
السبت، 4 مايو 2019

THE SAR HANDBOOK: Comprehensive Methodologies for Forest Monitoring and Biomass Estimation



Comprehensive Methodologies for Forest
Monitoring and Biomass Estimation

First edition
Published electronically April 2019.

Africa Ixmucane Flores-Anderson • Kelsey E. Herndon • Rajesh Bahadur Thapa • Emil Cherrington Editors

The Synthetic Aperture Radar
(SAR) Handbook: Comprehensive
Methodologies for Forest Monitoring
and Biomass Estimation

Preface by Juliann Aukema & Sylvia Wilson

Foreword by Daniel Irwin


AFRICA I. FLORES-ANDERSON is a Research Scientist at the Earth System Science Center in the University of Alabama in Huntsville, with extensive experience in the applied use of satellite remote sensing for environmental monitoring. She has worked with SERVIR since 2008 starting in Central America, and currently leads the Land Cover Land Use Change and  Ecosystems thematic portfolio of SERVIR-Global from the SERVIR Science Coordination Office at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. She is also the SERVIR-Amazonia Science Coordination Lead. Flores’ research focuses in the applied use of satellite remote sensing for forest monitoring, water quality and ecological forecasting. She is the NASA representative for the SilvaCarbon initiative, and is leading the collaboration between SERVIR and SilvaCarbon to create applied knowledge and capacity throughout the SERVIR network on the use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for forest monitoring and biomass estimation.

 KELSEY E. HERNDON is the Regional Science Associate for Amazonia at the SERVIR Science Coordination Office at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. She is a remote sensing specialist and social scientist whose research interests include water resources, integrating remote sensing to address issues of natural resource management (specifically water scarcity), and mitigating local/regional conflicts over natural resources. Her research at SERVIR has focused on the long term dynamics of ephemeral water bodies in the West African Sahel, and the implications of political, economic, and cultural practices on their use. She is broadly interested in the role of formal and informal institutions in natural resource management, as well as in addressing the challenges that accompany incorporating various scales of social, cultural, and economic data with remote sensing data. Kelsey has an MS in Earth System Science from the University of Alabama in Huntsville and an MA in Anthropology from the University of Alabama.

DR. RAJESH BAHADUR THAPA works at ICIMOD and leads the Capacity Building Programme of SERVIR-HKH, MENRIS and the Group on Land Use, Land Cover Change and Ecosystem Services, Geospatial Solutions. He has over twenty years of experience working in Asia, including in Nepal, Thailand, and Japan. Prior to joining ICIMOD, he was a researcher at Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) working for the Japanese Earth observing missions ALOS, ALOS-2, and PiSAR-L2. He was also a visiting professor at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. He has extensive expertise in SAR, optical, and LiDAR remote sensing data processing and analysis for various applications. His research focus is on monitoring and assessment of terrestrial environments, including forest, agriculture, urban, and disasters thematic areas, as well as the dissemination of Earth observation findings to policy makers, practitioners, university students, and stakeholders through education, capacity building workshops, conferences, and publications. He has conducted extensive research and fieldwork in Indonesia, Japan, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam. He holds a PhD in Geoenvironmental Science from University of Tsukuba (2009), a MSc in Remote Sensing and GIS from the Asian Institute of Technology (2003), and a master's degree in Geography from Tribhuvan University (1998).

DR. EMIL CHERRINGTON is a forest ecologist and remote sensing scientist whose research interests include mapping of forest and land cover types in Central America and French Guiana. While much of his research has focused on the use of multispectral data, he has also dabbled in the use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for forest mapping in Central America using ALOS PALSAR, and Sentinel-1 imagery for detecting forest cover change, and has given workshops focusing on the latter. In his role as a research scientist with the University of Alabama in Huntsville, he currently serves as a co-investigator on the SAR virtual Capacity Building Center (SAR-CBC) project led by Principal Investigator Franz Meyer. He also serves as the Regional Science Coordination Lead for West Africa at the NASA SERVIR Science Coordination Office.


Acknowledgements.......................................................... 5
Preface.............................................................................. 8
Foreword.......................................................................... 10

Chapter 1
Introduction and Rationale.............................. 13

Chapter 2
Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar: Principles, Data Access, and Basic Processing Techniques........................................ 21
Appendix A: SAR Image Processing Routines - Training Module.................................................................................. 44

Chapter 3
Using SAR Data for Mapping Deforestation and Forest Degradation.............................................. 65
APPENDIX B: Getting Started Using SAR for Forest Monitoring - Training Module....................................... 80

Chapter 4
Forest Stand Height Estimation....................173
APPENDIX C: Estimating Forest Stand Height Using L-band SAR - Training Module........................................... 186

Chapter 5
SAR Methods for Mapping and Monitoring Forest Biomass............................................................ 207
APPENDIX D: Mapping Forest Biomass with Radar Remote Sensing - Training Module...................................... 247

Chapter 6
Radar Remote Sensing of Mangrove Forests............... 255
APPENDIX E: Mapping and Monitoring Mangrove Forests with Radar Remote Sensing - Training Module................ 266

Chapter 7
Sampling Designs for SAR-Assisted Forest Biomass Surveys....................................................... 281
APPENDIX F: Sampling Design for Forest Biomass Surveys - Training Module..................................... 290

Chapter 8
Perspectives on the Future Application of SAR in Forest and Environmental Monitoring................................... 297
About the Editors...................................................... 306

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