
الاثنين، 31 يوليو 2017

شبكات البنية الأساسية بمدينة الفيوم : دراسة في جغرافية المدن ( تحميل رسالة الدكتوراه) ...

شبكات البنية الأساسية بمدينة الفيوم 

دراسة في جغرافية المدن

Infrastructure Networks in El-Fayoum City 

"A study in Urban Geography"

دراسة مقدمة من

نهى حسنى مصطفى عفيفى 

للحصول على درجة الدكتوراه في إعداد المعلم في الآداب


أ.د. أحمد السيد الزاملى 

أستاذ الجغرافيا البشرية

بكلية الآداب - جامعة القاهرة

أ.د.مصطفى محمد البغدادى 

أستاذ جغرافية العمران ورئيس قسم الجغرافيا 
كلية التربية ، جامعة عين شمس

1431 هـ - 2010 م

*Infrastructure Networks in El-Fayoum city"A Study in Urban Geography"

  The study consists of five chapters preceded by an introduction and a preface and followed by a conclusion.

  The introduction tackles the definition of infrastructure and indicates itsimportance-Moreover; it shows the causes of the choice of the subject, the aims of the study, methods of the study, the previous studies and the most important sources and material about the study.The introduction also presents the most important difficulties that have faced the researcher. The introduction is followed by a preface for identifying the area of the study, its development and growth. The study divided into five chapters. 

Chapter one: It studies the effective factors on the infrastructure in El-fayoum city indicating the study of population in El-Fayoum city concerning the size, growth, geographical distribution and structure. Then the chapter shows the study of land uses, their pattern, classifications and their areas of distribution in El-fayoum city, in addition to the study of the constructional development of the city, its stages and also the inner structure of the city.

Chapter two: It indicates the drinking water networks in the city with regard to water stations, the stages of producing drinking water and their characteristics. It also focuses on the distribution of drinking water transport networks and their density in addition to counting the quantity of consumption and the average rate of the individual share of pure water.

Chapter three: It reveals drainage net works in the city concerning the drainage system it follows and the development of the drainage networks in the city. It also shows the distribution of population according to their contact with public utility, thedistribution of drainage networks and the stations of raising the drainage in the city sheakha and their density in addition to the stages through which the treatment processes of drainage water. 

Chapter four: It deals with energy network in El-fayoum city. This is first by studying electricity network concerning the development of electrical sources and electricity destitution network in the city, its density, the electrical energy consumption and population distribution according to the different light means and finally counting the average rate of the individual share of electrical energy. Moreover, second it tackles the natural gas in El-Fayoum city as for studying the distribution of gas network and the natural gas consumption in addition to counting the average rate of the individual share of natural gas in the city. 

Chapter five: It is devoted to the study of transport and communications network in El-fayoum city with regard to the ways and the streets network as for their distribution, densityand general features. It discusses the study of squares, main crossroads, In addition to the bridges which join between both portions of the city. It also deals with the means of transport in the city through studying the inner means of transport with their different kinds plus studying the means of transport which joins between the outside of the city and the city itself and then discussing the means of goods transport and the entryways of the city and finally, studying the communications net work in the city. 

The results of the study: 

1- El-fayoum includes two stations for purifying the water plus quantities of the water which is retained from the waster water station outside the city which lies in the center of El –Fayoum to the east south of the city this network ends with so many dead ends which make the net work exposed to be blocked especially that most of the network parts is old enough and this raises the periods of water cut in the city and also weakens the pumping of the water in the pipes.

2- The percentage of the quantity of drinking water consumption for the domestic use (4000 m3/day) while the percentage of consumption for others uses is (15800 m3/day) the rate of the individual rate of water is 177 liter /day and this rate is less than the world consumption which is 400 liter /day / individual.

3– El –Fayoum has a good drainage net works as it has 12 raising stations, 8 main stations and 4 secondary stations in addition to one treatment station in Kuhafa sheakha eastern west of the city. 

4- The city depends on transferred electrical energy from generation stations which lie outside the city .This is through the united electrical network as the current is transferred to that station with high volts ,then decreases inside it in stages comes to the consumption levels.

5- The electricity consumption in El-fayoum during the financial year 2008/2009 is about 382.3 million K.W. / H. representing (21.5%) of the total consumption rate in El-Fayoum, The domestic use is considered the highest one as it represents percentage of 44% of the total quantity of electricity consumption in the city followed by governmental services and public utilities. consumption with percentage (40.4%). 

6- The total consumption of FL-Fayoum of natural gas is (49.5 millioncubic meter) annually in 2009, this represent (37.6 %) of the total consumption of El-Fayoum .As for of the left percentage it is used in industry and the domestic use occupies the 1stvalue among different use sectors. 

7- El-fayoum services various net works of roads. Their total length is about 245.3k.m El-Fayoum is distinct as for the rest of the cities and centers of the governorate because of having a good network of paved roads. The city and the center of El-Fayoum have about 22.3% of the total length of the paved roads in the governorate. 

8- The city lacks for cars waiting. In the city there're 6 stops to transport the passengers out of the city. This is because the city represents a Transformational complex which the city should seek for an out let. 

9- There is no governmental public means of transport in the city as the public means of transport are varied between taxis, service and motor bikes and there are no specific stops for these means.

10- The density of phone communications net work in El –fayoum is 4.9 k.m /km2 there are two electronical centrals serving the city, there capacity is 65800 working lines where as the public cabinets in the city are 9 cabins.

The recommendation of the study

1- Periodical maintenance of drinking water networks and the substitution and renewal of net work especially in areas like El-Masged Al-Mualak because of the bad state of the net working these areas moreover the support of network lines in the eastern north areas from part 4 shiakha and the southern parts of Dar –Al Ramad shiakha .

2– The control of the Chemical and natural characteristics of drinking water through the continuous observation operation. This can be achieved by taking random samples of different areas in the city and analyzing them to find out any pollution in the drinking water.

3- Increasing the capacity of treatment stations because of the expected population's number in the coming years. This is by widening the existing treatment station in Kuhafa shiakha to face this increase of population.

4 – changing the air high volt network into land network for protecting the population from the dangers by the interference of networks in the houses Kuhafa and hay el –Gamaa.

5– There is a mal planning in some streets especially the streets in thesouth of Bahr youssof which lies on El-sawaky square addition to mal planning the squares of Al Hawatem and el-sheikh Hassan. It is also recommended to concern with maintenance ,security and improving the cross roads in the circular way and also building cement fence to protect the population especially in kuhafa shiakha and thired part shiakha.

6- concerning with cars stops replaning them increasing their capacity and providing services in these stops in the city and near the cross roads in the entries with the circular way with Joining these stops with good inner transport network.

7– Increasing the number of centrals in the city to face the expected over population as result of the centrals having the full capacity in El-Fayoum city since 2007. 

* Infrastructure Networks in El-Fayoum city"A Study in Urban Geography"

  The study consists of five chapters preceded by an introduction and a preface and followed by a conclusion.Chapter one:It studies the effective factors on the infrastructure in El-Fayoum city .

Chapter two: It indicates the drinking water networks in the city.

Chapter three: It reveals drainage net works in the city .

Chapter four : It deals with energy network in El-fayoum city.

Chapter five: It is devoted to the study of transport and communications network in El-fayoum city .

The results of the study: 

1- El-fayoum includes two stations for purifying the water .

2- El –Fayoum has a good drainage network.

3- The city depends on transferred electrical energy.4-El-fayoum services various net works of roads. Their total length is about 245.3k.m.

5- There is no governmental public means of transport in the city.The recommendation of the study:1-Periodical maintenance of drinking water networks.

2- Increasing the capacity of treatment stations.

3- changing the air high volt network into land network.

4- concerning with cars stops replaning them increasing their capacity.

5– Increasing the number of centrals in the city to face the expected over population as result of the centrals having the full capacity in El-Fayoum city since 2007.

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