
السبت، 5 أغسطس 2017

توظيف المؤشرات الطيفية للكشف وتحليل التغير في التغطية النباتية للأجزاء الغربية من محافظة الطائف ...

توظيف المؤشرات الطيفية للكشف وتحليل التغير

في التغطية النباتية للأجزاء الغربية من محافظة الطائف

دراسة مقدمة إلى قسم الجغرافیا كمتطلب تكمیلي

لنیل درجة الماجستیر في الجغرافیا

قسم الجغرافیا - كلیة العلوم الاجتماعیة 

جامعة أم القرى 

إعداد الطالبة 

حليمة بنت إبراهيم بن علي الزبيدي 


أ.د. سعد بن سعيد أبوراس الغامدي

الفصل الدراسي الثاني

١٤٣١ھـ - ٢٠١٠م 

Utilizing Spectral Indices To Detect and Analyze the Change in Vegetal Coverage in the Western Parts of the Taif District

A thesis Submitted to the Department of Geography in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master Degree in Geography


Halima Bint Ebraheem Ali Al-Zobaidi

Supervised by

Prof. Saad Aburas Al-Ghamdi

Professor of Remote Sensing and Geographic

Information Systems -Department of Geography

Umm Al-Qura University

1431 AH – 2010 AD

Utilizing Spectral Indices To Detect and Analyze the Change in Vegetal Coverage in the Western Parts of the Taif District


  This study aimed to utilize Spectral Indices in investigating the current vegetation of Taiff District as well as detecting change in the vegetation cover in the last 26 years (1984- 2010). The study also aimed to determine the type and magnitude of change according to vegetal condition and extent, to identify the causes of the changes, to use image processing of satellite data in order to create a database about the extent and condition of vegetation in the study area. The study relies on the processing and analysing satellite data through several professional computer programs including ER Mapper, ERDAS and ArcGIS, where several Spectral Indices were used to evaluate the extent and condition of vegetation and causes of changes. The indices used in this study are OSAVI, VCI, TCI, VHI, CI and NDUI. 

  The study is divided into five chapters, where Chapter One includes research fundamentals. Then, Chapter Two introduces the study area, meanwhile Chapter Three undertakes the current vegetation cover of the study area. Chapter Four focuses on the change in the vegetaƟon cover and its causes in the Ɵme period between 1984 and 2010. Ultimately, the results , findings and the recommendations for further studies were indicated in chapter five. 

  Considering the results of the study, OSAVI index exhibits the deterioration in the vegetation of the study area. This finding is supported by the other indices: VIC, TCI, VHI and CI which generally illustrate the deterioration in the ecosystem in the study area that can be considered now in critical state. The study concluded also the urban expansion was not a factor in the degradation of vegetation cover as it was examined by NDUI. This study recommended an immediate action to protect the remaining vegetation cover, followed by implementing remedial plans to the areas encountered desertification. The results also indicate that the impact of urbanization, which was evaluated by the indicator of NDVI, is almost non-existed. The study concludes by placing great weight on the need to implement preventive plans in order to protect the rest of the vegetation followed by remedial plans for the lands and areas that were exposed to desertification. The study also recommends the expansion of using remote sensing data by the related governmental agencies in the rest of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in order to enhance solutions which can ensure the ecosystem balance.


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