
آخر المواضيع

الأربعاء، 23 مارس 2016

تحليل صلة الجوار في الدراسات الجغرافية بالتطبيق علي المستوطنات البشرية بمنطقة مكة المكرمة ...

تحليل صلة الجوار في الدراسات الجغرافية بالتطبيق

 علي المستوطنات البشرية بمنطقة مكة المكرمة

Nearest Neighbor Analysis in Geographic Studies Application to Human Settlements in Makkah Area 

الدكتور عبد الحليم البشير الفاروق

Dr. Abdul Halim A. Al-farooq

- الدكتورة نزهة يقظان الجابرى

 Dr. Nozha Y. Al-jabri

مجلة جامعة أم القري للعلوم الاجتماعية - المجلد الأول - العدد الأول- محرم 1430 هـ - يناير 2009 م - ص 151 - 190 :


 The nearest neighbor index is one of the widely used indices by geographers to measure the pattern of central distributions in space. Unlike this index, other measures are weak in certain aspects as their dependence on description rather than measurement; and they have no unified quantitative indices that measure the distribution pattern. This nearest neighbor index, symbolized as R ,is one of the few measures that depends on a "quantitative" continuous scale. This scale starts from the first extreme point (Zero) where all points of the distribution cluster, and upwards to the last extreme point where the value of the index reaches its climax at 2.15' meaning that all points are uniformly distributed throughout the area. The index value of 1 indicates a random distribution. Despite the fact that much has been written about this index, this study tries to detail the way this index is calculated and derived. Furthermore, it explains how the index can be statistically tested, and it reveals the index weaknesses and strengths.

   The main objective of this paper is directed towards helping graduate students deal with this index. It reveals the theoretical concepts behind this measure, its definition, and the way it is derived and calculated. In addition, this index is applied to measure the nearest neighbor index as with respect to settlement distributions in Mecca area. The study also explains the importance of "taking the number of points of the distribution into consideration" when interpreting the value of the index R . It also warns that this R should be statistically tested using the Z statistics, otherwise we may accept the null hypothesis (that the distribution pattern is random) in cases where it should be rejected. 


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