Functional regionalisation of spatial interaction
data,an evaluation of some suggested strategies
I Masser
Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TB, England
J ScheurwaterU
Instituut voor Planologie, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Utrecht 2506, The Netherlands
Environment and Planning A, 1980, volume 12, pages 1357-1382
Three alternative approaches (the functional distance approach, the iterative proportional fitting based procedure and the intramax procedure) to the functional regionalisation of spatial interaction data are compared and evaluated in this paper. After a general discussion of the basic properties of each approach, the detailed processes that are involved in each case are illustrated by reference to a worked example. The last section of the paper presents the findings obtained by each of these approaches as a result of empirical studies of Greater London, Merseyside, and the Netherlands. The study as a whole identifies a number of ambiguities in the existing literature which point to the need for a more rigorous examination of current methodology. They also suggest that more attention needs to be given to the role that is played by aggregation procedures as against data transformation procedures in the evaluation process. Although each user must decide which of the three methods best suits his particular purposes, the results obtained by means of the intramax procedure seem generally more readily interpretable than those obtained by either of the other two methods.
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