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الأحد، 12 نوفمبر 2017

London Underground: Neighbourhood Centrality and Relation to Urban Geography ...

London Underground: Neighbourhood Centrality and Relation to Urban Geography

Weisi Guo

The University of Warwick 
Department School of Engineering

Xueke Lu

The University of Warwick 
Department School of Engineering

2016 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2)
Year: 2016
Pages: 1 - 7
IEEE Conference Publications


   Transport is important as a means by which people engage in the economy and interact socially. It underpins the business life of the city. Yet, the complexity of urban systems means that we do not always understand how public transport relates to human behaviour and urban features. In this paper, we apply complex network analysis to better understand the London underground and overground rail network and uncover its relation to how citizens make certain lifestyle choices and other urban geography features. We propose to apply Neighbourhood Centrality, which aggregates the network centrality values in a geographic area. We uncover that the neighbourhood eigenvector centrality (influence of the neighbouring rail stations) can explain for up to 79% of the variations in: (1) the age demographics, (2) the choice in transportation mode, and (3) the price and choice of housing. This sheds light on some of the complexities that surround public transport networks and its relation to urban human geography, and can prove useful for the design of future smart city transport systems.

IEEE Keywords

Index Terms—complex network; transport; graph the-ory;


  Cities and systems within cities are seemingly com-plex and the relationships both within a system andbetween them are not always well understood. In the pastcentury, the number of people living in cities has risenfrom 3% to over 50% of the global population. Alongwith rapid technological development, urbanisation hasled to an increase in the growth of cities and the growthof the complexity in cities. The urbanisation trend haspresented new benefits, but it has also created a setof challenges. Existing studies have shown that boththe benefits and challenges of cities scale super-linearlywith the city’s size [1], and the growing global urbanpopulation certainly exasperates the hidden competitionbetween urban improvements and decay. The question,of how different urban features interconnect and relate to one another has become more pertinent than ever.Transport underpins the business life of the city, andconnects the many separate strands of the life in the city.As personal mobility has increased, the existing urbantransport system has come under pressure from conges-tion and delivering efficient services that meet the qualityof experience expected. One way to better understand thedemand of public transport is by understanding how thefeatures of the existing system relates to (affects and isaffected by) the human geography in cities 

Fig. 1. Mapping of the Underground and Overground Rail Network in London: (a) full station and connection map. (b) complex networkversion of the network (not geographically positioned). Node size is proportional to Eigenvector Centrality and darkness of node colour isproportional to Betweenness Centrality. (c) selective network statistics. 


  Transport is one of the most important aspects ofmodern cities and determines both the mobility of labourand influences the well-being of commuters. Yet, thecomplexity of urban systems means that we do notalways understand how public transport relates to humanbehaviour and urban features. Existing studies havelargely analyzed the efficiency of transport separatelyfrom other urban human geography features .

   In this paper, we devise new complex network metricsto suit the understanding of public transport usage.Neighbourhood Centrality aggregates the centrality mea-sure over a small area and the eigenvector centrality isused to measure the influence or importance of a neigh-bourhood. The rationale for this metric is based on thefact that citizens walk to stations of importance in a givenneighbourhood, as opposed to the nearest station. Whenwe correlated the centrality metric against census dataat the ward level, we uncover that the neighbourhoodcentrality metrics can explain up to 79% of the variationsin: (1) the demographic breakdown in age categories, (2)the choice in transportation mode, and (3) the price andchoice in housing. These results shed light on some ofthe complexities that surround transport, and its relationto urban demographics and human geography. In particu-lar, we show a strong bias in demographics towards thoseof working age in neighbourhoods that have importantunderground stations (up to 80%), and a staggering adultto children ratio of 9:1. We also show that the importanceof underground stations in the neighbourhood stronglyaffect the transportation choice, with convex variations inthe percentage that bike to work and strong correlationswith the car ownership and PTAL values. Furthermore,the house price is affected more by the local connectivitypattern of the underground, whereas the percentage offlats and ownership are all affected by neighbourhoodinfluence. 

  The transferability of this methodology to other citiesis direct and straightforward. Only access to publictransport network data is needed. Yet, what can be doneis less straightforward. For now, all we have observedare interesting correlations (without inferring causality)on the relationship between complex network centralitymetrics and urban human geography factors. Theseresults can prove useful for the design of future smartcity transport systems. 


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