
آخر المواضيع

السبت، 13 أبريل 2019

نظام المعلومات الجغرافي لعيون المياه في الصحراء الغربية في مصر: دراسة في الجغرافيا الطبيعية التطبيقية

نظام المعلومات الجغرافي لعيون المياه

في الصحراء الغربية في مصر

دراسة في الجغرافيا الطبيعية التطبيقية

رسالة مقدمة للحصول علي درجة الماجستير في الآداب

من قسم الجغرافيا بكلية الآداب - جامعة القاهرة 

إعداد الطالبة

مي فتح الله إبراهيم جبريل


أ.د. جودة فتحي التركماني

أستاذ الجغرافيا الطبيعية بكلية الآداب

جامعة القاهرة 



Geographic information system

of springs in western desert of


A study in Applied physical Geography

MA. Thesis Submitted to Geography Department

Faculty of Arts, Cairo University


Mai Fathalla Ibrahim Gebril


Prof.Gouda Fathy Altorkomani

Prof. of Physical Geography -Faculty of Arts, Cairo University




Geographic information system of springs in western desert of Egypt. 

    A study in applied physical geography When groundwater makes its way to the earth’s surface and emerges as small water holes or wet spots, this feature is referred to as a spring. The use of springs as the main source for community water supply is applicable whenever a spring occurs and its yield in terms of quantity and quality ,so the study was talking about the geographic information system of springs in the Western Desert in what the components of this system are and how these components interact in the framework of environmental and geomorphological phenomenon which affects the springs, whether positively or negatively, then finally the environmental assessment study for the springs with detecting the problems that plague the system, and the attempt to present) a number of proposals to keep the usage of the system.

Key Words: Springs, karst springs, western desert, springs box, springs mounds.

Geographic information system of springs in western desert of Egypt: A study in applied physical Geography 


   When groundwater makes its way to the earth’s surface and emerges as small water holes or wet spots, this feature is referred to as a spring. The use of springs as the main source for community water supply is applicable whenever a spring occurs and its yield in terms of quantity and quality ,so the study was talking about the geographic information system of springs in the Western Desert in what the components of this system are and how these components interact in the framework of environmental and geomorphological phenomenon which affects the springs, whether positively or negatively, then finally the environmental assessment study for the springs with detecting the problems that plague the system, and the attempt to present) a number of proposals to keep the usage of the system.

 The study represents the area of Western Desert which is located between 31°45¯, 22° northward and extending between longitudes 32° 5¯ Eastward and westward 25° in about 681 000 km2. It has been analyzing the phenomenon of springs geomorphology and environmentally. This work included five chapters preceded by an introduction and followed by a conclusion as follows :

Chapter on: it has the title (Environmental inputs for geographic information system for the springs of Western Desert) and the regimes that control the spring's system in Western Desert which accounts for 97.1% of total distribution of springs in Egyptian regions. The distribution shows that the springs take the concentrated shape in the depressions, and this explains the second regime of the morph genic of the geological compositions and formations. 

  The Geological formations in our study area started from the lower Cretaceous-age and Holocene deposits, which is also related to areas of weakness in the Earth's crust that are full of fractures, joints and cracks. It shows that 67% of springs in Siwa depression are concentrated in saline deposits while 33% are in the composition of mogara formation, while in bahariya depression we find that all of springs (are) located in bahariya formation.

  The Distribution of springs in Farafra oasis concentration at Khoman formation is 80% and13% of springs are located in Dakhla formation. And in Kharga and Dakhla oasis springs concentration and in Qausir formation and Playa deposits.

   The first chapter also explains land forms that associated with springs distribution like Depression edges, isolated hills, surface drainage wadis, marshes, and sand dunes). The study area is Located in a dry and semi-dry region, so the recharge sources of springs are located outside the study area.

   Depending on the distribution of aquifers, the springs are either in the Nubian aquifer such as Bahariya, Dakhla and Kharga oasis, or carbonate reservoir aquifer such as Siwa and Farfra oasis, then comes the human controls influential on springs from ancient until now, it is constantly increasing in terms of population and urban areas by this control of the positive or negative interaction directly in the springs.

  Chapter two: (Hydro geochemical processes in the springs), this chapter shows the geological structure of aquifers in the study area which about 2.5 million square km and it is a huge artesian reservoir consists of sandstone and some rocks related to ages earlier than Cretaceous till Miocene . This reservoir is divided into three sections, the first section is from the South to Baharyia depression and its waters salinity is less than 500 mg/l, while the second section that includes Siwa and Qattara depressions, and it has mixed waters, then north of to this section there is a section that is characterized by the salinity of its waters, and concentrated of springs at the first section is 72.74% of springs in the Western Desert.

  This chapter also explains the hydrological characteristics of the aquifers that affect the amount of flow to the springs such as recharge areas in a number of regions outside Western Desert, and it demonstrates the movement of ground waters that often moves from southwest to Northeast depending on the slope of the surface to the North and the increased levels of stress bizometric in the South-West to 120 m going down to 20 meters in the North-East. 

  And for the amount of groundwater discharge, we find that Dakhla depression is the highest Withdrawal rate of 280 million cubic meters in 1993, and the lowest rate of discharge is in Siwa depression by 30 million cubic meters. This chapter addressed the geochemical and physical processes in the water through the distribution of positive and negative ions, acidity and alkalinity, and amount of electrical conductivity to some springs.

  Chapter three: (Geomorphological and Environmental processes in the springs), this chapter addresses the Geomorphological processes within the springs which included wind and karestification and groundwater processes, and as a result of the diversity of these processes and its intermittent occurrence by areas of study, even if within the same depression led to different effects on each springs, varied each springs from the other either in shape or geological formations, or even the use of their surrounding environment, then the student shows the springs environment from the field study at the five depressions in Western Desert to be an essential in the output of the system and to identify the dangers.

   Chapter four: (the outputs of geographical information system of springs in western desert ), this chapter is the result of the interaction of inputs either within the framework of hydrogeological or geomorphological and environmental processes, and the output of the system is expressed in setting the oasis fundamentals for sorting the springs according to the operations which they faced, and the attempt to apply these principles to the study area, with the result in terms of use, 80% of springs are used for irrigation, and the result of anthropogenic controls led to that 42% of the total springs are artesian Springs, and for chemical and physical processes, about 74% of the springs are warm springs, and about 83% of the springs are fresh springs, and about 73% of springs are the springs of the water base, and as a result human pressure beneath those springs, 77.7% of the springs were dry springs, and of course occupying most of the springs flat lowlands.

 Chapter five: (Environmental hazards on springs, how to protect it and its future), this chapter shows the hazards that springs are exposed to and whether they are physical hazards such as sand dunes, water evaporation, and human hazards such as pollution of water by human waste or chemical contamination, and instead of The Man becomes a protector to the source of his life, he ruins it by the excessive use of it which made most of the Springs dry and its un ability to flow again.

  This chapter concluded with a solution to protect the springs that are still flowing to maintain this resource importance whether it is historical, economic, touristic importance. The study ended with a final conclusion that includes the most important results that the student reached with a number of recommendations and suggestions for maintaining the continuity of the system use.

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