التذبذب المناخي
وأثره في تباين حدود الأقاليم المناخية في العراق
أطروحة تقدمت بها
أزهار سلمان هادي
إلى مجلس كلية التربية للبنات -جامعة بغداد
وهي جزء من متطلبات نيل شهادة دكتوراه فلسفة في الجغرافية
أ.د. طه رؤوف شير محمد
Climatic fluctuation and its effect on the
variation of regional climatic boundaries
In Iraq
A thesis submitted
To the Committee of College of Women Education University of
Baghdad, as partial of the requirements for the degree of Ph.D in
Azhar Salman Hadi
Supervised By
Prof. Dr. Taha Raouf Sheer Mohammed
2011- 1433
Climate fluctuation is a typical merit of climate in Iraq , in terms of temperature degrees and annual precipitation . Moreover , spatial variations in temperature and amount of rain are well recorded through time . The study aims to explore this phenomena , querying its impacts on the extension of climate regions . Nineteen metrological stations were chosen , covering almost Iraq's area , and monitoring weather features for the period 1970 – 2000. The collected raw data were transformed to standardized scores , to indicate the degree of deviance from the mean , and pick up the extreme ones .
Climate regions delineated according to Kopen formula , indicating four regions : wet , semi-arid , arid , and dry . The spatial extension of these regions do not coincided with those indicated by the study . they are differ in terms of area and orientation . ArcGIS package used to project these differences , calculating the areas covered by each climate type .
In order to map the results , the probability of occurrence of each climate type was calculated for each station . Mean that for each station, the probability of being in any one of the four types of climate was calculated . The results show that Sulaimania station has a (92.9%) chance to classify as wet , and (7.1%) to regard as semi-arid . Singar station exemplify the mid point between wet and semi-arid regions due to its records , (43.3%) for both types . Khanaqin fall in a semi-arid area with (0.733) probability degree . Nasseria is another example of arid and dry region with (0.5) probability for each . Najaf and Dewania recorded (66.7%) of being in dry region . Basra has a chance of (60%) to be arid region .
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