
آخر المواضيع

الأحد، 9 يوليو 2017

تقييم جهود معالجة الفقر الحضري بمنطقة مايو ولاية الخرطوم - السودان ...

تقييم جهود معالجة الفقر الحضري بمنطقة مايو

ولاية الخرطوم - السودان

بحث مقدم إلى جامعة الخرطوم

لنيل درجة الماجستير في الجغرافيا

إعداد : السرة عية فضل الله المولي

إشراف : د. عمر عبد الله عجمي

أغسطس 2008م



  The study focuses on poverty reduction efforts city the area of Mayo- EL Nasr locality. Khartoum the magnitude of poverty problem and to investigate the effectiveness of efforts for its reduction in Mayo area. 

  The study adopted the descriptive andytic tools based on the human development approach which was used in the assessment through the three indicators (life expectancy – knowledge – enjoying a suitable standard of living), these indicators were selected as they are essential for the development of human capabilities. Considaring the human being as the maker and centre of the Development, and not only as a beneficiary from it. 

  The study was based on primary data collected during the fieldwork using two questionnaires the first was concerned with, the institutions which were involved in poverty reduction in Mayo area, whereas a sample consisting of 200 families was selected. In addition, interviews and directed field observations were used. The primary data was supported by secondary data, from both published and unpublished sources. 

  The study concluded that spread of the phenomena of poverty in Mayo area, and that these are a great number of institutions working in the field of poverty reduction that support income generation activities, heath, services environmental sanitation, education series and vocational training. 

  The study maintained that most poverty reduction efforts are undertake by voluntary organizations, including national and international organizations. Comparatively the efforts of government institutions are limited with the number of active institutions accounting for only 25% of the total number of organizations involved in poverty reeducation efforts in Mayo area; the number is incommensurate with the magnitude of that poverty in the area. 

  The study maintained that the effectiveness of the existing efforts is also limited. The main reasons responsible for that include poor conceptualization of poverty. And failure to address the root cause of the problem. Poor institutional structures to deal with the poverty problem and lack of effective coordination among the various actors were also recognized. Genuine poverty reduction efforts, as established by the study, need to be placed within a comprehensive framework of strategic planning where all actors come together and complement the efforts of each other, including the efforts of the government.

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