
آخر المواضيع

الخميس، 21 مارس 2019

Network Analyst tutorial

Network Analyst tutorial


Table of Contents

About the ArcGIS Network Analyst tutorial . . . . . . .. . . . . 3

Exercise 1: Creating a network dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Exercise 2: Creating a multimodal network dataset . . . . . . 13

Exercise 3: Finding the best route using a network dataset .. 26

Exercise 4: Finding the closest fire stations . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Exercise 5: Calculating service areas and creating an OD cost matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Exercise 6: Creating a model for route analysis . . . . . . . . . . 59

Exercise 7: Servicing a set of orders with a fleet of vehicles . . 69

Exercise 8: Finding best routes to service paired orders . . . . . . 89

Exercise 9: Choosing optimal store locations using location-allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

About the ArcGIS Network Analyst tutorial

The ArcGIS Network Analyst extension allows you to build a network dataset and perform analyses on a network dataset. The best way to learn Network Analyst is to use it. In the exercises in this tutorial, you will do the following:

• Use ArcCatalog to create and build a network dataset from feature classes stored within a geodatabase.

• Define connectivity rules and network attributes for the network dataset.

• Perform various network analyses in ArcMap using the Network Analyst toolbar.

• Learn how to use the Network Analyst geoprocessing tools to create models that automate analyses.

To use this tutorial, you need to have ArcGIS installed with the Network Analyst extension and have the tutorial data installed on a local or shared network drive on your system.

Tutorial data

Ask your system administrator for the correct path to the tutorial data if you do not find it at the default installation path (C:\ArcGIS\ArcTutor\Network Analyst\Tutorial).

In this tutorial

• Exercise 1: Creating a network dataset

• Exercise 2: Creating a multimodal network dataset

• Exercise 3: Finding the best route using a network dataset

• Exercise 4: Finding the closest fire stations

• Exercise 5: Calculating service area and creating an OD cost matrix

• Exercise 6: Creating a model for route analysis

• Exercise 7: Servicing a set of orders with a fleet of vehicles

• Exercise 8: Finding best routes to service a set of paired orders

• Exercise 9: Choosing optimal store sites using location-allocation

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