why and so what.”  Within this context, maps become data and map analysis becomes the means to derive information about spatial patterns and relationships within and among map layers.  (www.innovativegis.com)

Spin_Arrow click here to order the Map Analysis book with companion CD; $45.00 plus shipping and handling; GeoTec Media publisher  [www.geoplace.com/books/mapanalysis]

ü  Click here for a promotional flier describing the Map Analysis book (.pdf document)
ü  Click here for the Preface describing the content and organization of the book and companion CD (.pdf document)
ü  Click here for an annotated Table of Contents (.pdf document)
ü  Click here for an Example Chapter on “Calculating Visual Exposure, Topic 5” (.pdf document)
ü  Click here for an outline of CD materials including Text Figures, Further Reading, Hands-on Experience, Example Applications and Software (.html document)
ü  Click here for an example Further Reading section on CD for Topic 5 (.html document)
ü  Click here for an example Hands-on Experience section on CD for Topic 5 (.html document)
ü  Click here for an example Text Figures section on CD for Topic 5 (.html document)
ü  Click here for a chronological listing of Online Support Materials since book/CD publication (.html document)

Software Description(www.innovativegis.com) MapCalc software by BASIS is used for the hands-on exercises.  A copy of MapCalc Learner software is included with the book.  The software includes the basic set of data and operations needed to complete the hands-on exercises. 

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