خصائص درجة الحرارة
في مدينة مكة المكرمة والمشاعر المقدسة
دراسة في المناخ الحضري
دراسة مقدمة لقسم الجغرافيا كمتطلب تكميلي لنيل درجة الماجستير في الجغرافيا
كلية العلوم الاجتماعية - جامعة أم القرى
سامي صالح ثابت علي
مسعد سلامة مسعد مندور
أستاذ الجغرافيا المناخية المشارك بقسم الجغرافيا
الفصل الدراسي الأول
لعام 1433 - 1434هـ
This study focuses on the temperature characteristics of Makkah city and the holly places, aiming to observe the spatial and time variations of temperature within the city' districts and the holly places. Additionally, the study objectives include the analysis of the factors affect these differences, beside the investigation of the temperature properties during the Haj seasons for the period 2003-2010. The analysis is based on the hourly metrological datasets of both Haj institute's metrological stations and the governmental metrological station located in Makkah city.
The study consists of six chapters.. Chapter One presents the theoretical frame and the basic concepts. Chapter Two deals with the factors affecting the temperature in Makkah city and the holly places, while Chapter Three focuses on the temperature characteristics and spatial distribution. In Chapter Four, the minimum and maximum temperature are analyzed in details. Chapter Five focuses on the temperature properties during the Hajj seasons fiom 2003 to 2010. Chapter Six presents the conclusions and recommendations.
The accomplished results indicte that the temperature in Makkah city poses considerable monthly variations. Additionally, there are substantial spatial temperature variations in the study area. It has been found that the frequency percentage of the daily temperature, from 30 to 40 OC, reached more than 50% of the number of days during data collection. The spatial temperature varies from one district to another within Makkah city. The highest temperature found to be around the Azizia metrological station and the central area around the Holly Mosque. A heat island was developed on that area, including Azizia, Batah Quraish, Al-Naseem and A1-Hijra districts, during December, February, March, April, July, October, and November. However, the area of this heat island varies from one month to another.
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