معالجة التشوهات في نموذج الارتفاع الرقمي
المنتج من المرئيات المزدوجة
آلية مقترحة
تأليف : نادية بنت عوض السفري
أ.د. علي بن معاضة الغامدي (م. مشارك)
قسم الجغرافيا - كلية الآداب - جامعة الملك سعود - الرياض
المجلة العربية لنظم المعلومات الجغرافية - الجمعية الجغرافية السعودية -السعودية - المجلد 9 - العدد 1- أبريل 2016 - ص ص 94 - 125:
Artifacts Correction Of Dems Produced From Stereo-Pair Images: A Proposed Methodology
Nadiah A. Al-Safri
Ali M. Al-Ghamdi
Dept. of Geography, King Saud University
This study aims at correcting the artifacts of digital elevation model (DEM) commonly associated with the DEMs production from Stereo-pair images. The correction process in this study was accomplished through re-production of the DEM using Ordinary Krigingto remove the artifacts in order to obtain a much more natural looking topographic surface as it appears in reality. Such a correction is therefore regarded to be from a cartographic representation perspective for cases where: 1) obtaining high-quality reference data for correction proved to be difficult or impossible; and 2) thecorrectionprovide a cartographic product which can be accepted from the user perspective, such as the product’s usage will be for pure display or theoretical modeling purposes. Since removal of artifactsusing traditional routines, such as filtering, does not achieve acceptable results, this study proposes a 5-step methodology based on spatial interpolation. The proposed methodology proved to be a successful in obtaining proper results; namely being able to remove most of the artifacts whilst preserving the most of the topographic surface details shown inthe original DEM. Achieving the most possible relative accuracy of the corrected DEM using the proposed methodology is however primarily dependent on judicious application of methodology’s rationale, steps and criteria. Should the users find the methodology meets their requirement, in terms of the methodology’s rationale, it is then fair not ask or expect to find an accuracy higher than that of the original uncorrected DEM.
Key words: DEM, Error, Spatial Interpolation, Kriging.
المصادر والمراجع
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