Ahmed F. Yousef
Geology Department, Desert Research Center, El Matariya, Cairo, Egypt.
Egyptian J. Desert Res., 57, No.2, 233-252 (2007)
The Ayoun Mousa and adjacent areas are classified into
three main geomorphologic units: namely, structural
plateau, alluvial plains and coastal plain. The main structural
elements encountered in the area include E-W, NE, N-S and
NW faulting systems; these elements exert strong control on the
distribution of rock units and the drainage pattern.
There are three aquifer systems in the studied area namely;
Quaternary, Miocene and Nubian Sandstone. The Quaternary
System is unconfined to semi-confined and is restricted mainly
in the alluvial fans and the tributaries of the main wadis with
thickness varied from few meters to more than 60 m. It is
recharged mainly from the eastern watershed areas. It can
differentiate into Holocene and Pleistocene Aquifers. The
Holocene Aquifer has shallow water table varied from +0.7 to
+0.4 m with salinity ranges mostly from 570 to 9184 ppm. On
the other hand, the water level of the Pleistocene Aquifer ranges
from +23 to -8m with salinity varied essentially from 2414 to
27840 ppm.
The Miocene Aquifer System is formed mostly of sandstone
with shale interbeds, where it located principally in the northern
part of the studied area and classified into Ayoun Mousa and
Nukhul Aquifers. Ayoun Mousa Aquifer is the upper unit and
s unconfined recharged largely from the eastern watershed
area. The water level in this unit ranges from +21.7 to +212m
and the salinity from 3520 to 7328 ppm. Nukhul Aquifer is the
lower unit and it's confined recharged mainly from the deep
Nubian Sandstone Aquifer through faults. It has groundwater
salinity up to 4810 ppm.
The Nubian Sandstone System is extended allover the studied
area and is divided into Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic as well
as Paleozoic Aquifers. It is characterized by confined and
flowing aquifer system. It is fossil water with no recent
recharge from the eastern watershed area. The Lower
Cretaceous Aquifer has piezometric head ranges from +15 to +36 m and groundwater salinity ranges from 2413 to 2464 ppm
with temperature reaches about 40 °C. However, the Jurassic
Aquifer has piezometric head reaches +38 m and the
groundwater salinity is about 2739 ppm with temperature
around 45 °C. Lithologically, the Paleozoic formations are so
thick (about 700 m) and have a good probability of groundwater
occurrence, but not represented by any water points in the study
Keywords: Groundwater, Ayoun Mousa, South Sinai, Egypt.
Ayoun Mousa area is an attractive site for tourism and construction
development, and therefore needs a significant water supply. It is located
northeast of the Suez Gulf between latitude 29° 40\
00\\ to 29° 59\
00\\ and
longitude 32° 35\
00\\ to 33° 00\
00\\ (Fig. 1). It is dissected by three main
roads namely Suez - El Tor, Abu Soweir-El Tasa and Ayoun Mousa-El
Nehyat (Fig. 1). It is also dissected by two main wadis: namely El-Reneiah
and Lahata, in addition to some small wadis such as Marba. Three small
villages: namely Ayoun Mousa, El Reneiah and El Nehyat El Gedeida, exist
in the area. Topographically, the area varies from about +750 m in the
eastern part to about -0.5 m near the Gulf of Suez. Climatically, the area is
characterized by low rainfall (17.1 mm/year), high temperature (35 C°) and
high evaporation rate in summer (3707 mm/year).
Fig. (1). Location map of Ayoun Mousa and adjacent areas.
The main objectives of this work are to re-evaluate the
hydrogeological setting of the Ayoun Mousa area and to determine the
geological controls on groundwater occurrence and quality. Moreover, the
relationships between the shallow and deep aquifers and the evaluation of
the groundwater for different purposes.
1-Geomorphologic Aspects
Based on satellite image, topographic maps and field observations, the
study area is classified into three main geomorphologic units (Fig. 2):
namely; structural plateau, alluvial plains and coastal plain. They are
discussed as follows from east to west
Fig. (2). Geomorphological map of Ayoun Mousa and adjacent areas.
The structural plateau is divided into table land, piedmont plain and
isolated hills. Table land is located in the eastern part of the studied area. It
has variable ground elevation ranging from about +750 m (Gabal El Raha) to
about +500 m above sea level. It is cut by a number of tributaries that
debouch into the main wadis, El Reneiah and Lahata. The area is underlain
mainly by Nummulitic limestone with marl and chert interbeds belonging to
the Lower Miocene (Lower Middle Miocene). It was formed due to the
effect of Pre-Middle Eocene tectonics that caused the uplift of the eastern
The piedmont plain has ground elevations ranging from about +240 to
+180 m above sea level with relatively gentle slopes toward the west. It is dissected also by numerous tributaries that debouch into Wadis El Reneiah
and Lahata. The area is composed mainly of fanglomerate near the foot slope
of the high mountains, becoming limestone and marl intercalated with
sandstone to the west. This area developed mainly due to the effect of
tectonic orogeny during the Miocene, although the presence of fanglomerate
is the result of water erosion during the rainy seasons.
The isolated hills have variable elevations between about +170 m to
about +40 m above sea level. They are dissected also by a lot amount of
tributaries that debouch in El Reneiah and Lahata main wadis, beside new
small wadis such as Maraba. It is composed mainly of clays intercalated with
sandstones and marls that belonging to Lower Middle Miocene Period. They
were formed related to the variation of water resistance. It is characterized
by the presence of small palm oases.
Alluvial plains are restricted in the downstreams of the main wadis.
The larger fans are located in the downstreams of El Reneiah and Lahata
Wadis. They take a triangular shape their base near the Gulf of Suez. They
have mild topography and the low relief areas of the fans are occupied by
inland sabkhas. They are composed of coarse sand in the eastern part and
changed westward to become fine sand. They are partially covered by sand
sheets. They were formed due to the effect of rainy seasons on the eastern
high mountains and isolated hills.
The coastal plain unit is located parallel to the present shoreline and is
composed of sand sheets, sabkhas, near shore and hydrographic basins. Sand
sheets are occupying extended areas to the west of the study area. They are
composed mainly of fine sand and are formed due to the effect of wind
There are two types of Sabkhas in the studied area namely inland and
coastal ones. The inland sabkhas are located at the downstream of main
wadis. They are characterized by low topography and dense natural
vegetations. They are composed mainly of fine to medium sand that covered
by thin salt crust and occasionally water ponds. They are formed due to the
effect of rainy seasons and the seepage from the flowing water wells. On the
other hand, the coastal sabkhas are located near the present shoreline. They
are characterized by low topography (-0.50 m below sea level). They are
composed mainly of fine sand that covered by thick salt crust. They are
formed related to the tidal effect of the Gulf of Suez.
Near shore is relatively narrow around Ras Masalla and increase in
width north and southward. The low relief areas are occupied by coastal
sabkhas. It is composed mainly of medium to fine sand.
The studied area is dissected by main hydrographic basins namely, El
Reneiah and Lahata beside some small wadis such as Marba. These
hydrographic basins collect rainfall from the eastern high lands and debouch
their water into the Gulf of Suez. They are covered mainly by boulders, cobbles and gravel sediments in the upstream that changed westward to
become fine sand and silt in the downstream. They are formed due to the
effect of rainy seasons.
2- Geologic Outline
In the study area, the surface geology is based on geologic map scale
1:250 000 (after EGSMA, 1994) and field observations, while the subsurface
geology is based on the data derived from the available composite logs of
coal project wells, some private shallow & deep wells and oil wells (Ayoun
Mousa-1 & 2, Masalla-1, Masalla-3, Masalla-S-1, Masalla-E-1, Abu Qatifa-
1 and N. Sudr-1).
The surface geology of the studied area (Fig. 3) is represented by
Cretaceous-Paleocene, Eocene, Miocene and Quaternary sediments. The
Cretaceous-Paleocene sediments are represented by Sudr Formation (chalk)
in the southeastern part. The Eocene rocks occupy most of the eastern part
and are represented by Thebes & Darat Formations (limestone with marl)
and Samalut Formation (dolomitic limestone), while Miocene Rocks occupy
most of the western portion and are represented by Sumar (marly limestone),
Rudeis (marl and sandstone), Ayoun Mousa (clays intercalated with
sandstone) and Karim (anhydrite) Formations. On the other hand, the
Quaternary sediments are restricted mainly in the coastal plain and are
represented by Pleistocene (fanglomerate, alluvial Hamadah deposits and
coral reefs) and Holocene sediments (sabkhas, sand dunes and wadi
The subsurface geology of the area is well represented by the
composite compiled columnar section shown in figure (4).
Based on MSS satellite image (ERSC 1990) and field observations,
the structural lineament of Ayoun Mousa area was made (Fig. 5) where, the
main structural elements of the studied area are E-W, NE, N-S and NW
faulting systems. They much control the occurrence and distribution of rocks
as well as the topography and characters of the hydrographic basins.
3- Hydrogeological Setting
Based on the available composite logs of the drilled wells (Fig. 6),
hydrological parameters, hydrogeologic cross sections (Figs. 7 and 8), as
well as the field and laboratory investigations (Table 1), Ayoun Mousa area
can be differentiated into Quaternary, Miocene and Nubian Sandstone
Aquifer systems (Fig. 4).
a- Quaternary Aquifer System
The Quaternary Aquifer System is restricted mainly in the alluvial fans and
the deposits of the main wadis. The wadi fill water bearing layer is located in
the upstreams of El Reneiah and Lahata wadis and is composed mainly of
gravels and coarse sand that derived mainly from the eastern high lands. It is
represented by three water sample nos. 1, 2 and 3. The water level ranges from +228 to +187.4 m with groundwater salinity ranges from 570 to 890
ppm. It is recharged mainly from the eastern watershed area.
Fig. (3). Geological map of Ayoun Mousa and adjacent areas (after
EGSMA, 1994).
The wetlands (sabkhas) water bearing is restricted in the low land in
the western part of the studied area. They are composed mainly of silt and
clay that covered by salt crust. They are represented by three water sample
nos. 7, 8 and 9. The inland sabkhas recharged mainly from the flowing
Nubian water wells as sample no. 8 that has groundwater salinity reach to
22850 ppm and in some parts recharged also from the drinking water line as
sample no. 7 that has groundwater salinity reach to 820 ppm. On the other
hand, the near shore sabkhas that are affected by Gulf of Suez are
represented by sample no. 9 of groundwater salinity reach to 174000 ppm.
The Pleistocene Aquifer is located mainly in the alluvial fans of the
studied area especially of Wadi Lahata. It is composed mainly of coarse and
medium sand with thickness reach to about 60 m. It is unconfined to semiconfined
aquifer and represented by 12 water samples (Fig. 6 and Table 1).
This aquifer is recharged mainly from the eastern watershed area through
faults and porous deposits.
Fig. (4). Combined geological and hydrogeological sequence of Ayoun
Mousa and adjacent areas.
Fig. (5). Structural lineament systems of Ayoun Mousa and adjacent
Fig. (6). Location map of selected wells in the area of study.
Fig. (7). N - S hydrogeological cross section in the coastal area from Ayoun Mousa southward.
Fig. (8). W - E hydrogeological cross section between Ras Messalla and Ayoun Mousa.
Table (1). Chemical analyses of the groundwater samples collected from Ayoun Mousa and adjacent areas.
b- Miocene Aquifer System
The Miocene Aquifer System is located mainly in the northern part of
the studied area and can differentiate into Ayoun Mousa and Nukhul
as well as Miocene Springs. Ayoun Mousa aquifer is composed mainly of
marine gypseous clays intercalated with sandstone and marl with thickness
ranges from few meters in the eastern part to about 40 m in the western part.
It is unconfined aquifer and is represented by El Beiar Group (sample no.
20) having salinity 5920 ppm in the eastern part and 3520 to 7328 ppm in the
western part (samples 22 and 23). The water level ranges from +212 m in the
eastern part to +21.7 m above sea level in the western part.
Nukhul water aquifer is recorded mainly in all the drilled oil wells
with variable thickness that ranges from 10 m to about 60m (Fig. 6). It is
composed mainly of conglomeritic sandstone It is represented only by one
flowing water samples no. 24 with total salinity reaches 4810 ppm. It is
recharged mainly from the deep Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System through
Three Miocene Springs are recorded also in the northern part west
Suez-El Tor Road (Fig. 6 and Table 1). The water level ranges from +12 to
+17 m from the ground surface. The groundwater salinity ranges from about
3860 ppm to about 9180 ppm. They are recharged mainly from the deep
Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System and Nukhul Aquifer through faults. The
variation of salinity is probably due to the variation of the rate of recharge
and the depth of recharge aquifer.
c- Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System
The Nubian Sandstone System is divided into Lower Cretaceous and
Jurassic as well as Paleozoic Aquifers. The Lower Cretaceous Aquifer is
extended allover the studied area and constitutes the main aquifer. It is
composed mainly of sandstone intercalated with shale beds with thickness
ranges from about 150 m to about 230 m (Figs. 7 and 8). It is overlain
mainly by Upper Cretaceous shale in the northern part and limestone & shale
in the southern part, while underlain by Jurassic shale. It is confined aquifer
and represented by three flowing water well nos. 28, 29 and 30 (Fig. 6 and
Table 1) namely; Misalla-3, Ayoun Mousa-2 and Masalla-1 with peizometric
head ranges from +15 to +36 m above sea level. The groundwater salinity
ranges from 2413 to 2464 ppm. They have relatively high temperatures reach
about 40 °C.
The Jurassic Aquifer extends also allover the studied area and
composed mainly of sandstone with some shale interbeds with thickness
ranges from about 80 to 650 m. It is overlain and underlain mainly by shale
layer i.e. confined aquifer. It is represented only by one flowing well namely
Ayoun Mousa-1 (well no. 31) with peizometric head reaches +38 m and salinity of about 2739 ppm. It is characterized by groundwater temperature
around 45 °C.
The Paleozoic Aquifer is recorded only in Ayoun Mousa-2 deep
well with a thickness of about 700 m. It is overlying unconformably the
basement rocks and overlain by Permian shale i.e. it is confined aquifer. It
consists mainly of sandstone with shale and limestone interbeds but it is not
represented by any samples.
d- Remarks on the changes in the groundwater occurrence.
In comparison of the hydrogeological setting in 2005 (present work)
with the hydrogeological setting adopted by Himida et al. (1972) on the
Ayoun Mousa area
Table( 2), the following are the main remarks of the
recorded changes:
Table (2). Comparison between the hydrogeochemical constituents in
1967 and in 2005.
i- The new occurrence of the Quaternary Aquifer System especially in the
southern part.
ii- The presence of new aquifer in the northern part namely Ayoun Mousa
iii-The disappearance of the Miocene wells in the coal Project due to the
lowering of piezometric head with time and the low rate of upward
leakage from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System through faults. This
appear in the changes of the dominant salts from CaCl2 in 1967 to NaCl,
Ca(HCO3)2 and MgCl2 in 2005.
iv- The disappearance of 9 Miocene Springs (six of them in the eastern part
of the Suez – El Tor Road of the relatively high lands and the others west
the road). This is due to the decrease of piezometric head with time and
the low rate of upward leakage from deep Miocene Aquifer (Nukhul) and
Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System through faults. This lead to the
increase of salinity that ranges from 2386 - 6008 ppm in 1967 to 3859 –
9184 ppm in 2005. Also, lead to the changes of the dominant salts from
CaCl2 and MgCl2 in 1967 to NaCl, MgCl2 and CaCl2 in 2005.
v- The decrease of the Lower Cretaceous piezometric head from +17 - +39m
to +15 - +36m that lead to disappearance of coal project wells that
debouch their water from the Aquifer. On the other hand, the groundwater
salinity decreased from 5200-5840 ppm in 1967 to 2413-2464 ppm and
the dominant salts changed from NaCl, CaCl2 and CaSO4 in 1967 to
NaCl, Ca(HCO3)2 and MgCl2 in 2005. The decrease of salinity and the
change of main salts are due to the old Lower Cretaceous wells were
restricted in the coal project of bad well design and of shallower depths,
while the present wells were drilled by oil companies and of good well
design as well as deeper.
vi- Also, the Jurassic piezometric head decreased from +40 - +50m to +38 m
that lead to disappearance of coal project wells tapping this aquifer. On
the other hand, the groundwater salinity decreased from 4160 - 4187 ppm
in 1967 to 2739 ppm and the dominant salts changed from NaCl and
CaSO4 in 1967 to NaCl, Ca(HCO3)2 and MgCl2 in 2005. The lessen of
salinity and the change of main salts of the present wells than the older
ones are due to the present wells were drilled by oil companies and of
good well design as well as more deeper, while the older wells were
restricted in the coal project of bad well design and shallower depths.
4- Hydrogeochemical Characteristics
From the chemical analyses of the collected water samples (Table 1)
and the hypothetical salts percentages in the studied area (Table 3), the
source of groundwater recharge and the aquifer sediments much control the
geochemical properties of each aquifer. This appears in the following:
Quaternary water
i- All the Quaternary water samples are brackish water due to the effect of
the leaching processes and the aquifer sediments are derived mainly
from saline sediments, while the wadi fills water samples are fresh due to the low rate of leaching processes where they are located near the
Table (3). Hypothetical salts percentages of the collected water samples
in Ayoun Mousa and adjacent areas.
ii- The pH ranges mainly from 7.12 in the eastern part to 8.76 in the western
part due to the effect of leaching processes.
iii-The main salts of Holocene Aquifer changed from NaCl, MgCl2, CaSO4
and Ca(HCO3)2 of in the eastern part (wadi fill) to NaCl, CaCl2 and
MgCl2 in the western part (shallow) due to the effect of leaching
processes. On the other hand, the main hypothetical salts of the
Pleistocene Aquifer are mainly NaCl, MgCl2 and CaSO4. due to the
aquifer sediments derived mainly from the saline sediments and salt
water intrusion from the Gulf of Suez.
iv- The dominant sequence changed from Ca++>Mg++>Na+
– SO4
near the upstream (wadi fill) to Ca++>Na+
> Mg++ – Cl-
in the down stream due to the effect of leaching processes.
On the other hand, the effect of salt water intrusion and leaching
processes make the dominant sequence of Pleistocene Aquifer to become
mainly Na+
> Ca++>Mg++ – Cl-
> SO4
b- Miocene water
i- All the Miocene water samples are brackish water due to the effect of
leaching processes and the marine nature of the aquifer sediments.
ii- The pH ranges mainly from 7.8 and 8.26 due to the effect of leaching
iii-The main hypothetical salts of Ayoun Mousa Aquifer are NaCl, MgCl2,
MgSO4 and Ca(HCO3)2 due to the aquifer is recharge mainly from the
eastern watershed area that characterized by marine sediments. On the
other hand, the main hypothetical salts in the other Miocene Aquifers
(Nukhul and Miocene Springs) that are recharged mainly from the deep
Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System varied mainly from NaCl, CaSO4 and
Ca(HCO3)2; and to NaCl, CaCl2 and Ca(HCO3)2 due to the variation of
rate of leaching processes.
iv- The dominant sequence of Nukhul Aquifer and Miocene Springs of the
same source of recharge (deep Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System) are
> Ca++> Mg++- Cl-
> HCO3
> SO4
, while the dominant sequence of
Ayoun Mousa Aquifer that recharged from the eastern watershed area are
mainly Na+
> Mg++> Ca++– Cl-
> SO4
> HCO3
c- Nubian Sandstone Water
i- All the Nubian Sandstone Water samples are brackish water due to the
marine nature of the aquifer sediments.
ii- The pH ranges mainly from 7.63 and 8.06 due to the effect of leaching
iii- The main salt combinations in Lower Cretaceous aquifer are NaCL,
MgCL2 and Ca(HCO3)2, due to the effect of shale layers, while the main
salt combinations in Jurassic Aquifer are NaCl, MgCL2 and Ca(HCO3)2
due to the small thickness of shale layers.
iv- Also, the variation of the thickness of shale layers causes the changes of
the dominant sequence from Na+
> Mg++>Ca++ –Cl-
> SO4
> HCO3
Lower Cretaceous Aquifer to Na+
> Ca++ > Mg++- Cl-
> HCO3
. in
Jurassic Aquifer.
5- Genesis of Groundwater
From the above mentioned hydrogeological and hydrochemical
analyses that plotted on Piper Diagram (1944) and Sulin,
s Diagram (1948)
(Figs. 9 and 10) in the studied area, most of the groundwater samples of the
different aquifers refers to meteoric type. However, the chemical
composition of the Quaternary Aquifer system reflects the influence of both marine environment and aquifer sediments, while the other aquifer system
reflects the role of aquifer sediments only. Observation of the water static
head in the deeper aquifer system indicates its increase with depth which
necessitates a connection of the groundwater aquifers from deeper to
The Quaternary Aquifer System and Ayoun Mousa Aquifer (Upper
Miocene) are recharged mainly from the eastern watershed areas, while the
deeper aquifer systems are fossil water. This appears from the isotope
analyses of the Nubian Sandstone water that carried by El Abd (2000) and
Tantawy (2003). Where, the oxygen18 ranges from –5.93 to –6.12% and the
deuterium ranges from –39.8 to –43.2% that reflecting paleo-meteoric water
and less active recharge from recent meteoric water. Also, the age
determination of the Miocene Springs by Munnich and Vogel (1962) is >30
900 YBP based on C14 and the water mainly of Nubian Sandstone. On the
other hand, the disappearance of coal project water and most of the Miocene
Springs as well as the decrease of the piezometric head of the Nubian
Sandstone Aquifer System.
Fig. (9). Genetic classification of water points in the study area.
Fig. (10). Sulin Diagram of the study area.
The author would like to gratitude Dr. Abdo A. Shata, Professor
emeritus of Hydrogeology, Desert Research Center for encourage and
comments. A lot of thanks to Salah M. Abdel Mogheth, Professor of
Hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry, Desert Research Center and Dr. Alan
E. Kehew, Professor of Hydrogeology, Western Michigan University for
their very helpful reviews. This research was supported by the Academy of
Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt fund for Cropping System
Improvement Studies in North Western Coastal Zone under Supplemental
Irrigation System.
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