واقع نقل التلاميذ و التلميذات ذوي الإعاقة الحركية
في مدارس التعليم العام بمدينة الرياض
أ. د. عامر بن ناصرعثمان المطير
أ. د. عبد العزيز بن سعد بن حمد المقرن
د. زيد بن عبد الله المسلط المشري
د. عبد الرحمن بن محمد عبد الكريم الصالح
بحوث جغرافية
سلسلة محكمة دورية تصدرها الجمعية الجغرافية السعودية
جامعة الملك سعود الرياض - المملكة العربية السعودية
1436هـ - 2015 م
Reality of Transporting Motionally Disabled
Male & Female Pupils
in Riyadh Public Schools
Prof. Amer N. Almutair
Prof. Abdul Aziz S. H. Almogren
Dr. Zaid A. Almoshary
Dr. Abdul Rahman M. Alsaleh
King Saud University - Riyadh
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
1436 A. H. - 2015 A. D.
Several studies and reports of World Health Organization (WHO) proved that the percentage of the disabled category in the world is not less than 10% of the World’s overall population. This percentage applies to those in the educational age of public schools. A large group of the motionally disabled category is among this percentage. In view of the predominant children percentage in Saudi Arabia’s population and the lack of data, statistics and studies related to motionally handicap category, the topic of this study will focus on the difficulties encountered by motionally disabled pupils, most especially, during the course of conveying them to and from public Schools. The relevant information and Data for this study has been collected from questionnaire papers distributed through the extensive data collection process in order to determine the features of motionally disabled children in public primary, intermediate and high schools (both boys and girls schools) in Riyadh; again, to determine how these children cope with the transportation facilities and the hardships they encounter during educational trips and the scope of convenience of these facilities to them. Information was gathered from about 173 disabled school boys and 190 disabled school girls in Riyadh public schools. This study also benefited from the previous studies related to its subject as well as the experiences of some other countries. Appropriate recommendations were made based on the available outcomes.
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