M. A. El Samanoudi
Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University,
G. S. Ebid
Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University,
Nabil N. Rofail
Hydrology Department, Desert Research Center,
Y. L. Ismail
Hydrology Department, Desert Research Center,
S. A. F. Hawash
National Water Research Center, Mech. & Elect. Institute,
Fifteenth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC-15 2011, Alexandria, Egypt
The study area extended from El-Gora and its vicinities in the south to El Sheikh Zowyed
and Rafah cities in the north.
Quantitatively the water bearing formation in the area has been evaluated by applying
the Processing Modflow for Windows (PMWIN) and modulus contour map techniques.
Qualitatively, the groundwater is evaluated by an iso-salinity distribution map. The
hydraulic parameters of the water bearing formations were determined and evaluated
through 12 pumping tests carried out on selected drilled wells. On the other hand the
ground elevation of the study area is illustrated by a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The
DEM map indicated that the investigated area lies within a low land area. Due to the
depths of groundwater (46.1m – 105m from the ground surface), the rainfall
replenishment is nearly absent. Based on the resulting modulus contour map, the northern
and northwestern portions are characterized by reasonable potentiality of groundwater.
More over, the eastern and southern portions reflect limited aquifer potentials. The
mathematical modeling results revealed that the recharge to the investigated aquifer is
about 9.794 Million m3
Keywords : Hydraulic parameters, aquifers, modulus technique, processing modflow.
The present work is an approach to evaluate the groundwater conditions in El- Gora and
its vicinities, El Sheikh Zowyed and Rafah areas. The investigated area occupies a part of
the northeastern portion of Sinai Peninsula of about 830 km2 (Figure 1)
Fig. 1 Key map of study area.
1. Geomorphologic settings
The study area characterized by desert
conditions and arid conditions. This
appears in a number of land features. It is
represented by the accumulation of drift
sand, the development of yellow desert
soils and the lack of natural vegetations.
The area under investigation is
characterized by moderate relief with
elevations varying from about sea level to
less than +1000. The present landforms
are developed as a result of the
endogenetic (e.g. the geological
structure) and the exogenetic (the
climatic condition) processes. From
geomorphologic point of view, Sinai
Peninsula includes the following main
units (Figure 2):
Fig. 2 Geomorphologic map of the studied area.
(Modified afterTaha, 1968)
1.1 The Southern Mountainous Region; which is composed of igneous and
metamorphic rocks of Pre Cambrian age.
1.2. The Central Table Lands; which include two plateaux:
a) El Tih is composed of Cretaceous limestone, with shale and sandstones at the
base (Hammad, 1980).
b) El Egma Plateau, chalky carbonate rocks of Eocene age.
1.3. The Mediterranean Coastal Plain; where the investigated area lies within it and
extends in the entire width of northern Sinai. This unit is bounded on the north
by the Mediterranean Sea and on the south by the central high lands.
2. Geological settings
There are many studies and publications on the geology of the Sinai Peninsula. The
geological structure, distribution of major formations and their stratigraphy and
lithology may have direct implications on the hydrogeological conditions in the area.
Geologically, the study area is covered by Quaternary deposits which consist of sand
dunes, old beach sand and calcareous sandstone (Kurkar Formation). The thickness of
these deposits is about 80m to 100m (Jica, 1992). The Kurkar Formation is distributed
along the coastal plain and their genesis is present in the shallow marine environment.
The old beach sand consists mainly of fine to coarse sand which is locally digenetic
sandstone and intercalated with gravel and clayey layers. This is conformably overlying
the Kurkar in some places which forms an unconfined aquifer.
1- Structural settings:
Generally the geological structure of North
Sinai is divided into the following three
major units (Shata, 1956):
1) Central Sinai Stable Foreland.
2) North Sinai Strongly Folded Belt.
3) North Sinai Foreshore Area.
The Regabet El-Naam Fault is the boundary
between the top two units, 1 and 2.
The Structural elements were given by
RIWR (1988). It is considered as a base map
in the present study for detecting the main
faulting and folding systems (Figure 3)
Fig. 3 Major structural elements El Arish-Rafah area,
North Sinai, (Compiled after RIWR, 1988).
Digital Elevation Model (DEM):
The Digital Elevation Model of the study area (DEM) is created from the digitization of
the elevation points on the topographic map of the study area (Figure 4).
From this map, the
investigated area lies
within a low land area
which may reflect that
the buried channels
represent the main
source of groundwater
recharge, in addition
that the depths to the
groundwater are
approximately deep
(14.5 m – 105 m from
the ground surface).
Therefore, the rainfall
replenishment is nearly
Fig. 4 Digital Elevation Model (DEM - 3D) of the study area
In order to focus some light on the hydrogeological conditions, 80 water points tapping
two water bearing formations were collected (Figure 5 & Table 1).
Fig. 5 Distribution map of some wells of the study area.
Table 1 Available basic data water points tapping the investigated aquifers.
1. The alluvial aquifer
The Alluvial aquifer is represented by two main lithologic facies, gravely sand and
clayey sand. Both facies together with the old beach deposits constitute what we
consider as an alluvial aquifer, Taha, (1968) mentioned that the aquifer can be
classified into two horizons; an upper horizon dominated by coarse gravel with interbeds of calcareous silt, while the lower horizon proves to be water bearing. The
water exists under unconfined condition. The water table slopes gently northwards.
2. The Calcareous Sandstone (Kurkar) aquifer
Kurkar aquifer is a type of Calcareous sand deposits broadly distributed in the
coastal plain between West El Arish and Rafah. This aquifer unit is characterized by
confined to semi-confined where the depth to water varies from 16 m (well no.24) to
85 m (well no.12) from the land surface. The Kurkar aquifer is underlined by the PreQuaternary
sediments mainly consists of shale, sandstone, and/or limestone. Also, the
Kurkar is overlined by a thick bed of clays, where a confined aquifer conditions are
developed. It occupies the most part of the bottom of the Quaternary in the study area.
However, where the extension of the clay bed is limited, the hydraulic connection
between the Kurkar aquifer and the overlying aquifer is observed.
The previous studies elucidated that the structural setting has a direct impact on
the occurrence and flow direction of groundwater. In order to draw a general view of
the hydrogeological setting of the study aquifer, two hydrogeological cross sections
were drawn in Figures (6, 7, 8 & 9). These sections displayed that the groundwater
occurred into two zones. The upper one (Alluvial aquifer) composed of gravely sand
with interbeds of calcareous silt. This aquifer seems to be unconfined aquifer. On the
other hand, the lower one (Kurkar aquifer) consists of calcareous sandstone. It
overlained by thick clay bed. According to the occurrence and extension of clay layer,
the Kurkar aquifer varies from unconfined to semi- confined.
Fig. 6 Directions of the hydrogeological cross-sections.
Fig. 7 General trend hydrogeological cross-section from west to east Northeastern Sinai.
(Compiled after Gedamy, 2004).
Fig. 8 Hydrogeological cross-section A-A'.
Fig. 9 Hydrogeological cross-section B-B'.
During the present work, an approach was made to determine and evaluate the hydraulic
parameters of the water bearing formations. In order to achieve this goal, 12 pumping
tests were carried out on selected drilled wells (Fig. 10).
The calculated values were tabulated in
Table (2) and illustrated in Figures (11,
12 , 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20).
It is obvious that the alluvial deposits
reflect wide range of transmissivity (45
/day P2 – 1787 P2/day) while, the
transmissivity of marine Kurkar aquifer
shows low capability of aquifer deposits
to transmit water through it (144 P2/day –
390 P2/day). This phenomenon could be
attributed to the impact of structural
setting, variation of aquifer thickness and
heterogeneity of aquifer sediments. It
becomes clear that the water bearing
formations in the northwestern and
northern portions of the study area have
reasonable capability to transmit water
through it.
Fig. 10 Pumping tested-wells in the study area.
Table 2 The calculated values of hydraulic parameters of the investigated aquifers.
Fig. 11 Analysis of pumping test data of well No. 1800
Fig. 12 Analysis of recovery test
data of well No. 1800
Fig. 13 Analysis of pumping test data of well No.1810
Fig. 14 Analysis of recovery test
of well No. 1810
Fig. 15 Analysis of pumping test data of well No.1810
Fig. 16 Analysis of recovery test
of well No. data of well No.1810
Fig. 17 Analysis of pumping test data of well No.1810
Fig. 18 Analysis of recovery test
odata of well No.1810
Fig. 19 Analysis of pumping test data of well No.1810
Fig. 20 Analysis of recovery test data of well No.1810
Aquifer potentials
The modulus contour map of a groundwater aquifer can be used to evaluate the
hydrologic conditions and water efficiency of the study aquifer and hence it may show
character of the water balance (Rofail, 1967). The modulus of groundwater flow may be
defined as the groundwater flow (either recharge or discharge) per
The modulus contour map can be calculated, for any period, from the water table map
and transmissivity distribution map. This can be done by dividing each contour line of
the given water table map to (n) numbers of equal parts each of width (b) meters
(Sewidan and Rofail, 1972). Discharge could then be estimated using Darcy's law. The
total discharge for the total length of the contour line would then be:
Q: is the total discharge for the contour line (/h)
value of transmissivity (/day) at the sector (i)
hydraulic gradient (m/m) at the sector (i)
The value of the modulus groundwater flow can be calculated as the difference
between the discharge values at any successive contour lines divided by the surface area
between them (Table, 3). The value of the modulus in this case is considered to be the
mean values of the water gain or loss per unit area. The modulus coefficient -n between
two contours (m) and (n) is expressed as follows:
Qm; the natural discharge at contour (m) (/day)
Qn; the natural discharge at contour (n) (/day)
Am-n;the surface area between contours m and n (P2)
Table 3 Calculation of modulus values
Applying the previous technique to construct the modulus contour map for the study area
necessitates the presence of the following:
- Water table contour map to detect the value and direction of groundwater flow.
- Data of pumping tests for a group of wells to get the transmissivity (T)
- An iso-salinity contour map for the purpose of water quality.
The water table contour map (Fig.21) is taken after Gedamy, (2004). To get the
transmissivity, pumping test analysis is carried out for 12 drilled wells distributed in the
study area (Fig. 22). The iso-salinity zonation map (Fig. 23) is drawn using the salinity
measurements for the water points. The obtained values of modulus groundwater flow
are used to construct a modulus contour map (Fig. 24). It shows that the study area is
characterized by successive negative zones and one positive zone. The small changes
noticed in the modulus contour values are due to the small storage capacity of the aquifer
and poor groundwater flow as a result of low values of transmissivity average 239 /day
except wells No 48 and 53 have average 1405 .
Fig. 21 Water level contour map.
Fig. 22 Transmissivity contour map
of alluvial aquifer.
Fig. 23 Iso-Salinity zonation map of the study area.
Fig. 24 Modulus contour map
of the study area.
Negative modulus value zone means that the amount of subsurface recharge along the
upstream contour is less than the amount of subsurface discharge along the preceding
downstream contour. This is due to additional vertical recharge for the aquifer in the area
between each successive two contours. This zone usually has high efficiency and
considerable water replenishment.
Positive modulus value zone means that the amount of subsurface recharge along the
upstream contour is more than the amount of subsurface discharge along the preceding
downstream contour. This zone has medium efficiency and medium water replenishment.
The estimated quantity of recharge for the total area can be calculated by applying the
following equation:
Total recharge = Recharge for the sub-area * Total area
Table (4 ) : Shows the calculation of the total amount of recharge to the study aquifer.
Table (4 ) : Recharge calculation of the investigated area.
According to the above calculation, the recharge to the water bearing formation is about 8
* 10P6 P3 (2000). It is clear that the aquifer is quantitatively limited. By matching the salinity
zonation map with water level contour map and modulus contour map (Figure25), as well
as, the matching of depth to water zonation map with water level and modulus contour
map (Figure26), the northern and northwestern portions are characterized by reasonable
aquifer capacity in frame of scientific groundwater management. On the other hand, the
eastern and southern portions reflect limited quantitatively and qualitatively aquifer.
Fig. (25) : Matching map of modulus with water level contour maps with Salinity zonation map.
Fig.(26): Matching map of modulus and
water level contour map
Depth to water map.
WINDOWS (PMWIN) ( Steady state flow simulation):
The application of Modflow, a modular three dimensional finite – difference
groundwater of U. S. Geological Survey to the description and prediction of the behavior
of groundwater systems have increased significantly over the last few years . The original
version of Modflow – 88 (McDonald and Harbaugh, 1988) or Modflow – 96 ( Harbaugh
and McDonald , 1996 a, 1996 b) can simulate the effects of wells, rivers, drains, head –
dependent boundaries , recharge and evapotranspiration . These codes are called
packages , models, or simply programs These packages are integrated with Modflow,
where, each package deals with a specific feature of the hydrologic system to be
simulated, such as wells , recharge or river . The transport model PMPATH (Chiang and
Kinzelbach, 1994 & 1998), the solute transport model MT3D (Zheng, 1990), MT3DMS
(Zheng and Wang, 1998) and the parameter estimation programs (PEST) (Doherty etal,
1994) and UCODE (Poeter and Hill, 1998) use this approach. The solute transport model
MOC3D (Konikow etal, 1996) and the inverse model Modflow (Hill, 1992) are
integrated with Modflow. Both codes use Modflow as a function for calculation flow
fields. The Processing Modflow For Windows (PMWIN) is an integrated simulation
system for modeling groundwater flow and transport processes with Modflow–88,
Modflow–96, PMPATH, MT3D, MT3DMS, MOC3D, PEST and UCODE.
Parameters of model
Basic parameters, which were measured during the study, are tabulated in Table 5
and the calculated water budget is shown in Table 6. According to the water level
contour (Figure 21), the east–west boundaries are considered no flow boundary, while,
the southern and northern are considered fixed hydraulic heads (Figure 27).
Table 5 Model parameters
Table 6 Calculation of the water budget for the study aquifer (2008)
Fig. 27 Schematic diagram of model area (Showing distribution of productive wells).
1- The hydraulic parameters of the investigated aquifer reflect wide range of
Transmissivity 45 /day – 1787 /day for alluvial aquifer , while 144 /day – 390
2- The Modulus contour map reflects that the northern and northwestern portions
are characterized by reasonable aquifer capacity in frame of scientific groundwater
management, while, the eastern and southern portions reflect limited quantitatively
and qualitatively aquifer.
for Marine Kurkar aquifer respectively.
3- Due to the depths of groundwater (46.1 m to 105 m from the ground surface), the
rainfall replenishment is nearly absent. On the other hand, the buried channels may
represent the main source of groundwater recharge.
4- The safe yield of the aquifer should be protected by decreasing the number of
pumping wells for proper utilization of groundwater.
5- According to the groundwater potentiality, the modern irrigation system must be
taken into consideration for new reclaiming areas.
6- Periodical monitoring is recommended to determine any changes in water level and
water quality.
7- It’s advisable to choose new plants species which need low quantity of water and
can overcome water salinity.
8- As a result of previous items 2, 4 and 7 pumping rates of productive wells should be
9- Field water well design criteria should be taken into consideration to achieve good
management including minimizing well losses, developing well productivity and
efficiency, and to keep wells working for long possible time without failure.
9- Observation test wells are essential for periodical monitoring of groundwater level
10- The distance between each two successive production wells should not be less than
500 m in order to minimize the cone of depression of ground water level.
11- Establishing of data base and updating of the model input data is highly
recommended to improve the model results.
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